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1. 关于描写夕阳的英语语句

The sunset is very beautiful and lovely. Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city.(英语 作文) When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the GREen fields. the clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful. When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball. Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red. When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn GREy and the mountains become black. Then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature。

2. 用Sunset造个唯美的英文句子

1.The sunset was merely a flush of rose on a dome of silver. 银灰色的天穹上,落日只剩下最后一抹玫瑰色的余辉。

2.May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset! 愿你的生命中有足够的云翳来造成一个美丽的黄昏! 3.Just as the sunset,their love was so strong and beautiful for one time but only destined to be a memory for ever. 就像西沉的落日一样,他们一度如此强烈而美丽的爱注定只会成为永远的记忆. 4.Clouds come floating into my life from other days no longer to shed rain or usher storm but to give colour to my sunset sky. 从别的日子里飘浮到我的生命里的云,不再落下雨点或引起风暴了,而给予我的夕阳的天空以色彩。

3. 关于日落的优美句子






明代当涂诗人陶安的《 采石晚渡》诗:“残霞远树水云中,淮甸江乡有路通。沙影分开晴浪白 ,橹声摇落夕阳红。风前宿鹭投疏苇,岸上征人望短篷。幸有娥眉解迎客,无劳更叹暮途穷。”

元代著名画家吴镇的《子久春山仙隐》诗:“山家处处面芙蓉,一曲溪歌锦浪中 。隔岸游人何处去?数声鸡犬夕阳红。”

苏曼殊七绝《 吴门》(十一首其八):“万树垂阳任好风,斑雉西向水田东。莫道碧桃花独艳,淀山湖外夕阳红。”


赵 翼五律《太湖暮归》:“暝色湖波净,舟行似镜中。天连秋水碧,霞借夕阳红。鹭饱翎梳雪,牛归尾掉风。苇间闻鼓木世,晚唱起渔翁。” 千山一碧 万山丛中 千姿百态 山石壮胆 山明水秀

山清水秀 山高树茂 谷下有谷 青山绿水 青海青山

峰上有峰 清逸秀丽 寸草不生 耸立云霄 云雾缠绕

奇峰耸立 巍然屹立 山势雄伟 群山簇立 千山万岭


















4. 关于日落的经典语句


2、又过了一会儿,太阳像人眯起的眼睛一样,只剩下一条缝了。渐渐地,太阳看不见了,云变白 了,天变黑了。

我对妈妈说:“日落真美啊!” 3、火红火红的太阳就快下山了,我跑下楼,目不转睛的望着美丽的日落。 4、朝阳把它的光芒射向湖面,微风乍起,细浪跳跃,搅起满湖碎金。

5、当太阳慢慢下降,当第一抹夕阳照亮了稻田,稻田顿时变得金灿灿的,当第一抹夕阳照亮了树 杈,树杈变的金绿金绿的,当第一抹夕阳照亮了远方的树,树变的朦胧的金色,当第一抹夕阳照亮了 远方的天际,天际外我看到了希望。 6、啊!那一抹夕阳,夕阳照亮了花,我看到了美丽,夕阳照亮了树;我看到了茁壮,夕阳照亮了天; 我看到了明天的朝霞,后天的希望!从屋里走来,那金碧辉煌的太阳立刻夺去了我的双眼,顿时我的眼 睛金光万丈! 7、傍晚,太阳收敛起刺眼的光芒,变成一个金灿灿的光盘。

那万里无云的天空,蓝蓝的,像一个 明净的天湖。慢慢地,颜色越来越浓,像是湖水在不断加深。

远处巍峨的山峦,在夕阳映照下,涂上 了一层金黄色,显得格外瑰丽。过了一会儿,太阳笑红了圆脸,亲着山峦的头,向大地、天空喷出了 红彤彤的圆脸,这就是美丽的晚霞。

太阳显示了自己的美容,快活地一跳,消失在西山背后了。 8、渐渐的,夕阳收敛起他最后的光芒,还来不及说一声再见,便垂下头去,合上了双眼,静静地 睡去了。

再看原先的那群追随者,也适时收敛起兴致,变幻成暗 云,等待夕阳的再次到来。暮色暗淡, 残阳如血,黄河边上如镶金边的落日,此时正圆,光芒四射,刺人眼膜如梦似幻,好不真实。

最后一 丝残阳打在地上与暗淡黄 的沙漠融为一体,金光璀璨,吞天沃日。 9、太阳被一朵巨大的云盖住了,只留下了一丝一缕的红霞。

那红霞好像一个牧羊人和一群羊,赶 着赶着,浙浙消失在天空中又像巨大的黑熊在进食,我站累了,一蹲下。发出了一点儿声音,巨熊便 猛地冲来。

突然间又消失了。 10、太阳淡下去,剩下深红的半圆,被树枝挂住。

11、夕阳,如同一团燃烧着的火,越烧越旺,把西天烧成血红色;夕阳,仿佛一颗跳动着的心,正 在同黑暗作着顽强的斗争。 12、俯瞰小镇的黄昏,宛如天河里坠落了一弯金色的月亮,亲吻着故乡的田园,从炊烟袅袅的村 寨里,不时地传几声狗吠鸡鸣,仿佛是一个遥远、朦胧的梦。

13、梦幻般的金色顶在头上,远处的山披上了金纱,一切一切都是金黄金黄的,就连自己呼出的 气息也像受到了感染。我这才意识到,已经傍晚,要日落了。

14、此时,太阳的脸是鲜红鲜红的,它的光像是被谁掠去了似的,不再耀人眼目,而是十分柔和 明亮。它向西缓缓地退着,像个俏丽的少女一样温存、恬静。

15、开始,它还是一团光球,非常的刺眼,我不敢正眼看它。这光球还像一个固定住的氢气球一 样悬在天空,一直不降落。

我期盼着它快落下去,好看到日落的美丽景象,可它下得慢极了。 16、黄昏是此岸,是破晓前最飘逸的伏笔;黄昏是彼岸,是破灭前最惬意的结局。

此岸,彼岸,连 接起来,便是整个人生。笑叹红尘,东边,谁在为谁谱着歌;西边,依旧黄昏,烟云而过。

17、渐渐的,夕阳收敛起他最后的光芒,还来不及说一声再见,便垂下头去,合上了双眼,静静 地睡去了。再看原先的那群追随者,也适时收敛起兴致,变幻成暗云,等待夕阳的再次到来。

18、我站在窗前,凝望着那朵毫无瑕疵的白云,或许是在蓝天的衬托下吧,她显得出特有的纯洁 与端庄,正如同淑女般漫步在天空中。忽然,她一下子涨红了脸,变得是那么的羞涩而又妩媚。


人们有的在游泳,有的在捡贝壳,有的在嬉 戏,欢声笑语像海浪一样一阵高过一阵。清凉的海水洗去了人们一身疲劳,一身炎热,使人感到轻松 爽快。

20、辽阔无边的草原被红艳艳的朝阳填上了一层金。草叶上的露珠像是镶在翡翠上的宝石,泛着 五颜六色的光华。

红的、白的、黄的、蓝的、紫的,各式各样的野花,把碧绿的草原装扮得比花园还 美丽。 21、很快,太阳的形状从圆形半圆形,到不规则的形状,越来越小,眼看即将消失。

太阳仿佛无 限留恋这个世界,努力把光照射在大地上。他拼尽全力,迸射出今天的最后一缕金光,就消失在群山 的怀抱中。

22、黄昏,可能是一抹云霞受了夜的嘱托,悬挂在西方的天穹,也可能是温馨夜降临的前幕,但 是无论怎样,黄昏都是那么的迷人,不仅因为它的彩云朵朵,更是它能抱一一种毁灭自我来阐释夜的 真谛的决心。 23、紫色夜幕即将垂下,日落时的宁静深沉,仿佛影响着我们的情感与生命,伟大的灵魂已然彻 悟,落日恬静而清明的禅意。

仿佛落日一样,散发尽所有的光和热,随后重新寻找生命的源头,从而 使生命走向永恒。 24、现已是黄昏。

残阳依山,夹杂着片片鳞波的湖面,显得那么优柔缠绵。柳叶在这凄凉的背景 下,也变的沉默,水中的鱼儿更是婉转,回缠。


5. 描写日落的优美句子




《乡 思 》[宋]李 觏 人言落日是天涯,望极天涯不见家。

《渔家傲》(范仲淹) 千嶂里,长烟落日孤城闭。

《杂曲歌辞·水调歌第一》 平沙落日大荒西,陇上明星高复低

白居易 《和元八侍御升平新居四绝句·高亭》 好看落日斜衔处,一片春岚映半环。

杜牧 《齐安郡中偶题二首》 两竿落日溪桥上,半缕轻烟柳影中

李白 《登新平楼》 天长落日远,水净寒波流

杜甫 《落日》 落日在帘钩,溪边春事幽。芳菲缘岸圃,樵爨倚滩舟。啅雀争枝坠,飞虫满院游。浊醪谁造汝,一酌散千忧。

《使至塞上》 (王维·唐) 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。











6. 描写风景的英语优美句子


A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!


An ancient windmill, windmill's wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color!





A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart 。。 the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girl's smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly 。。

Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcuma fragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream?




The high construction is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in the beautiful scene 。

7. 帮我找一篇用英语写的日落的文章

Topic -Friend 1.I define friendship as a kind of ever-support and trust. As an English saying stated, a friend in need is a friend in indeed. A friend is someone you cannot only share happiness with, but also a person beside you who can comfort and encourage you when you feel low. All kinds of people who are kindhearted are likely to be my friends. As every person has a variety of sides, you may find a person disagreeable to you at first sight, but if you have the chance of getting together more and communicating more, you may somehow find him/her attractive to you. 2.The way I choose friends is quite natural. I regard kindness as the basic quality of my friends. Actually, no one enjoys making friends with a selfish person. I don't have a definite standard of choosing friends, so anyone who shares common ideas, experiences or interests are likely to be my friends. We should at least have something to talk when we are together. To set up a higher standard, my good friends usually have similar personalities with me. Loyal friends may point out your mistake, but you will never be fastidious about each other. Topic-Career 1.I would like to be a language teacher in the future, not an English teacher in China, but a Chinese teacher in western countries. I appreciate our Chinese culture so much that I long to spread it to international friends. On the other hand, it is explicit that communication is playing an extremely important role in international affairs; a large number of foreign businessmen are therefore trying to learn Chinese to bridge the gap of communicating with their Chinese partners. At the same time, there are so many international friends admiring splendid Chinese culture so much that they want to master Chinese to make a close study of Chinese culture. I think the most important quality of being a Chinese teacher is the ability to teach and communicate. That's to say, you can teacher your students well and in the same way, make them happy to learn. 2.I would like to choose responsible, capable and sensible to describe myself in 10 years' time, because responsibility, capability and sensibility are three precious qualities that I am trying to gain. Ten years later, I will be a 27-year-old lady, and I will have much more things to be responsible for, my family and my job, for example. The future society will require more of modern people, and the competitive will make me more hardworking and more capable and sensible in the same time. 3.17. In my childhood, my ambition was to conquer the world and made it turn in the way I liked. That sounds selfish and certainly impossible now. I begin to learn that sometimes we should change ourselves rather than try to change the others, and my ambition now is to improve myself so as to make some positive influence on the others and the society. Another ambition of mine is to open a chain of boutiques all around the world. In this way, more people will know my style and I can find more people sharing the same tastes with me. Topic-Society 1.21. I think the most practical contribution I can make to our society is working hard and improving my all-around quality. As stated before, I would like to teach foreigners Chinese in the future. I can spread Chinese culture in this way, and make an indirect contribution to their cooperation with China. And also, if I make a lot of money in the future, I will certainly give part of it out to support students in poor areas to go on with their study. This may be a long-term contribution to our society. 2.22. I think that the teenagers' major work is the study knowledge inside the classroom and improve their all-around ability outside the classroom. To construct our country, modern ideas and technology is obviously needed, but they should also have the ability to communicate with others and deal with difficulties, to name but a few. Explicitly, they can learn knowledge in the school; on the other hand, they can improve their social skills by performing society practice. 3.23. I don't think that China will become the most advanced country in 20 or 30 years. As we all know, a stable international pattern has been formed and it is hard to change it. China has a large population, we may improve 1 million people's living standard easily, but is it possible to change 1 billion or more than 10 billion people's living standard in a short time? However, I keep a positive attitude towards our country's long-time development. Chinese people are intelligent and diligent and we are already on a correct way. We are keeping advancing. 4.24. Living in the city, you can enjoy a more convenient life. There are bus stops, supermarkets, cinemas。

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