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用英文写在good read上,顺便放在这里。虽然词汇量小有点词不达意的感觉,但是也练习下吧。有点愧疚没有听英文原版,图方便就听了中文版的。特别喜欢这本书,强烈推荐!

I really enjoyed reading this book and it made me so curious of everything about Steve Jobs. He seems to be such a psychopath, always push others to be perfect, so mean to people, but he created such a successful company and products! He is just such an interesting character, just like people worked with him thinks it was so rough to work with him, although he pushed them to achieve things beyond their imaginations.

The author described all aspects of Jobs’ life, the successful part and the terrible mean part, which made this book very interesting.

Some points from the book I think it’s interesting for me:

I am surprise to see that after Steve Jobs’ cancer surgery, he went back to work. He still yelled at people crazily and didn’t become any nicer. (Crazy people don’t change even when he was facing death.)

I liked how he thinks that there is no need to do market research. People don’t really know what they want until you show something to them. That’s the top way to do business!!

Apple is a combination of art and technology. Steve took a class that was not very useful for a long time until he was designing the font for Apple computer. It’s inspiring that something you learned that might not be useful for a moment, but who knows for the future. It just becomes part of your taste and your soul.

Looking at Steve Jobs’ love history, that is pretty interesting too. I could imagine him to be abusive, although he seems to be happily married just once for more than 20 years. Even though his ex whom he proposed twice to thinks him a narcissist, he still found the one. And only this lady, who is beautiful, well-educated, emotionally stable, very tolerable to his bad temper, independent while he is not around, etc, is capable of having a long-term marriage with him. He seems to be so good at reading people and lucky to be able to find this lady, so that he never divorced like many other successful Americans even if he has such terrible temper.

It’s also interesting for me to see how deeply he feels hurt of being adopted. It’s amazing that he was brought up by a normal family, not really a rich and well-educated family, but he achieved so much. I guess America is a great place that it makes less barrier for people without great family background to succeed.

Thinking about his life, even though he is so successful, I would never want to be him. I think no one can be him: the unique characteristics, the interesting two sides of his annoying personality that hurt people but facilitated achievements.

I also liked his speak at Stanford commencement. Three stories of his life, so inspiring. I found it especially inspiring when he talked about he got fired by Apple, the company he created. Then he returned 10 years later, bringing Apple to a higher achievement.

I listened to this book in Chinese for convenience. I wish I could have listened to the original copy, so that I could use more accurate English vocabulary to document some of the thoughts from listening to this book.

本文由 文言宝 整理,转载请保留链接: https://www.wenyanbao.com/html/20221224/3930.html
