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1. 帮忙提供一些写湖的英文美文,或是漂亮的句子


A lake (from Latin lacus) is a terrain feature (or physical feature), a body of liquid on the surface of a world that is localized to the bottom of basin (another type of landform or terrain feature; that is, it is not global) and moves slowly if it moves at all. On Earth, a body of water is considered a lake when it is inland, not part of the ocean, is larger and deeper than a pond, and is fed by a river. The only world other than Earth known to harbor lakes is Titan, Saturn's largest moon, which has lakes of ethane, most likely mixed with methane. It is not known if Titan's lakes are fed by rivers, though Titan's surface is carved by numerous river beds.

Natural lakes on Earth are generally found in mountainous areas, rift zones, and areas with ongoing or recent glaciation. Other lakes are found in endorheic basins or along the courses of mature rivers. In some parts of the world, there are many lakes because of chaotic drainage patterns left over from the last Ice Age. All lakes are temporary over geologic time scales, as they will slowly fill in with sediments or spill out of the basin containing them.

2. 高一学生急需一篇写湖水美景的英语文章,100字左右,带点翻译,谢

i walked in to the park, and the sence immediately attracted me. emerad green is every where, the grass, and the tree. however, the most beabutiful place is the lake. it is sparkling under the sun, like little diamonds。and the waves created by the wind are like the silk flying in the sky. the water is very clear, i can see floor of the lake through the water. there are all sort of organisms in the lake, fishes, little prawns etc. it is like the small fantasy world created by the nature for those creatures. i was drawn by the view and when i realized it, it is already very late. time passes by so fast。


当我走进公园,我立刻被景观吸引了。草坪,树木,到处都是宝石绿。 但最美的还是那个湖泊。它在太阳下闪光,就小小的钻石一样, 还有被风吹动的波浪,就像丝绸在风中飘动着一样。湖水很清澈,我可以从湖水中看到湖底。 湖底有很多小生物,虾,还有鱼。这里就象大自然创造的一个梦中仙境给这些小生物。我已经沉浸在这里的景观里了,当我回神的时候, 已经很晚了。时间过得好快。

3. 急求一段描写湖泊静止时优美的句子


翻译:The vast sea, will carry your endless of feeling, Deep lake, gestates unlimited hope. The vast sky, wisdom and flowers blooming. The vast prairie, will carry your infinite vitality, 。 Youth is a beautiful songs in the world, among the corner, Youth is a beautiful notes, together with empty quarter, youth is loud applause, echoed in the changeable world.

4. 中国有名的湖泊英语作文

1 Qinghai Lake: Miss Heart of the Sea:Qinghai Lake, located in the northeast of the Qinghai Plateau, the northwestern city of Xining, is China's largest inland lake, is also China's largest saltwater lake. It is the vast misty, magnificent, is a giant nature give Hokyo Qinghai Plateau.Qinghai Lake area of 4456 square kilometers, around the perimeter more than 360 kilometers, more than twice as large as the famous Taihu Lake. Lake from east to west, north and south narrow, slightly oval. At first glance, like a mast poplar leaves. Qinghai Lake average depth of about 19 meters, maximum depth of 28 meters, the water storage capacity of 105 billion cubic meters, the lake elevation of 3260 meters higher than Mount Tai Dongyue two. Because this high terrain, the climate is very cool. Even if it is extremely hot in the summer, the average temperature of only 15 ℃ left, is an ideal summer resort.The famous Chinese five lakes2Kanas Lake: God's palette:Kanas Lake (also known as Kanas Lake) located north of Burqin County, 7958/6877 kilometers from the county, is a located in the Altai mountain forests in the mountain lakes. Lake surrounded by dense forests, sunny covered by dense grass. Glacier lake from Kuitun, friendship and other mountain peaks of meltwater and local precipitation from surface or underground lake spilled Ruhanasi.Kanas lake shaped like a crescent moon, north to south and 24 km east-west width of 1.6 to 2.9 km, an area of 44.78 square kilometers, than the famous Bogda Tianchi full 10 times, the lake maximum depth of 188.5 meters, is China's deepest alpine freshwater lake. Boundless expanse of blue lake, the reflection peaks, the lake also with the weather and the season of change and constantly changing color, is the famous "color lakes", each to autumn storied dye picturesque scenery.The famous Chinese five lakes3Tianchi: the calm after the rage:Also known as Baekdu Tianchi Tianchi, located in the southeast of Jilin Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve, in northern China and North Korea and boundary lakes, Lake in Jilin Province. Changbai Mountain magnificent, rich in resources, the scenery is very beautiful. In ancient times, Changbai Mountain was originally a volcano. According to historical records, since the 16th century it broke out three times, after the volcanic eruption ejected a large number of lava, crater formed at the basin-shaped, over time, water into the lake, and now has become the Tianchi. The volcanic eruption of lava material is deposited around the crater, it became stand around the 16 peaks, of which 7 in North Korea, nine in our country. This nine different characteristics peaks form bizarre landscape.The famous Chinese five lakes4Huolu Johnson Lake:The distinction between North and South Huolu Johnson Lake, located in the village of Novo wooden Hong Xiangtian Gerry northwest Qaidam Basin is the bottom elevation of 2580 meters. Water 216.8 square kilometers, Lake 8 meters deep. Lake East and West growing endless reed, wind ups and downs. Rippling. Lake southeast coast has three million years ago when the sea becomes piled down hill land shells, by sunlight, the white flashes, confusing, spring and summer, the lake the birds play, magical views over nature. Gerry headwater in the field, three Wenquan Jiang integrated lake because the lake reeds roots criss-cross, dirt deposited on the lake forming a film of varying sizes floating "Reed Caochuan." An area of 70-80 square kilometers of lake reeds Mimicengceng Gree Tian, the lake of rare birds black-white swan, bar-headed goose, yellow duck, etc., people amazing.The famous Chinese five lakes5Namco: a place with God whisperLake Namco Tianhu meaning, God or Spirit Lake Lake, is a famous Tibetan Buddhist shrine, the faithful respect it as one of the four mighty lakes, pass esoteric music King His Holiness the present temple, located in Lhasa Damxung County and Nagqu between Bangor County。

5. 描写湖水优美的语句




张若虚 <;春江花月夜>




































明代王瀛《苏公堤》中“荫浓烟柳藏莺语,香散风花逐马蹄”的诗句。诗句集中描写了苏堤醉人的景色。“西湖风景六条桥,一株杨柳一株桃。”每到阳春三月,柳丝轻扬,翠浪翻空,碧桃吐艳,红霞满地,十里长堤,弥漫着绿烟彩雾,馨香馥郁,令人陶醉。明代张宁《苏堤春晓》诗道:“杨柳满长堤,花明路不迷。画船人未起,侧枕听莺啼。”南宋吴唯信《苏堤清明即事》诗云:“日暮笙歌收拾去,万株杨柳属流莺。”陆游也有 “花满苏堤柳满烟”的诗句。可见,写苏堤都离不开烟柳、红桃、歌莺。



6. 描写风景的英语优美句子


A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!


An ancient windmill, windmill's wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color!





A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart 。。 the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girl's smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly 。。

Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcuma fragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream?




The high construction is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in the beautiful scene 。

7. 形容湖水优美的句子有哪些
















8. 描写湖水的句子


描写湖水的优美段落描写湖水的优美段落 1、走进大明湖,绕过刻着毛主席诗词的大理石碑,就会见到一棵棵倒垂的杨柳,好似少女披肩的长发,秋风习习,树发出“沙沙”声,好像在唱一曲动听的歌谣,这歌声给湖水增加了一些美的感觉。早晨看大明湖是最美的,震雾像轻纱笼罩在湖面上,看上去那么温柔,湖面上碧波荡漾,一层盖一层,湖水像碧绿的绸段,又像被周围的花草染过似的,阳光则透过树木,撒在湖面上,顿时波光粼粼。 2、西湖的水真静啊!宛如明镜一般,清晰的映出蓝蓝的天,白白的云,红红的花,碧绿的树。西湖的水真快活啊!,层层鳞浪随风而起,无数的浪花,在追逐,在嬉戏。 3、西湖的水真亮啊!像一块无暇的翡翠一般,闪烁着美丽的光泽,在阳光的照射下西湖变得波光粼粼柳树和小花倒映在清凌凌的湖水里显得更绿了;蓝天倒映在清凌凌的湖水里,显得更蓝了;云朵倒映在清凌凌的湖水里,显得更白了 4、早晨,轻纱笼罩的湖水温柔,碧蓝,白雾在湖上方飘动。这为敬亭山添加了一点神秘。好象一个美丽的大姑娘蒙着面纱,不让别人看清自己。过了一会儿,太阳缓缓从天边升上来,放出了金黄的光芒,白雾消失,徐徐微光落在湖面上,湖水犹如一面单位镜子,把光反射到湖边杨柳的身上,湖水似乎为杨柳穿上一层金黄色的外衣。 5、西湖的水真清啊!西湖的水是那么清亮,简直像是一颗大的光华灿烂的绿宝石。微风吹拂过湖面,掀起层层涟漪,在夕阳的照耀下,湖面闪闪发光,像鱼鳞,像碎

9. 描写海南风景的优美英语句子




Coastal landscape: in hainan for the coastline, 1528 kilometers sand bank accounts for about 50-60, hundreds of meters wide beach to thousands of meters, to the sea for 5 degrees slope general, slowly extensions, In most places, such as water is clear, soft, clean flocculants was, The air is fresh, green, Seawater temperature is usually between 18-30 Celsius, sunny, most of the time in a year on the sea, sun, sand bath and shower bath. Today's international tourists like the sun, sea, beach, green, the air, the five key elements of hainan island coast are both. From haikou to three dongya shoreline has more than 60 can monarch seaside resort. There are different types of island coastal scenic seaside scenery features, on the east coast line, there is a special kind of tropical coast - mangrove forest landscape with a tropical peculiar coast landscape, has high - coral reefs of ornamental value. At present, has set up a file in the QiongShanShi fangcheng port and east village lanshi port and clear established four mangrove reserve.山岳、热带原始森林:海南岛有海拔1000米以上的山峰81座,绵延起伏,山形奇特,气势雄伟。颇负盛名有的山顶部成锯齿状、形如五指的五指山,气势磅礴的鹦歌岭,奇石叠峰的东山岭,瀑布飞泻的太平山,以及七仙岭、类锋岭、吊罗山、霸王岭等,均是登山旅游和避暑胜地。

海南的山岳最具有特色的是密布着热带原始森林,最著名的有乐东县尖峰岭、昌江县霸王岭、陵水县吊罗山和琼中县五指山等4个热带原始森林区,其中以尖峰岭最为典型。 Tropical forests, mountains, hainan is 1,000 meters above the mountain at an altitude of 81, roll, its unusual shape, momentum majestic. Some of the great part into dentate, shaped like a wuzhishan, majestic stone fold, delighted song ling feng, "the DongShanLing FeiXie waterfalls, and QiXian ling ling feng, DiaoLuoShan, BaWangLing, etc, are mountaineering tourism and summer resort. Hainan island is the most distinctive mountains of tropical forests densely covered, the most famous LeDong county has BaWangLing, LingShuiXian jianfengling, DiaoLuoShan and conunty participates in wuzhishan 4 pristine tropical area, which is the most typical jianfengling.珍禽异兽:为了保护物种,海南已建立若干个野生动物自然保护区和驯养场,其中有昌江县霸王岭黑冠长臂猿保护区、东方县大田坡鹿保护区、万宁市大洲岛(金丝燕)保护区、陵水县南湾半岛猕猴保护区等。

Exotics: in order to protect the species, hainan has established several wildlife reserves and domesticated, there has been BaWangLing black crowned gibbon reserves, Oriental county area, WanNingShi field slope deer JinSiYan island (continents LingShuiXian south bay area), the monkey reserve etc. Peninsula,大河、瀑布、水库风光:南渡江、昌化江、万泉河等河流,滩潭相间,蜿蜒有致,河水清澈,是旅游观景的好地方,尤以闻名全国的“万泉河风光”最佳。大山深处的小河或山间小溪,洄于深山密林之中,中间大石迭置,瀑布众多,尤其通什市的太平山瀑布、琼中县的百花岭瀑布、五指山瀑布等久负盛名。

海南岛上还有不少水库,特别是松涛、南扶、长茅、石碌等水库具湖光山色之美,不是湖泊胜似湖泊。 The river, the waterfall, reservoir NaDuJiang: ChangHuaJiang, scenery, WanQuanHe etc, beach tam, river, water is clear, winding is a good place, junketing to WanQuanHe nationally famous for "best scenery. Deep in the mountains and rivers or mountain stream in the mountains, Hui dense, stone, falls among many stack, especially TongShenShi "falls, the conunty participates flowers ridge waterfalls, wuzhi-shan waterfalls, etc. There are many reservoirs in hainan island, south and, especially, the pines, stone etc with favorable reservoir lake Geneva, beauty is not lakes lakes.火山、溶洞、温泉:历史上的火山喷发,在海南岛留下了许多死火山口。


10. 以开发湖泊写一篇英语作文

e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d8331333337383362In our life, water is the most important. One can live for several days withoout food, but for a couple of days without water.However, there are some phenomena worthing considering in our life. Some people pour rubbish into the rivers, lakes and so on, some let out waste water into the rivers so that the rivers are so polluted that we can't make use of water. Why do they do these? Because they lack of the awareness of protecting water.As far as i'm concerned, we should popularise the importance of protecting water, for it is not good for us but also for our descendents。

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