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《Millions of cats》读后感_100字

《Millions of cats》读后感100字

fluffy: adj.like down or as soft as down.

E.g: A fluffy towel;松软的。 A fluffy music comedy 无聊的。 A fluffy soufflé 蛋奶酥

trudge:n.a long difficult walk

v.walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud.

E.g: trudge through the snow; trudge up the stairs; 费力地上楼

scraggly: adv.lacking neatness or order ( untidy ) adj. scraggy:being very thin(skinny; boney);having a sharply uneven surface or outline.

E.g: scraggy cliffs 崎岖的; scraggy animals瘦弱的; a scraggy beard 蓬乱的。

fuzzy: adj.covering with fine light hairs;indistinct or hazy in outline;confused and not coherent;not clearly thought out.

E.g: fuzzy dark hair; a fuzzy recollection ofpast events 模糊不清的;

plump: adj.euphemisms for slightly fat.

E.g: a plump reward 乐观的。 the anchor fell plump into the sea. 掉入海里。

一共十三页: An old women feels lonely and wants a cat, so the old man goes out to find and trudges through valleys to the hill which is covered with millions and billions and trillions of cats. However, the old man finds each cat is cute and takes them all back home. The old woman shocks and insists on only single cat. All the cats that have drunk and eaten in the house quarrel to stay. After a while, noise fades away because all the cats disappear and the couple notice a cat hiding in the tree. This cat ultimately is adopted and the old woman is highly joyful.

  • Concentration counts.

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