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1. 店员在店铺常用句子(英语)

Good morning/ afternoon/evening/night! 早上好!中午好!晚上好!晚安! Nice/Glad to meet/see you .很高兴遇见/见到你。

1.顾客进入商店时,店主或店员的常用语: What can I do for you ? Can (May) I help you ? Is there anything I can do for you ? May (Can) I do something for you ? 以上各句均可译作“我能帮你吗(您要什么)?” 2.店主或店员想了解顾客想要什么、喜欢什么或向顾客推荐物品时的用语: Which shirt (pen。) do you like ? 你想买哪一件衬衫(笔……)? What size(colour、kind。

)do you want ? 你想买哪种型号(颜色、种类……)? Do you like this size (colour、kind…)?你喜欢这种型号(颜色、种类……)吗? Is this (Are these)all right? 这个(这些)可以吗? What about these(those) ?这些(那些)怎么样? What else would you like?你还想要点什么? 3.顾客要告诉店主或店员想买什么时的用语: Can you show me…? 你能给我看看……吗? I would like(want) some…. 我想买……。 Have you got any…? 你们有……吗? I'm looking for….我想买……。

4.顾客向店主或店员询问价钱或讨价还价时,可以说: How much is it (are they) ?多少钱? How much do you ask for it (them) ?这个(些)你要多少钱? What does it come to ? 一共多少钱? Can it(they) be cheaper ? 能便宜点吗? That's too much dear. 太贵了。 Can you sell it for two yuan ? 两元钱你卖吗? Can you come down a little ? 能便宜一点吗? How much do you want ? 你想要多少钱? 5.顾客选购物品时,店主和顾客之间交谈的常用语: May I have a look at it(them) ? 我可以看看吗? Can I try it(them)on ? 我可以试一试吗? …is (are) over there. ……在那儿。

打折--discount 尺寸--size 价格--price 面料--surface Is it for you or for others? What color do you like?你喜欢什么颜色 We have light blue and white! 我们有浅蓝色,白色 This suit can match your pants.这个西服很配你的裤子。 How about this one? Do you like this design? 这个怎么样?你喜欢这种设计么? What is your size? 你的尺寸多大? Its available tomorrow afternoon.明天下午有货。

You can try it on! 你可以试穿一下。 The fitting-room is over there! 试衣间在那边。

Please follow me! 请跟我来。 This one looks good! 这件看上去很好。

Does it fit? 合身么? It fits you very well. 很合身。 You look beautiful in. 你穿这件很漂亮。

This material is good quality and holds quite well. 这种材料质量很好狠耐穿。4.How many designs? 有几个款式?3 designs .三个款式。

5.How many colors? 有几种颜色? 3 colors. Red, yellow and blue. 3种颜色,红、黄、蓝。12. Any discount?有折扣吗? 13.Cheaper?可以便宜一点吗?14.Show me this!这个拿下来看看。

15.Good quality or ordinary quality?质量好的还是普通的? 16.¥180 for a set . 180元一套。

2. 关于商店的英语句子\


Customers who shop once a week



As a result you would shop longer at the store, actually enjoy being there and therefore come back more often.



If they had been faced with the bill they'd have shut up shop and fled the country.



The barber shop where Rodney sometimes had his hair cut



He set up shop as an independent PR consultant.


3. 5道关于服装英语的句子翻译

1.Temporary stitch sewing thread and fabrics of color should be a little contrast.2.The most common use of false joints are uniformly continuous stitches.3.Hand needle track in need of permanent stitches sewing machine sewing but also not very satisfactory place.4.This pin applies to the thickness of the fabric etc5.Lining fabrics are an additional layer, the role of great。

4. 谁能给我一些关于卖服装的简单英语句子

顾客:how much is this shirt? (这件上衣多少钱,他们也可以把shirt换成别的词,例如pants,jacket,shoes,hat等等,但复数的时候会用how much are these。.)

你:it's。.Yuan (或者they are。.Yuan)

顾客:what is it (are they) made out of? (是用什么材料做成的)

你:one hundred percent cotton (百分之百纯棉,你也可以说别的材料)

顾客:is there anyway to make the price go down (有没有可能便宜一点)

你:sorry,that's the price we have(对不起,这就是我们的价钱)

I can give you a ten percent discount (我可以给你十折)

5. 5道关于服装英语的句子翻译


For temporary stitch, the colour of the thread should contrast with the fabric a little.


The most common used of basting is continuously even stitches.


Hand stitch is used for where permanent stitches are needed,but it would be unsatisfied if use sewing machines.


This pin applies to the fabric with middle thickness.


The lining is the additional layer for the shell,and it is very useful.

6. 关于服装店英语用语问题,请真正高手回答



Please wait a minute,I'll check out the stock.only a few minutes.


Sorry,the size you need is out of stock, but you order in advace,maybe a week or so,we call you the moment we have.


Sorry, the size M of this sort is sold out.Would you mind try L on?


Thank you,welcome again.


Sir ,wait in queue.


7. 英语作文,关于服装店的

Clothing store

We have heard very familiar with the clothing store, which is the amount you-sew clothing.

I have a dream that in the future to open a clothing store of their own, sound equipment, a comfortable environment for people, not very high, is sufficient.

In my mind, clothing stores, not just the production of clothing, only to the people of the United States and a reflection of my thinking is, I have to let everyone through their clothing did not reflect all confident, happy Life, happy to spend every day in order to put on clothing to change views.

I am confident that I will succeed, I will change the meaning of clothing, but to reflect all of the United States.

本文由 文言宝 整理,转载请保留链接: https://www.wenyanbao.com/html/20230106/26445.html
