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1. 英文电影《勇敢传说》6句优美句子

There's no point in having a go at me.


Feast your eyes!


This is all for naught.


Legends are lessons. They ring with truths.

传说都是教训,授予我们真理。ring with: 充满……声音,回荡着。

I would advise you to make your peace with this.


make peace with: 与……言归于好,与……讲和,休战。这里的意思是不再反对婚事。

I've just about had enough of you, lass!


2. 摘抄英文电影《勇敢传说》6句优美句子

There are those who say fate is something beyond our command, that destiny is not our own. But I know better. Our fate lives within us.You only have to be brave enough to see it.


3. 勇敢传说的英文经典台词10句

Where are you? Come out!

Come out!

Come on out.

I'm coming to get you.

Where are you, you little rascal? I'm coming to get you.

Where is my little birthday girl?

I'm going to gobble her up when I find her.

I'm going to eat you. I am.

Fergus, no weapons on the table.

Can I shoot an arrow? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?

Please? Can I?

Not with that. Why not

use your very own?

Happy birthday, my wee darling!

Now, there's a good girl.

Draw all the way back now to your cheek. That's right.

Keep both eyes open.

And, loose!

- I missed - Go and fetch it, then.

A bow, Fergus? She's a lady.

4. 谁有勇敢传说的全部英文台词 PS:最好是中英 谢谢

太多了,没法给全 【】 We'll sort it out tomorrow.My brave wee lassie, I'm here.I'll always be right here.Good morning.So。

What's all this supposed to be?What?Sorry. I don't speak bear.Find those by the creek, did you?They're nightshade berries.They're poisonous.Where did you get this water? It has worms.Come on.Breakfast.Wait. A princess should not have weapons, in your opinion.There you go.Go on.How do you know you don't like it if you won't try it?This love it is a distant starguiding us home wherever we areThis love it is a burning sunshining a light on the things that we've doneI tried to speak to you every daybut each word we spoke the wind blew awayHow did we let it come to thisWhat we've just tasted we somehow still missHow will it feel when this day is doneAnd can we keep what we've only begunCould these walls come crumbling downI want to feel my feet on the groundCan we carry this love that we shareInto the open airInto the open air Hey!Where are you going?This love it is a burning sun Mum, come back.Mum, is that you?Mum?You changed.Like you were a。I mean, like you were a bear on the inside.A wisp.Mum!Stop it!Mum, no!Mum。

Jings, crivens, help ma boab.Mum, I know you're scared,you're tired, you don't understand,but we've got to keep our heads.Just calm down.Listen.They'll show us the way.Mum, look.Why did the wisps bring us here?Whoever they were, they've been gone for a long, long time.I'm fine, Mum. Just fine.It's a throne room.You suppose this could've been the kingdom in that story you were telling me?The one with the princes.One,two,three,four.The oldest.Split, like the tapestry.The spell. It's happened before."Strength of ten men.""Fate be changed.""Changed his fate." Oh, no.The prince became。Mor'du.Mum, we need to get back to the castle.If we don't hurry, you'll become like Mor'du.A bear!A real bear. Forever!"Mend the bond torn by pride." The witch gave us the answer. The tapestry.Mum, do you have a better idea?That'll do.No more talk.No more traditions. We settle this now!You're the King.You decide which one of our sons your daughter will marry.None of your sons are fit to marry my daughter.Then our alliance is over! This means war!They're gonna murder each other.You've got to stop them before it's too late.I know, I know!But how do we get you through there and up to the tapestry with the lot of them boiling over like that?- What are you doing, lass? - It's all right, Dad.I。

I have。Well, you see, I。

I have been in conference with the Queen.- Is that so? - Aye, it is.- Well, where is she, then? - She。How do we know that this isn't some trick?- I'd never。

- This is highly irregular.- What are you playing at? - Where is the Queen?We will not stand for any more of this jiggery-pokery.- That's right. Let's see her. - Shut it!Well, I。Once there was an ancient kingdom.What is this?That kingdom fell into war and chaos and ruin。

We've all heard that tale. Lost kingdom.Aye, but it's true.I know now how one selfish act can turn the fate of a kingdom.It's just a legend.Legends are lessons.They ring with truths.Our kingdom is young.Our stories are not yet legend.But in them, our bond was struck.Our clans were once enemies.But when invaders threatened us from the sea,you joined together to defend our lands.You fought for each other.You risked everything for each other.Lord MacGuffin, my dad saved your life,stopping an arrow as you ran to Dingwall's aid.Aye, and I'll never forget it.And, Lord Macintosh,you saved my dad when you charged in on heavy horse and held off the advance.And we all know how Lord Dingwall broke the enemy line.With a mighty throw of his spear!I was aiming at you, you big tumshie.The story of this kingdom is a powerful one.My dad rallied your forces and you made him your king.It was an alliance forged in bravery and friendship and it lives to this day.But I've been selfish.I tore a great rift in our kingdom.There's no one to blame but me.And I know now that I need to amend my mistake and mend our bond.And so, there is the matter of my betrothal.I've decided to do what's right and。



break tradition.My mother,the Queen, feels。in her heart that I。

that we be free to。

write our own story。

follow our hearts and find love in our own time.That's beautiful.The Queen and I put the decision to you, my lords.Might our young people decide for themselves who they will love?Well, since you've obviously made up your minds about this,I have one thing to say.- This is。

- A grand idea!Give us our own 。

5. 谁有勇敢传说的全部英文台词 PS:最好是中英 谢谢

太多了,没法给全 【】We'll sort it out tomorrow.My brave wee lassie, I'm here.I'll always be right here.Good morning.So。

What's all this supposed to be?What?Sorry. I don't speak bear.Find those by the creek, did you?They're nightshade berries.They're poisonous.Where did you get this water? It has worms.Come on.Breakfast.Wait. A princess should not have weapons, in your opinion.There you go.Go on.How do you know you don't like it if you won't try it?This love it is a distant starguiding us home wherever we areThis love it is a burning sunshining a light on the things that we've doneI tried to speak to you every daybut each word we spoke the wind blew awayHow did we let it come to thisWhat we've just tasted we somehow still missHow will it feel when this day is doneAnd can we keep what we've only begunCould these walls come crumbling downI want to feel my feet on the groundCan we carry this love that we shareInto the open airInto the open airHey!Where are you going?This love it is a burning sunMum, come back.Mum, is that you?Mum?You changed.Like you were a。I mean, like you were a bear on the inside.A wisp.Mum!Stop it!Mum, no!Mum。

Jings, crivens, help ma boab.Mum, I know you're scared,you're tired, you don't understand,but we've got to keep our heads.Just calm down.Listen.They'll show us the way.Mum, look.Why did the wisps bring us here?Whoever they were, they've been gone for a long, long time.I'm fine, Mum. Just fine.It'sa throne room.You suppose this could've been the kingdomin that story you were telling me?The one with the princes.One,two,three,four.The oldest.Split, like the tapestry.The spell. It's happened before."Strength of ten men.""Fate be changed.""Changed his fate."Oh, no.The prince became。Mor'du.Mum, we need to get back to the castle.If we don't hurry, you'll become like Mor'du.A bear!A real bear. Forever!"Mend the bond torn by pride."The witch gave us the answer. The tapestry.Mum, do you have a better idea?That'll do.No more talk.No more traditions. We settle this now!You're the King.You decide which one of our sons your daughter will marry.None of your sons are fit to marry my daughter.Then our alliance is over! This means war!They're gonna murder each other.You've got to stop them before it's too late.I know, I know!But how do we get you through there and up to the tapestrywith the lot of them boiling over like that?- What are you doing, lass? - It's all right, Dad.I。

I have。Well, you see, I。

I have been in conference with the Queen.- Is that so? - Aye, it is.- Well, where is she, then? - She。How do we know that this isn't some trick?- I'd never。

- This is highly irregular.- What are you playing at? - Where is the Queen?We will not stand for any more of this jiggery-pokery.- That's right. Let's see her. - Shut it!Well, I。Once there was an ancient kingdom.What is this?That kingdom fell into warand chaos and ruin。

We've all heard that tale. Lost kingdom.Aye, but it's true.I know now how one selfish act can turn the fate of a kingdom.It's just a legend.Legends are lessons.They ring with truths.Our kingdom is young.Our stories are not yet legend.But in them, our bond was struck.Our clans were once enemies.But when invaders threatened us from the sea,you joined together to defend our lands.You fought for each other.You risked everything for each other.Lord MacGuffin, my dad saved your life,stopping an arrow as you ran to Dingwall's aid.Aye, and I'll never forget it.And, Lord Macintosh,you saved my dad when you charged in on heavy horseand held off the advance.And we all know how Lord Dingwall broke the enemy line.With a mighty throw of his spear!I was aiming at you, you big tumshie.The story of this kingdom is a powerful one.My dad rallied your forcesand you made him your king.It was an alliance forged in bravery and friendshipand it lives to this day.But I've been selfish.I tore a great rift in our kingdom.There's no one to blame but me.And I know now that I need to amend my mistakeand mend our bond.And so, there is the matter of my betrothal.I've decided to do what's rightand。



break tradition.My mother,the Queen, feels。in her heartthat I。

that we be free to。

write our own story。

follow our heartsand find love in our own time.That's beautiful.The Queen and I put the decision to you, my lords.Might our young people decide for themselves who they will love?Well, since you've obviously made up your minds about this,I have one thing to say.- This is。

- A grand idea!Give us our own say in choos。

6. 求《勇敢传说》的内容梗概以及经典台词中英翻译


There are those who say fate is something beyond our command, that destiny is not our own. But I know better. Our fate lives within us.You only have to be brave enough to see it.


7. 求《勇敢传说》的内容梗概以及经典台词中英翻译





我最喜欢的是这一句:There are those who say fate is something beyond our command, that destiny is not our own. But I know better. Our fate lives within us.You only have to be brave enough to see it.有人说命运并非我们所能掌控,结局并不由我们自己决定。但我有更好的理解。


8. 勇敢传说经典台词20句

(1)WILLIAM WALLACE:“Fight,and you may die.Run,and you''ll live at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade? All the days from this day to that, for one chance,just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they''ll never take our Freedom! Freedom——” 威廉华莱士:“战斗,你可能会死;逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。

你们!愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换一个机会,仅有的一个机会!那就是回到战场,告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由!” (2)Wallace: Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom. 啊~~~打,你们可能会死.逃跑则会生存----至少能有一会,很多年后,死在床上.你会愿意用这些年的机会来交换一个机会,仅仅一个,回到这里,告诉敌人,他们可以夺走我们的生命,但是,绝对夺不走我们的自由 (3)William Wallace's father: Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. 你的心灵是自由的,用尽勇气去追随吧. (4)William Wallace: There's a difference between us. You think the people of this land exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it. 我们间的区别就是,你们认为这片土地的人民生存是为了供养你们阶级,我却认为你的阶级应该给你的人民自由.我走了,确认他们是否得到了 (5)Robert the Bruce: I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and children. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk fought for William Wallace.He fights for something that I never had. And I took it from him, when I betrayed him. I saw it in his face on the battlefield and it's tearing me apart . 我什么都没有,人民跟我作战,只是如果不这样,我会没收土地,饿死他们的妻儿.为William Wallace浴血奋战的人,他们为了我没有的东西殊死斗争,我出卖他时,我在他脸上看到了让我汗颜的东西 (6)Wallace: You tell your king, that William Wallace will not be ruled. Nor will any Scot while I'm alive. 告诉你的国王, William Wallace 不会屈服于统治,在我活着时,所有苏格兰人都是! (7)告诉你,我的孩子/在你一生中,有许多事值得争取/但,自由无疑是最重要的/永远不要带着脚镣,过奴隶的生活。 (8)Many man dies,not every man really lives.每个人都会死,但不是每个人都真正活过. (9)我们不需要胜利,只需要战斗。

(10)先学会用脑,后学会用剑。 (11)William Wallace: FREEDOM !!! 华莱士:自由 !!。

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