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1. 描写心情的英语句子

what a bad day for me

what a pity

how terrible!!

I am in an ill humor.


I'm in a bad mood

I'm in foul temper

I'm feeling rather blue

I"m in that low frame of mind.

I"m in a bad temper






smart from


2. 形容人的情绪情绪词英语

情绪的英文是:emotion 1、读音 emotion 英 [ɪ'məʊʃ(ə)n] 美 [ɪ'moʃən] 2、释义 n. 情感;情绪3、短语 with emotion 激动地;感动地intense emotion emotion quotient (EQ) 情商emotion quotient (eq) 情商4、形容情绪的形容词 worry 担心;nervous紧张的 ;anxiety忧虑的 ;depression沮丧 ;annoyance恼火anticipation期待;unpleasant不愉快的excitement兴奋 ;5、例句 Emotion swells and subsides. 情绪忽高忽低。

But what about the emotion in dreams? 但是,不要忘记我们在梦中的情绪。Don't hold your emotion in, cry if you want to. 别抑制你的情感,想哭你就哭一通吧。

3. 紧张的英文短语



英[ˈnɜ:vəs] 美[ˈnɜ:rvəs]

adj. 神经质的; 紧张不安的; 焦虑的;

对感到紧张: be nervous about

非常紧张: very nervous /pretty nervous


1. 什么事情使她这样紧张?

What's she so nervous about?

2. 战争结束了,紧张气氛缓和下来了。

The war was over;the tension was relieved.

3. 她起初很紧张,但很快就镇静下来。

She was nervous at first but soon composed herself.

4. 跟情绪有关的英文短语

有关情绪的英语短语 be alive and kicking 生气勃勃 be crossed in love 爱情受挫 be on edge 紧张,急躁不安 be thrilled to bits 兴奋至极 burn up 发怒 calm down 镇静下来 feel an urge to 有强烈的欲望或冲动想。

feel down 情绪消沉 feel left out 感到受冷落 have a fit 大怒,大惊 have a short temper 脾气暴躁 lose one's temper 发脾气采纳哦。

5. 紧张的英文翻译

nervous 英 ['nɜːvəs] 美 ['nɜːrvəs] 释义:adj. 神经的,神经细胞的,神经性的;焦虑的;神经质的,紧张的,不安的;易兴奋的副词: nervously 名词: nervousness例句用作形容词 (adj.)1、The doctors shall operate on his central nervous system.医生们将要对他的中枢神经系统动手术。

2、He is suffering from nervous tension.他正受神经紧张之苦。3、They can also help come calm and control nervous horses and got cheap guard sheep and gots goats on farms.它们也可以使紧张焦虑的马平静下来,它们同样可以保卫绵羊和山羊。

4、The merest little thing makes him nervous.最微不足道的小事也会使他紧张。5、I have never seen anyone so nervous. He was sweating like a pig as he waited for the results of the interview.我从未看到过这么紧张的人。

他在等待面试结果时,紧张得满身大汗。扩展资料:近义词的用法edgy 英 ['edʒi] 美 ['edʒi] 释义:adj. 急躁的;尖利的;刀口锐利的副词: edgily 比较级: edgier 最高级: edgiest 名词: edginess例句用作形容词 (adj.)1、He has an edgy temper.他性情急躁。

2、He was edgy and irritable. It was conceivable that he could blow up.他急躁易怒,可以想到他是会发火的。3、The parents have been a bit edgy lately, waiting for their children's examination results.父母们近来一直有点儿紧张,等待孩子们的考试成绩。

4、The edgy stick may be dangerous to play with.玩这种尖利的棍子有危险。

6. 英文表达情绪的词

Admiring Adore Agreeable

Anticipate Ardent Aroused Assure Avid Bliss Brave Calm Capable Careful Caring Cautious

Centered Charitable Comfort Compassionate Concern Considerate Consoled Contented Delighted

Devoted Eager Ecstasy Elated Empathy Enjoyment Enthusiastic Excessive Excitement

Exhilarated Faith Fanatical Fancy Fearless Ferocious Fervent Fidelity Fond Freedom

Friendly Fulfilled Glad Gleeful Good Happiness Harmony Heartache Heartfelt Honorable Hope

Intimacy Irritated Joy Keen Kind Lost Love Manic Mindful Mollified Moved Murky Nervous

Nowhere Obsessive Obstructed Passionate Peaceful Placated Please Pleasure Powerful Proud

Regretful Rejoice Relieved Reserved Respectful Rested Safe Satisfied Sentiment Soothe

Speedy Spirited Stimulated Stormy Support Surprised Sympathy Tender Thrilled Trust Well

Wonderful Worshipful Zealous


敬佩崇拜愉快期望热心被激起保证热中强有力骄傲懊高兴解除的极乐勇敢的安静可胜任的仔细的关心的谨慎被集中的慈善舒适慈悲的关心考虑周到被慰问的满足的欢欣的虔诚热切的销魂兴高采烈的同情享受热心过份兴奋兴奋的信念狂热花梢无所畏惧的凶猛慷慨激昂的保真度喜欢自由友好的被履行的高兴的高兴的好幸福和谐心伤衷心高尚的希望亲热被激怒的喜悦敏锐的亲切的失去的爱狂躁记住被减轻的被移动的黑暗的紧张的无处萦绕被阻碍的多情平安的被安抚的请乐趣后备的恭敬的休息的安全满意的情绪安慰迅速Spirited 被的风雨如磐的支持惊奇的同情招标兴奋的信任井美妙虔诚热忱

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