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《Black Beauty - 黑美人 (英文原版)》读后感_100字

《Black Beauty - 黑美人 (英文原版)》读后感100字

A Letter to Black Beauty

——That which dose not kill us makes us stronger

Dear black beauty,

Hello, I am Cherry.

When I first-time to start this new cover, I thought you are a good-manner, high-breed and handsome colt, and you show the manner to this world and you did it as you always to be.

I feel so sad about what you have suffered. As a little horse, you was sent to other place so that you left Birtwick, living far way from your mother, your master and your old friends; and you got sick and nobody helped you, but you can not say anything.

I wonder if you miss the past peaceful time——ate the grass or had a gallop across the meadow out of the sheer spirits being free, listened to the birds, happily observed other ponies talking.

Time has gone by. And you are sold to different places with some bad guys who ill-used animals and make full use of horses.

It is a huge pity for you to go through something like this, but that is life, isn’t it?

When we people was a little child, we will fancy plentiful of amazing stories in our whole life, we hope to become an adult, gathering extraordinary experience and also optimistic to life.

Actually, you become hopeless, dull and sad to yourself but you can not to change the face you fronted.

Black beauty, I know you are such a kind and intelligent horse, I hope you will have a better life.

I am so sorry about Ginger. There is no doubt that she is your best friend, with painful misery to see your best friend past away while she is working. I highly understand it——there is no choice for hoses or for human being no matter now or in the future. They are lonely with their misery. Both of us are pieces of sand in the world with the freedom spirit and willing, so we have to pursue what we really want, and just do it.

Fortunately, you met Jerry’s, they are so kind, thoughtful and considered person, who always show the fine willing to attend you. We should remember those who love us and show our respect to them, heavens bless those warm- hearted person , I really trust it.

Finally, as you come to a another place, where people love you, highly praise you and even know what you want to do, they have promise it if that is what you want to be.

You make me feel sad, and you also make me feel happy, you are actually my old friend too.

Sometimes, human being also suffer a lot, they love writing, talking, drinking and singing. Because they understand what they had done which is not the only forms towards life but help them through the hard time.

When times gone by, everything will be better, so do I.

You have my word—Be a better guy no matter what will happen in the future.

That which does not kill us makes us stronger!



Sep. 8th, 2017

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