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1. 用非谓语动词造句

It's very kind of you to help me.

It's difficult for me to work this out.

I hope to see my mother soon.I want to help him.

He told me seriously(宾补) to learn French well(不定式宾补).

I tell him carefully to take care of the child.

There are some children to be taken care of.

there are some jobs to be done.

2. 用devote造5个谓语动词和5个非谓语动词的句子急用啊

1.she devoted herself to taking care of her mother .(谓语动词)Devoted herself to taking care of her mother ,she trears it as her duty.(非谓语动词)2.She devoted all her efforts to her work.(谓语动词)Devoted all her efforts to her work,she makes a lot of achievements.(非谓语动词)3.My father has devoted himself to the noble cause,education.(谓语动词)Devoted himself to the noble cause,education,My father feel he is the honest one.(非谓语动词)。

3. 非谓语用法的句子有哪些




He seems to be reading in his room.

Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

Having been told many times, the naughty boy made the same mistake.

With the work done, they went out to play. 工作做完了,他们出去玩去了。

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