1. 憨豆先生有什么名言
People think because I can make them laugh on the stage, I'll be able to make them laugh in person. That isn't the case at all. I am essentially a rather quiet, dull person who just happens to be a performer.
很多人认为我能在舞台上让他们发笑,我就能在现实中让他们发笑. 根本就不是那么回事. 我本来是个相当安静,甚至有点乏味的人,只是碰巧成了演员而已.
To criticize a person for their race is manifestly irrational and ridiculous but to criticize their religion, that is a right. That is a freedom. The freedom to criticize ideas, any ideas - even if they are sincerely held beliefs - is one of the fundamental freedoms of society. A law which attempts to say you can criticize and ridicule ideas as long as they are not religious ideas is a very peculiar law indeed. (Commenting in 2004 on Britain's proposed Racial and Religious Hatred Bill)
因为种族而批评一个人很明显是失去理性和荒谬可笑的, 但是批评他们的信仰,那是一种权利.这是种自由.
如果一个法律试图规定: 你可以批评嘲笑任何思想,只要它们不是关于宗教信仰的,那确实是个奇特的法律.
(04年, 在英国关于种族和宗教的议案上发表的意见)
Mr. Bean is essentially
a child trapped in the body of a man. All cultures identify with children in a similar way, so he has this bizarre global outreach. And 10-year-old boys from different cultures have more in common than 30-year-olds. As we grow up, we acquire this sensibility that divides us.
豆先生其实只是个掉进成年男人身体里的小孩子.所有的文化对儿童的看法都很相似 , 所以他能在全球范围内获得奇妙的成功.
不同文化背景的人,10岁的男孩比30岁的男人有更多的共性. 长大以后, 我们所获得的理性就会把我们彼此区别开来.
2. 憨豆先生有什么名言
People think because I can make them laugh on the stage, I'll be able to make them laugh in person. That isn't the case at all. I am essentially a rather quiet, dull person who just happens to be a performer. 很多人认为我能在舞台上让他们发笑,我就能在现实中让他们发笑. 根本就不是那么回事. 我本来是个相当安静,甚至有点乏味的人,只是碰巧成了演员而已. To criticize a person for their race is manifestly irrational and ridiculous but to criticize their religion, that is a right. That is a freedom. The freedom to criticize ideas, any ideas - even if they are sincerely held beliefs - is one of the fundamental freedoms of society. A law which attempts to say you can criticize and ridicule ideas as long as they are not religious ideas is a very peculiar law indeed. (Commenting in 2004 on Britain's proposed Racial and Religious Hatred Bill) 因为种族而批评一个人很明显是失去理性和荒谬可笑的, 但是批评他们的信仰,那是一种权利.这是种自由. 批评一种观念,任何观念-即使它们是真正的信仰-也是社会的一个基本的自由. 如果一个法律试图规定: 你可以批评嘲笑任何思想,只要它们不是关于宗教信仰的,那确实是个奇特的法律. (04年, 在英国关于种族和宗教的议案上发表的意见) Mr. Bean is essentially a child trapped in the body of a man. All cultures identify with children in a similar way, so he has this bizarre global outreach. And 10-year-old boys from different cultures have more in common than 30-year-olds. As we grow up, we acquire this sensibility that divides us. 豆先生其实只是个掉进成年男人身体里的小孩子.所有的文化对儿童的看法都很相似 , 所以他能在全球范围内获得奇妙的成功. 不同文化背景的人,10岁的男孩比30岁的男人有更多的共性. 长大以后, 我们所获得的理性就会把我们彼此区别开来.。
3. 求憨豆特工十句台词
Trailer Narrator: France doesn''t stand a chance. 预告片解说员:法国并没有带来好运气。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trailer Narrator: France. A country of culture, beauty and peace. It''s always been the perfect place to take a holiday. Until now. 预告片解说员:法国,一个文化的国度,美丽而安宁。它总是一个最适宜度假的地方。
只是从现在开始。[憨豆先生从列车里走出来] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /movies/51515/others/ 才找到两句,送上看片子的地址可以不!!。
4. 黑爵士的经典名句
Blackadder II 'HEAD'
当爱德蒙不幸成为HIGH EXECUTIONER(死刑执行官,通常活不过一星期)时,他去见他的LEGAL TEAM(下属)
Eddie: Right, good morning, team. My name is Edmund Blackadder. I'm the new minister in charge of religious genocide. If you play straight with me, you'll find me a considerable employer. But cross me and you'll discover that under this playful boyish exterior beats the heart of a ruthless sadistic maniac. Now, my man, you are?
爱迪:早上好,同僚们。我的名字叫爱德蒙. 我是负责宗教屠杀的新长官。如果对我直截了当,你们会发现我是个不错的老板。但是跟我对着干,你们会发现这个顽皮孩子气的外表下,跳着一颗无情虐待狂疯子的心。好把,我的雇员,你们是?
能言善辩是Blackadder的突出特点。在《憨豆先生》里难开金口的Atkinson,到了这部剧集里简直讲个不停,好像要把憨豆先生没讲过的话都讲完。有次说他穷得叮当响: 我象一只教堂里的老鼠那么穷,这只老鼠刚收到一张巨额税单,而这一天他的老婆刚和另一只老鼠私奔了,并且卷走了他所有的奶酪。” 篡改Wordsworth的经典诗句:“I have erred and strayed like a lost ox。 I have coveted my father''s adultery。 I have not always honoured my neighbours ass. ” (这个太难翻,看个意思吧)
他骂起人来狠、准、不动声色,彬彬有礼又文绉绉地,比如:“你骑起马来还比不上另一匹马的马术,尊脑袋的尺寸能将一粒沙子映衬得硕大无比”。说他的部下:“根据我长期以来的经验,我部下的艺术才华好比一群关在布袋子里色盲的刺猬”。威胁Baldrick: “难道一定必须这样吗?我们珍贵的友谊真的要以我不得不将你切成碎条这种可悲的方式结束,然后告诉亲王殿下你戴着一定太沉太沉的帽子且一不小心撞上了锋利无比的铁丝网?”
饰演王子乔治的人就是现在当红美剧《豪斯医生》的主演 休-劳瑞(Hugh Laurie)
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