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《Selected Stories by O.Henry(欧·亨利短篇小说选)(英文版)》读后感_100字

《Selected Stories by O.Henry(欧·亨利短篇小说选)(英文版)》读后感100字

What a fancy, what an imagination...What impressed me most was the two Thanksgiving gentleman, which made me truly appreciate the charm of human nature.
The story tells of two American gentlemen. One who cant be called a gentleman. He can only be said to be a poor man who has been hungry all the year round. Between them, there is a strange agreement -- the annual Thanksgiving Day.On that day,the poor will sit in the third federal fountain square opposite the pavement next to the east entrance which is on the right side of the bench, wait for the arrival of the old gentleman. Then the old gentleman came with the hungry poor meal. This is a sacred agreement between them. For the old gentleman, a meal is not worth mentioning, but he did find fun from  the help. And the purpose of the poor is not entirely in the meal, more important is to make the old man happy as he wished.This tradition has been lasted for nine years.This is the tenth year of Thanksgiving Day. The poor is on the way to the date site. But something unexpected happened. On the way, the poor meet a residential housekeeper outside a door and the poor can be provided with a big meal. The original residential masters -- two old ladies follow a strange tradition -- at noon the first hungry passerby who passes the door, will let him in and enjoy a hearty meal. Then the poor had a meal before he follow the agreement between old gentleman and him. After the second meal,the poor let his body move and breath.The old gentleman paid the bill, and they left in an opposite direction.
The end of the story is - these two persons are dizzy on the way home.Both of them are sent to the same hospital. The reason for the the poor is because of too much eating , which almost burst his stomach.And the old gentleman who looks like a millionaire but didn’t eat anything for  three days.He is too starving to lay down on the road.
Read this article is like chewing an olive,which is sweet with a hint of sour.It makes people fall in a indifferent smile after ponder a long time.

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