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正如General Electric的前CEO杰克·韦尔奇曾经说过:“一个组织一旦开始因创造利润而奖励不好的人,那么善良的人就变得意志消沉,公司文化就会被糟蹋,而处于中间的人就会被诱惑,认为自己也应该像那些坏人一样做事。而这种情况发生得越多,就越可能继续下去,直到成为常规。” 说得一针见血。
BTW,I'd guess Goldman Sachs's internal culture hasn't changed anymore since the article "Why I am Leaving Goldman Sachs" was written. Two reasons:
One, company culture is very hard to change. It's especially hard to change in the direction of having more common purpose and self-sacrifice.
Two, Goldman's culture is part of a shift that has been going on in the industry for decades. If you read Michael Lewis's excellent books Liar's Poker and The Big Short, you can learn about the big picture.
A lot of things have changed, but one of the biggest is that a lot of major finance firms used to be partnerships. Partnerships give partners long-term incentives to look after their clients and the value of the brand. If your wealth and the comfort of your retirement is strongly linked to how well your colleagues treat clients, you'll apply a lot of pressure to your colleagues. Now, however, places like Goldman Sachs are publicly traded. Most of the risk is now borne not by Goldman Sachs partners, but by outside investors.The incentives tip more toward short-term profit.

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