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1. 关于花的英语句子

Flowers on the slope look like a group of yellow butterflies.(斜坡上的花朵看上去象一群黄蝴蝶)

Those red roses lying on you writing-desk quietly, are picked from the Garden of my mind.(躺在你写字台上的那些红玫瑰采之我心的花园。)

Undefiled orange flowers are blossoming in the forest.


The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun.


2. 关于花的美文,英文的

The Most Beautiful Flower 推荐理由: 生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛;生活中不是缺少快乐,而是缺少感受快乐的心。

如果双目失明,我们是不是一定不快乐?如果健健康康,我们是不是一定快乐?它再一次告诉我们,快乐在心。 The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read Beneath the long, straggly branches of an old willow tree. Disillusioned by life with good reason to frown, For the world was intent on dragging me down.And if that weren't enough to ruin my day, A young boy out of breath approached me, all tired from play. He stood right before me with his head tilted down And said with great excitement, "Look what I found!"In his hand was a flower, and what a pitiful sight, With its petals all worn - not enough rain, or too little light. Wanting him to take his dead flower and go off to play, I faked a small smile and then shifted away.But instead of retreating he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and declared with surprise, "It sure smells pretty and it's beautiful, too. That's why I picked it; here, it's for you."The weed before me was dying or dead. Not vibrant of colors, orange, yellow or red. But I knew I must take it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower, and replied, "Just what I need."But instead of him placing the flower in my hand, He held it mid-air without reason or plan. It was then that I noticed for the very first time, that weed-toting boy could not see: he was blind.I heard my voice quiver, tears shone like the sun. As I thanked him for picking the very best one. "You're welcome," he smiled, and then ran off to play, Unaware of the impact he'd had on my day.I sat there and wondered how he managed to see a self-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree. How did he know of my self-indulged plight? Perhaps from his heart, he'd been blessed with true sight.Through the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see, the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. And for all of those times I myself had been blind, I vowed to see beauty, and appreciate every second that's mine.And then I held that wilted flower up to my nose and breathed in the fragrance of a beautiful rose And smiled as that young boy, another weed in his hand About to change the life of an unsuspecting old man.应该可以吧~。

3. 关于花的美文,英文的

The Most Beautiful Flower 推荐理由: 生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛;生活中不是缺少快乐,而是缺少感受快乐的心。

如果双目失明,我们是不是一定不快乐?如果健健康康,我们是不是一定快乐?它再一次告诉我们,快乐在心。 The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read Beneath the long, straggly branches of an old willow tree. Disillusioned by life with good reason to frown, For the world was intent on dragging me down.And if that weren't enough to ruin my day, A young boy out of breath approached me, all tired from play. He stood right before me with his head tilted down And said with great excitement, "Look what I found!"In his hand was a flower, and what a pitiful sight, With its petals all worn - not enough rain, or too little light. Wanting him to take his dead flower and go off to play, I faked a small smile and then shifted away.But instead of retreating he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and declared with surprise, "It sure smells pretty and it's beautiful, too. That's why I picked it; here, it's for you."The weed before me was dying or dead. Not vibrant of colors, orange, yellow or red. But I knew I must take it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower, and replied, "Just what I need."But instead of him placing the flower in my hand, He held it mid-air without reason or plan. It was then that I noticed for the very first time, that weed-toting boy could not see: he was blind.I heard my voice quiver, tears shone like the sun. As I thanked him for picking the very best one. "You're welcome," he smiled, and then ran off to play, Unaware of the impact he'd had on my day.I sat there and wondered how he managed to see a self-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree. How did he know of my self-indulged plight? Perhaps from his heart, he'd been blessed with true sight.Through the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see, the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. And for all of those times I myself had been blind, I vowed to see beauty, and appreciate every second that's mine.And then I held that wilted flower up to my nose and breathed in the fragrance of a beautiful rose And smiled as that young boy, another weed in his hand About to change the life of an unsuspecting old man.应该可以吧~。

4. 春天的花中英文优美句子





this time do not miss the opportunity, alice like a gust of wind chasingafter the past. when the mouse heard it, he jumped out of the water,trembling. "it's gone, what a pity!" when the mouse left sight, parrot justsighed, old crab took the opportunity of saying to her daughter: "oh, mydear, this is a lesson to tell you never to lose your temper."

5. 给我一个关于彼岸花的英语或者英语句子

How graceful the poem is! So would like to keep in file. Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have with ered. Your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Some-thing in your eyes,whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down,tears surge out. Hot summer.Cheerful Cocktail. You took my hand. We fled into another world of band. You sat by my side, long hair tied behind,cool and killing.Smile floating on the lemonade,soft and smooth.How I was? amazed.Your face looked like the cover of the magazine.My head spin. You led my hand,danced along the crazy theme. Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance,laughing covered by greetings, the crowed was busy at handshaking.You stoodthere, eyes on me. I trembled at the sparkles, centerer than the light. A masterpiece from God, I felt dizzy. We were not near, yet we were togeth-er. Days ended. You said, you would wait for me at the Alps side.We would ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky. I gave no answer but a good-bye to ac-company your flight. Gone was the plane,I suddenly tasted my pain. I knew I had been silly and stupid,you were in my heart, I shouldn't have hidden in the dark. I tried to forget your disappointment. I made be-lieve sometime someday,I would tell you, I feel all the same. My thought struggled at confessing, somehow hesitation ended in flinching. I continued my role of a fool, clinched to my maiden pride, yet secretly in-dulged in your promise of the white land --snow measuring down to us, in your arms I am lifted up. The chiming of Christmas bell! The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain. Tearful smile, swal-lowed by the darkness.How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears? My hands reached out,catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered. Snowflakes have melted into water, we are no more together. (TRANSLATION) 此处寒兮,彼处亦寒。

枯叶凋零兮,君当何人属欤? 君面惨淡忧郁兮,相看带笑泪眼。 君热泪盈盈复喃喃喁唧兮,别亦难。

沉落兮,泪涌似涛自难抑。 当忆酷夏兮,鸡尾酒会欢娱。

君执妾手兮,沉醉于二人世界里。 君坐妾之侧兮,髻发高束;英姿勃发兮,酷毙。

笑逐颜开兮,温润如玉。 讶君之面兮,再世吕布周郎。

心荡漾兮,手为君执;和曲起舞兮,癫狂。 灯盏相辉兮,芳雅相应;祝辞笑浪起伏兮,芸芸相送急。

君且立一旁兮,美目探妾。 妾莹灯下伫立兮,心动不已。


旧日已逝兮,如梦。 会当临于阿尔卑斯山侧兮,滑雪于雪花飞舞之穹下。

欲说还休兮,惟祈安康。 航机渐逝兮,妾心将苦。

深知妾之愚钝兮,然君已窃妾心;妾当不可漠然兮,黯然彷徨。 妾亦尝忘君兮,恐失之交臂。

信有时兮,告君心迹。 挣于忏悔兮,退缩犹豫。


然钟声忽止于急雨兮,但闻撒旦之欢声笑语。 含泪倩笑兮,吞泯于暗黑。

欲将君之发揾君之泪兮,可欤?伸手所触兮,惟一叶飘零一滴飘洒。观积雪融兮,叹与君各在天涯 转载自:。

6. 有关雏菊的英文句子 唯美的

Daisy petals layer after layer, like a yellow honey sandwiches.

雏菊的花瓣一层又一层, 就像带有黄色蜂蜜的三文治.

They were gathering the pink sulla, purple wisteria, mixing them with orange and lemon blossoms.

她们正在采摘粉红色的雏菊和紫红色的紫藤, 打算再摘些柑橘花柠檬花掺杂在一起.

The lad departed, and Durbey lay waiting on the grass and daisies in the evening sun.

小伙子转身走去, 德北在夕阳中的野草和雏菊上,仰卧等候.

End of the story, the painted daisies in full bloom, Jian Man with blood.

故事的结尾, 盛开着雏菊的画上, 溅满了鲜血.

Bright yellow and orange daffodils grow next to my white daisies.


7. 什么花的英文最好听

中国水仙new year lily 自尊/单恋 石榴pomegranate 相思/永生 月桂victor\'s laurel 胜利/不诚实 报春花polyanthus 初恋/自作多情 木棉cotton tree 热情 紫丁香lilac 青春的回忆 吊钟lady\'s eardrops 尝试/热心 紫荆chinese redbud 故情/手足情 百合lily 纯净/神圣 紫罗兰wall flower 信任/爱的羁绊 桃花peach 被你俘虏 紫藤wistaria 沉迷的爱 杜鹃azalea 爱的快乐/节制 铃兰lily-of-the-valley 纤细/希望/纯洁 牡丹tree paeony 富贵/羞怯 银杏ginkgo 长寿 芍药paeony 害羞 蝴蝶兰moth orchid 幸福/纯洁/吉祥 辛夷violet magnolia 友情/爱自然 蟹爪仙人掌christmas cactus 锦上添花 玫瑰rose 爱情/爱与美 郁金香tulip 名誉/慈善/美丽 茶花common camelia 美德/谦逊 千日红common globe-amaranth 永恒的爱/不朽 非洲堇african vioet 永恒的美 天人菊indian blanket 团结/协力 栀子花cape jasmine 喜悦/纯洁 木槿rose of sharon 劝告/短暂的美 风信子hyacinyh 悲哀/永远怀念 百子莲african lily 爱的来临 牵牛花morning glory 爱情/依赖 君子兰kafir lily 宝贵/高贵 荷包花lady\'s pocketbook 聚集财富 含笑花banana shrub 矜持/含蓄 非洲菊african daisy 神秘/兴奋 含羞草esnsitive plant 敏感 茉莉arabian jasmine 你属于我/亲切 猪笼草pitcher plant 财源广进 凌霄花creeper 好高骛远 树兰orchid tree 平凡而清雅 康乃馨caronation 温馨/慈祥 鸡冠花cockscomb 永生/爱美/痴情 荷花lotus 神圣/纯洁 鸢萝cypress vine 关怀/依附 菩提bo-tree 结婚/圣洁 大理花dahlia 移情别恋/优雅 圣诞百合christmas bell 温暖的心 一串红scarlet sage 热切的思念 紫薇crape myrtle 圣洁/喜悦/长寿 勿忘草forget-me-not 不要忘记我 睡莲water lily 信仰/纯洁的心 文心兰dacing lady 乐不思蜀 吊兰spider plant 无奈/还有希望 白头翁pappy anemone 坚忍/背信之恋 向日葵sunflower 爱慕/光辉/高傲 矢车菊cornflower 纤细/优雅/幸福 竹bamboo 君子/平安 金鱼草snapdrgon 傲慢/好管闲事 夹竹桃oleander 深刻友情/谨慎 金盏花pot marigold 离别之痛/迷恋 扶桑china rose 体贴之美/纤细 金银花japanese honeysuckle 真诚的爱/羁绊 长春花old maid 愉快的回忆 金莲花garden nasturium 爱国心 秋海棠begonia 亲切/诚恳/单恋 非洲凤仙african touch-me-not 不要碰我 美人蕉canna 妄想/猜疑 曼佗罗angel\'s trumpet 恐怖/敬爱 晚香玉tuberose 危险边缘的快乐 梅花flowering apricot 忠实/坚毅 野姜花ginger lily 无聊 圣诞红common poinsettia 祝福你/付出 菊花chrysamthemum 清廉/高洁 虞美人iceland poppy 安慰/遗忘/休息 昙花epiphyllum 热情/短暂 鸢尾iris 优雅的心/使命 龙胆royal blue 最爱忧伤时的你 腊梅winter sweet 依恋/慈爱 麒麟花bojers spurge 自卫 木芙蓉cotton rose 纤细之美 九重葛paper flower 夏日恋情/陶醉 火鹤花flamingo flower 燃烧的心/烦恼 三色堇tricolor viola 思念/爱的告白 嘉德丽亚兰cattleya 敬爱/善意/倾慕。

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