《Phantom of the Opera - 歌剧魅影 (英文原版)》读后感700字
作者:Gaston leroux内容简介:讲述了一个长相丑陋的可怕的人物埃里克对克莉丝汀病态的爱慕,采取了各种手段帮助克莉丝汀成为歌剧院中最好的歌者,也强迫她不与罗尔在一起。最后埃里克发觉到自己病态的爱并没有办法得到克里斯汀真正的心,于是退出了克里斯汀的世界。从此克里斯汀与自己相爱的罗尔一起远走。人物:埃里克:因长相丑陋被父母嫌弃,幼时离家出走,饱受世人嫌弃的他不得不四处流浪,以表演魔术和歌唱为生。因魔术技艺高超,曾被两个国家的国王收入旗下,参与一些秘密政治暗杀。由于知道的太多,被追杀迫害。在daroga的帮助下逃脱。埃里克萌生想过正常人的生活的想法,化身建筑工参与歌剧院地基的修筑,暗中给歌剧院地窖装上了各种机关通道。自己也住在了里面,认识了克里斯汀并爱上了这个善良的女孩。为帮助她成为歌剧院的歌后,耍了很多诡计,然而却始终没有得到克里斯汀的芳心。最终只好将克里斯汀拱手相让。
波斯人:救过埃里克的命,知道埃里克大部分的秘密。看不下去埃里克拆散鸳鸯的做法,出手帮助罗尔解救克里斯汀。观后感:Gaston lereox,the writer of this marvelous tale,was renowned as a French journalist and an author of detective fiction.He depicted vividly through his euphuistic sentences the two lovers and particularly the horrible image of Eric,the trap-door lover.
From every aspect that Gaston wrote,I can feel the strong hatred from the bottom of Erics heart,when he appeared as an ugly monster terrifying everyone else away from him in the real world,when he did everything for these emperors but only received death execution,when he was torn down the mask by the woman who he deeply loved,Christine,when ~I couldnt help wondering if the poor Eric had been as good-looking as Raoul,would he have been loved byChristine ?
However as the saying goes,when god closes a door,he always opens a window.Apparently,nothing could rob the artistic and magic talent of him,he was soon at the fountainhead of art and magic,and this could explain why he had the ability to make tricks on people who hold up his plans.
Despite of all his talents,Eric seemed to be the person we should pity the most.As a trap-door lover,he could torture others in different ways but he was indeed trapped by himself,longing for someone to rescue him from the shadow of loneliness.We can see for the poor man,even just a little kiss on his forehead could make his eyes filled with tears of gratitude. Actually,I was totally impressed by the scene,where the so-called monster kneeled down to kiss Christines feet.Poor Eric!He was abandoned by the real world,yet found himself alive when Christine came into his life. I exactly know that feeling,its just like when u were lost in the journey in a Desert,fortunately u came across a rippling stream,which almost saved your life!
I dont really want to give any depiction on the two lovers ,the opposite of hatred is love.They were able to give and receive love ,for the simple reason that they were leading a normal life as everyone else were.In the contrast,Eric never had that chance to do so.
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