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1. 形容马达加斯加景色的句子




在马达加斯加拥有一种会跳舞的狐猴,它们的活泼可爱让很多来到这里的游客难忘。在这里您可以见到各种性格不同的狐猴,它们有的害羞,有的活泼,还有的特别喜欢跳舞。如果您幸运的话您也可以看到狐猴为您献上一段美妙的舞蹈。如果有狐猴来您的手里抢吃的您可千万不要害怕,这也算是它们跟您亲热的一种形式。 塔纳湖也是一个美丽的地方,这里的湖水非常清澈,蓝天、白云的倒影也让这片湖泊更具魅力,那种水天相接的画面正是一种别样的美丽。当然在这里也拥有很多的海景,这些海边景色也是您来到马达加斯加不能错过的地方。这里的各种小岛也是您不可错过的风景,海岛旁边的木房子散发着艺术的魅力,穿过木房子您还可以欣赏到美丽的花园,您是否也想来这里感受一下呢?


2. 《马达加斯加1 》经典句子

-【That was beautiful~~~】-真是太美妙了~-【U are one in a million. 】-你是万中选一的。

-I love U, Gloria, I always have!(Gloria狂打鼾,Melman被Alex和Marty瞪视)。like love the beach。

or a a a good book。or the beach。

-我爱你Gloria,我一直爱着你!……就像喜欢海滩……或者一本好书……或者海滩……-We should be up and running in, say, 【six to nine months-Sixty nine months?!-No, six to nine months.】-我们应该可以完成,时间大概需要……六到九个月。-六十九个月?-不,六到九个月。

-We have all the parts we needs, but we're slightly behind scedule.-How slightly?【-Six to nine years.-Sixty nine years?!-No, six to nine years.】-我们已经搜集所有需要的部件,但是可能有点延期。-有点是多久?-六到九年。


-Monday, Joe, Wednesday no Joe.-星期一JOE还活着,星期三,JOE就死了。- Manhattan is short on two things, parking and hippos.-曼哈顿有两样东西奇缺,车位和河马。

-I will give him~a kiss of life~-我要给他一个生命之吻~-【My son's a king.】我儿子是王者。-【Just come straight from the heart, U'll never go wrong.】-听从内心发出的感觉绝对对不会错。

-If we can make it there, we can make it everywhere.-我们在那里能够做到,在这里也一样能够做到。-If you can do it, we can do it, 【it's in our blood!】-如果你能做到,我们也能做到,这是我们与生俱来的!-I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we're landing immediately. The bad news is, we're crash-landing.-我有一个好消息和一个坏消息,好消息是,我们即将着陆,坏消息是,我们将坠机着陆。

-Who'd leave a perfectly good head laying alone.-谁丢了个这么好的头在这儿。-Anyway, where were we?-I am 'huge'.-别管他了,我们说到哪儿了?-我很胖。

-Know what makes you special? These guys are white with black stripes. You're black with white stripes.-你知道你与众不同的地方是什么吗?他们是白底黑斑,而你是黑底白斑。-I just want you to know, back at the zoo, it was never the doctors or prescriptions that kept me going. It was always you. Seeing you everday, that's what kept me going.-我只想让你知道,在动物园的时候,让我活下去的不是医生和药物,而是你。

每天看着你,就是让我活下来的原因。-Maternity leave? (低下头从桌子底下望了一眼猴子) U're all males!-产假?你们都是男猴啊!-Marty, I can look into your eyes, and I know it's you. -马蒂,我知道是你。

3. 我求《马达加斯加3》电影5句优美句子(要英文句带中文)每句一行

1 Love Always Comes As A Surprise 总是出乎意料

2 Baby, you're a firework Come on, let your colors burst. Make 'em go You're gonna leave 'em falling down-own-own 朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火 来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩 来吧 现在就点燃自己 这时你再俯瞰一切

3 I`d be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend. 我情愿成为她最知心的冤家,在她伤心忧伤的时分给她依托的肩膀

4 But I`m not, so you do it. 不过我不是,所以你要替我做

5.Non, je ne regrette rien.不,我一点都不后悔(法语)

4. 电影《马达加斯加1》经典语句

1.You mess with him,you mess with me.2.-Alex:Hey, little help.嘿,帮帮我。

-Man:He's awake! He's awake!他醒了!他醒了!-Alex:Oh, man! Oh my head! Where? What? I'm in the box! Oh no! No no!Not the box! Oh no, they can't transfer me! Not me! I can't breathe. I can't breathe. 把我关在箱子里!哦,不,他们不能转移我!我!我不能呼吸了,我不能呼吸了。-Darkness creeping in. Can't breathe.I can't breathe! Walls closing in around me! so alone,so alone.黑暗爬进来了,无法呼吸,我不能呼吸了!四周都是墙!如此孤独,如此孤独。

-Marty:Alex! Alex are you there?Alex! Alex!你在吗?-Alex:Marty?Marty?-Marty:Yeah! Talk to me, buddy!耶!和我说话啊,兄弟!-Alex:Marty! You're here!Marty!你在这儿!-Marty:What's going on? Are you okay?怎么了?你还好吗?-Alex:This doesn't look good, Marty.事情不妙,Marty。-Gloria:Alex? Marty? is That you?Alex?Marty?是你们吗?-Alex:Gloria! You're here too!Gloria!你也在!-Marty:I am loving the sound of your voice!我爱死你的声音了。

-Gloria:What is going on?怎么回事?-Alex:We're rolling in crates.我们被关在箱子里了。-Gloria:Oh, no!噢,不!-Melman:Oh, sleeping just knocks me out.哦,睡觉让我累坏了。

-Gloria:Melman!Melman!-Alex:is That Melman?是Melman吗?-Gloria:Are you okay?你还好吗?-Melman:Yeah, I'm fine. I often doors off while I'm getting a hemorrhoid.是的,我很好,我生痔疮的时候经常把门关上的。-Alex:Melman, you're not getting a hemorrhoid.Melman,你没有生痔疮。

-Melman:Cat skin?皮肤病?-Alex:No! No cat skin! It's a transfer! It's a zoo transfer!不!也不是皮肤病。我们被转移了!动物园迁移!-Melman:Zoo transfer!Oh, no. I can't be transferred, I have an appointment with doctor Goldberg at 5.动物园迁移!哦,不要。


-Melman:My prescriptions have to be filled.prescription: 药方 我必须要拿到我的药方。-Gloria:Calm down, Melman.冷静,Melman。

-Melman:No other zoo can afford my medical care!其它的动物园是付不起我的医药费的。-Gloria:Melman!Melman!-Melman:And I am Not going HMO.而且我不会做HMO的。

-Marty:Easy Melman. It's gotta be okay, we are going to be okayze.放轻松,Melman,会没事,我们会没事的。-Alex:No Marty, we're not gonna be okayze. Now because of you we're ruined!不,Marty,我们不会没事的。

好了,因为你,我们都给毁了!-Marty:Because of me? I fail to see how this is my fault.因为我?我怎么看不出来啊。-Gloria:You're kidding, right Marty?你开玩笑吧,Marty?-Alex:You! You kicked off the people! You bit the hand Marty,you bit the hand. I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am. I gotta go find myself in a wild!你!你把人类给耍了!你背叛了他们,Marty,你背叛了。

我不知道我是谁,我不知道我是谁。我要去野生世界找回自我!-Marty:Hey!I did not ask you to come after me,did I?嘿!我又没有让你跟着我。

我有吗?-Melman:He does have a point.他说的也有道理。-Alex:What?什么?-Melman:I did say we should stay at the zoo, but you guys!我强调过我们应该待在动物园里。

但是你们几个!-Alex:Melman, just shut it! You're the one that suggested this, whole idea to happen in the first place.Melman,闭嘴。是你首先想起这个主意的。

-Gloria:Alex, leave Melman out of this please.Alex,不要把Melman卷进来。-Melman:Thank you, Gloria. Besides Alex, it is not my fault that we're transferred!谢谢你,Gloria,另外,Alex,我们被转移并不是我的错!-Gloria:Melman, shut it. Does anybody feel nauseous?Melman闭嘴。

有人觉得想恶心吗?-Melman:I feel nauseous.我觉得恶心。-Alex:Melman, you always feel nauseous.Melman,你总是觉得恶心。

5. 电影《马达加斯加1》经典语句

1.You mess with him,you mess with me.2.-Alex:Hey, little help.嘿,帮帮我。

-Man:He's awake! He's awake!他醒了!他醒了!-Alex:Oh, man! Oh my head! Where? What? I'm in the box! Oh no! No no!Not the box! Oh no, they can't transfer me! Not me! I can't breathe. I can't breathe. 把我关在箱子里!哦,不,他们不能转移我!我!我不能呼吸了,我不能呼吸了。-Darkness creeping in. Can't breathe.I can't breathe! Walls closing in around me! so alone,so alone.黑暗爬进来了,无法呼吸,我不能呼吸了!四周都是墙!如此孤独,如此孤独。

-Marty:Alex! Alex are you there?Alex! Alex!你在吗?-Alex:Marty?Marty?-Marty:Yeah! Talk to me, buddy!耶!和我说话啊,兄弟!-Alex:Marty! You're here!Marty!你在这儿!-Marty:What's going on? Are you okay?怎么了?你还好吗?-Alex:This doesn't look good, Marty.事情不妙,Marty。-Gloria:Alex? Marty? is That you?Alex?Marty?是你们吗?-Alex:Gloria! You're here too!Gloria!你也在!-Marty:I am loving the sound of your voice!我爱死你的声音了。

-Gloria:What is going on?怎么回事?-Alex:We're rolling in crates.我们被关在箱子里了。-Gloria:Oh, no!噢,不!-Melman:Oh, sleeping just knocks me out.哦,睡觉让我累坏了。

-Gloria:Melman!Melman!-Alex:is That Melman?是Melman吗?-Gloria:Are you okay?你还好吗?-Melman:Yeah, I'm fine. I often doors off while I'm getting a hemorrhoid.是的,我很好,我生痔疮的时候经常把门关上的。-Alex:Melman, you're not getting a hemorrhoid.Melman,你没有生痔疮。

-Melman:Cat skin?皮肤病?-Alex:No! No cat skin! It's a transfer! It's a zoo transfer!不!也不是皮肤病。我们被转移了!动物园迁移!-Melman:Zoo transfer!Oh, no. I can't be transferred, I have an appointment with doctor Goldberg at 5.动物园迁移!哦,不要。


-Melman:My prescriptions have to be filled.prescription: 药方我必须要拿到我的药方。-Gloria:Calm down, Melman.冷静,Melman。

-Melman:No other zoo can afford my medical care!其它的动物园是付不起我的医药费的。-Gloria:Melman!Melman!-Melman:And I am Not going HMO.而且我不会做HMO的。

-Marty:Easy Melman. It's gotta be okay, we are going to be okayze.放轻松,Melman,会没事,我们会没事的。-Alex:No Marty, we're not gonna be okayze. Now because of you we're ruined!不,Marty,我们不会没事的。

好了,因为你,我们都给毁了!-Marty:Because of me? I fail to see how this is my fault.因为我?我怎么看不出来啊。-Gloria:You're kidding, right Marty?你开玩笑吧,Marty?-Alex:You! You kicked off the people! You bit the hand Marty,you bit the hand. I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am. I gotta go find myself in a wild!你!你把人类给耍了!你背叛了他们,Marty,你背叛了。

我不知道我是谁,我不知道我是谁。我要去野生世界找回自我!-Marty:Hey!I did not ask you to come after me,did I?嘿!我又没有让你跟着我。

我有吗?-Melman:He does have a point.他说的也有道理。-Alex:What?什么?-Melman:I did say we should stay at the zoo, but you guys!我强调过我们应该待在动物园里。

但是你们几个!-Alex:Melman, just shut it! You're the one that suggested this, whole idea to happen in the first place.Melman,闭嘴。是你首先想起这个主意的。

-Gloria:Alex, leave Melman out of this please.Alex,不要把Melman卷进来。-Melman:Thank you, Gloria. Besides Alex, it is not my fault that we're transferred!谢谢你,Gloria,另外,Alex,我们被转移并不是我的错!-Gloria:Melman, shut it. Does anybody feel nauseous?Melman闭嘴。

有人觉得想恶心吗?-Melman:I feel nauseous.我觉得恶心。-Alex:Melman, you always feel nauseous.Melman,你总是觉得恶心。

6. 求马达加斯加的10句英语句子加汉文


It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want it to. 我还是觉得他太显摆了。

I still think he is kind旦亥测酵爻寂诧檄超漏 of a show off. 肯定是的啊!他是动物嘛!

You got to give it to him, the guy is an animal. 如果你们有天来曼哈顿的话,别担心,打个电话就行。

If you ever come to look at Central Manhattan, feel free to call first. 不过说真的,绝对要先打个电话,好吗?

Seriously no, call. OK? 如果机舱内气压瞬间下降,请把面罩罩上。

In case of losing cabin pressure, please place the mask over your face。 好让其他乘客不被你惊吓的表情吓坏。

to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers. 我们可能这样就完了,马蒂。

This could be it Marty. 但我还是想说,你是个真正的朋友,百万里挑一的。

I just want you to know that you are truly a one in a million friend. 谢谢!伙计,你是最棒的,永远都是。

Thanks buddy. You are the best ever.

7. 《马达加斯加的企鹅》的经典台词有哪些












8. 马达加斯加3经典台词,要十句

listen, Mototo, you better treat this lady like a queen. 听着,摩托托,你最好对这女孩好一点 Because you, my friend, you found yourself the perfect woman. 由于你找到了这个世界上最完满的女人

If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman, 假如我有这么侥幸的话

I`d give her flowers every day. And notjust any flowers.OK? 我一定每天都给她送花。当然不是随意什么野花都行,知道吗?

Her favorites are orchids. White. And breakfast in bed. 她喜欢兰花,白色的那种,早餐要送到她床上

Six loaves of wheat toast, butter on both sides. 六片小麦土司,两面都要涂黄油

No crust, the way she likes it. 面包片要去掉,她不喜欢吃

I`d be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend. 我情愿成为她最知心的冤家,在她伤心忧伤的时分给她依托的肩膀

I`d spend every day thinking of how to make her laugh. 我每天都会想着怎样让她开心

She has the most amazing laugh. 她有这世界上最美的笑脸

That`s what I would do if I were you. 假如我是你的话,我就会这么做

But I`m not, so you do it. 不过我不是,所以你要替我做

9. 马达加斯加1经典台词







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