1. 一篇关于爱好是画画的英语作文
I have a great many hobbies, but my favourite is painting. I attend a painting class introduced by a classmate . I have painted oil paintings, sketches, literary sketches, etc. I really like drawing cartoons.Although not drawing ,I like drawing very much. With my classmates,I have got into plant house for painting those plants. Would you like painting?。
2. 关于画画的100字英文作文
Everyone has their own interest。
I like reading,e68a84e799bee5baa631333335316535I also like sports , but my bset like is painting. I think the painting is an account is easy, interesting and full of art。Not many time I draw, I will have time to paint a painting class, because I'm very busy, so I treasure very much painting classes, I also love drawing lesson.I like painting, remains constant in life is full of art thing, because I think that drawing this art comes from our lives. I love to paint, this is my hobby! The most interesting hobby.I attend a painting class introduced by a classmate . I have painted oil paintings, sketches, literary sketches, etc. I really like drawing cartoons.Although not drawing ,I like drawing very much. With my classmates,I have got into plant house for painting those plants. Would you like painting?。
3. 有关画画的优点的英语作文
Everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth. Yes, water pollution is increasing.Look! The water in the river is getting dirtier and dirtier. Most of fish in the water have died, and we can't swim in the water.My grandfather says, when he was very little, the water in the river was very clean. He often swam in the river with his friends.That was before, but now we can't see such clean rivers. Let's protect the water from pollution, because we can't live without water. The water is really important to us all。
4. 描写绘画的优美句子有哪些
1. 山遥水远遗墨间,彼岸花开意连连,行笔走墨书流年。
2. 墨笔丹青,如行云流水绕素笺,展瀚海崇山依旧颜,怎一个好字了得。
3. 几笔勾勒似云锦,点墨绘出心中情,意境如此赞!
4. 指尖的笔触缓缓地盛开,在视野中凝固.清澈的风在眼神中歌唱,在迷幻的惆怅之中分裂.几多汹涌的思绪,瞬间化成了纸上的传奇.曾经出现在记忆中的景象,是绚烂的空气,游走在心间.慢慢地,初具规模.谁的影子,还在梦里徘徊,终于定格了.
5. 她坐在画架前,手握着一支铅笔,眼睛仔细地观察自己面前这盆娇嫩的花朵,手中的笔轻轻移动,勾勒出略显青涩的线条,再抬头看看花,又专注地描绘着笔下的植物,有些小叶子的角度重合,她皱皱眉,思考着如何下笔……最终,她完成了这幅画。
6. 绘画不仅给我带来了乐趣,也给我带来了好朋友似的安慰。在我开心的时候,用彩笔画下自己的喜悦;在我不开心的时候,用颜料画下自己的烦恼。绘画成了我生命中不可缺少的一部分。
7. 绘画,是一种艺术,是一种精美的、无可挑剔的艺术。绘画艺术可以让人感受无穷的乐趣。
8. 绘画是一样很高雅的艺术,它可以陶冶人的情操。它现在会伴随着我走下去,我相信,以后也会,绘画会伴随着我的一生。
9. 绘画的宝藏中没有金银财宝,它只有绘画这颗小小钻石,别看它小,它不小,而是一个大空间。
10. 心中总会有过不去的坎,那么就要学会绘画,来结开心中的结,才会舒坦。
11. 绘画,不仅给人带来一种美的享受,而且每一幅画,都会让人如痴如醉于情境中。
12. 一副成功的作品可以使人领略到祖国悠久灿烂的文化历史、大自然的磅礴隽秀、精湛艺术的高超。
13. 自然往往在人们不经意的地方出现,想要捕捉的时候,它们又被虚伪给替代了,所以时间上的艺术家多是画静物,天性的美在他们眼中是十分可贵的。
14. 艺术就象一个全身针刺向外发射的仙人球,给人以万千感受,让灵魂受激。
15. 艺术是人们司空见惯的景象,路边的一草一木,一花一树,只要是顺其天然的天性而动,都可以是美的拥有者,都可以称之为“艺术”。人们生活中缺少不了艺术,即不会欣赏艺术的人亦不会生活。
5. 表示”画画”的英语单词有哪些
1. 画画他很拿手。
He's good at drawing.
2. 如果我不能靠画画谋生,至少我可以教别人画画。
If I can't make a living at painting, at least I can teach someone else to paint
3. 她抬头看了一下,然后继续画画。
She looked up for a moment, then continued drawing.
4. 她通过描摹旧故事书上的图画学会了画画。
She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks.
5. 小时候她通过描摹母亲旧童话书里的插图学会了画画。
As a child she learned to draw by tracing pictures out of her mother's old storybooks.
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