1. 求[ 生活大爆炸]里的经典句子,要有中文英文
2. 《生活大爆炸》中有哪些经典的英文台词
1、My brain is better than everybody's!
distract me. I've been distracted since the moment I met you. Because
all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you.
3、I think you might find the support you're looking for, if you realize that realtionship are a give and take.
4、The best way to achieve a goal is to devote 100% of your time and energy to it.
5、Your words fall like acid rain on the wounded petals of my heart.
6、When you got to go space, it was hard for me. Because it made me realize they'll just send anyone up there.
7、If you weren't my friend, there'd be a hole in my life!
8、From now on, I'm gonna say yes--yes to love, yes to adventure, yes to life, whatever it maybe, the answer's going to be yes.
have to have the courage to end the relationship. Break it off, shake
hands, walk away.I know it's hard, honey, but that's how you grow.
10、Just make sure, you know, you appreciate those who。 who are still there for you.
3. 请问谁有生活大爆炸中的经典语录,要双语的
-I'm not insane,my mother had me tested.-我没疯,我妈带我做过检查了。
-Once again,you've fallen for one of my classic pranks.Bazinga!-你又一次掉进我的经典恶作剧陷阱了。气死你!-I'm clealy too evolved for driving.(S2E5)-很明显,我已经进化到不需要开车了。
-Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.(To Penny S2E7)-女人,你在和一个智慧比你高得多的人较劲。-When you understand the laws of physics,penny,anything is possible. (To Penny S2E7)-当你领悟到物理学的真谛之后,佩妮,一切皆有可能-I suggest rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spork.-我提议石头剪刀布蜥蜴史帕克。
-I brought this on myself by being such an endearing ad important part of your life。(To Penny S2E11)-谁让我不小心成为你生命中美好又重要的一部分呢。
She calls me moon pie because I'm nummy-nummy and she could just eat me up.( To Penny S2E17)-她之所以叫我小甜派是因为我看起来很可口,她想要一口把我吃掉。I'm a physicist.I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains. (To Penny)-我可是物理学家,拥有整个宇宙及其所有事物的相关知识。
-I realize you're also on your own tonight,so if ,at some point, you find yourself with nothing to do,please do not disturb me. (To Penny S2E21)-我知道你今晚也是一个人,如果你万一觉得一个人无聊了,请不要来打扰我。- I realize you're currently at the mercy of your primitive biological urges, but as you have an enti life time of poor decisions ahead of you, may I interrupt this one?(to penny S3E1)-我明白你现在正完全被最原始的野性冲动所控制,可是,反正你这辈子还会有 无数错误的决定,我能不能打断这一个?-You know,I can buy all these things online. I come here for the personal service.(to Stuart S03E05)-你知道我本可以在网上买这些的,我来这就是为了个性化服务的。
-Leonard,when that woman moved in three years ago,I told you not to talk to her, and now look,we're going to be late for the movies.(to Leonard S03E07)-莱纳德,那女的三年前搬进来时,我就告诉你不要搭理她,现在好了,电影我 们是迟到定了。S03E01- Oh,you think you're so clever. Well,let me jus tell you, while I do not currently have a scathing retort, you check your e-mail periodically for a doozy.(to Kripke)-哦,你以为你很聪明,但是让我来告诉你,虽然我现在想不出尖刻的话来反驳 你,但我想到后会发邮件给你的 I'm the master of my bladder.我的膀胱我做主。
-AFK (away from keyboard)-离线-Drat-该死-FYI-供参考-AKA-换言之。
4. 谁有生活大爆炸全部的台词,最好是中英文对照的
i don't need validation from lesser minds.2、火箭科学家?火箭科学家?你怎么不干脆告诉他们我在金门大桥收过路费?我是研究弦论的理论物理学家。火箭科学家!太侮辱人了!The rocket scientist? The rocket scientist? Why don't you just tell them that I'm a toll-taker at the golden gate bridge? I'm a theoretical physicist. Rocket scientist, how humiliating!3、我觉得我更像一只杜鹃,你知道的,把蛋下在普通鸟巢里的一种更高等的生物。
I always thought I was more like a cuckoo bird, you know a superior creature whose egg is placed in the nest of ordinary birds, of course, the newly hatched cuckoo eats all the food, leaving the ordinary siblings to starve to death. Luckily for you, that's where the metaphor ended.4、我为人类悲哀。I weep for humanity.5、从我妈给我断奶后我就没忘掉过一件事。
I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me.6、我是“聪明人”?要被归为“聪明人”我得去掉60点智商才行。I'm “smart”? I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as “smart”.7、你们那艘要沉的船上又招募了什么老鼠啊?What rat have you recruited to the sinking ship?8、我是松香甘油树脂(一种有机黏合剂),你是无机合剂,所以不管你朝我的方向发射什么语言子弹都会反射以后弹回去,回到它原有的轨道上,附着在你身上。
I'm polymerized tree sap, and you're an inorganic adhesive, so whatever verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off of me, returns on its original trajectory and adheres to you.9、我没有无视我妹妹,我无视你们所有人。I'm not ignoring my sister, I'm ignoring all of you.10、为什么还要浪费食物?在德克萨斯,要是奶牛不产奶了他们才不会继续喂它,他们会把它带出去一枪打死。
Why waste food? In Texas, when a cow goes dry, they don't keep feeding it, they just take her out and shoot her between the eyes.11、你当然不会明白,你是如此的平庸。Well, of course you don't. You've never excelled at anything.12、你继续低估我吧!You continue to underestimate me.13、我承认那个球形鸡的笑话还蛮有趣的,但从那以后就急转直下。
I admit that spherical chicken joke that was hilarious, but it was straight downhill from there.14、冬天,那个位置跟电暖炉之间的距离刚好能让人保持温暖,而又不会太近导致出汗。夏天,坐在这正好能吹到从这个窗口到那个窗口对吹的风。
而且这里对着电视的角度正好,既不会妨碍跟别人谈话,又不用把头扭得太过去而导致视差畸变。In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.15、因为我们能做到!Because we can!16.我一个人吃,我一个人睡,我一个人默默流泪,挺好。
I eat alone. I sleep alone. I cry alone. So 。 cool.。
5. 求一篇有关《生活大爆炸》的英语简介
The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show. It premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007.[2] Set in Pasadena, California, the show is about two Caltech prodigies in their 20s, one an experimental physicist (Leonard Hofstadter) and the other a theoretical physicist (Sheldon Cooper), who live across the hall from an attractive blonde waitress with show-biz aspirations (Penny). Leonard and Sheldon's 'geekiness' and sheer intellect are contrasted for comic effect with Penny's social skills and common sense.[3][4] Two equally geeky friends of theirs, Howard and Rajesh, are also main characters. The show is produced by Warner Bros. Television and Chuck Lorre Productions.[5] In March 2009, it was reported that The Big Bang Theory had been renewed for a third and fourth season by CBS.[6] In August 2009, the sitcom won the best comedy series TCA award and Jim Parsons won the award for individual achievement in comedy.[7] When the third season premiered on September 21, 2009, it ranked as CBS's highest-rated show of that evening in the adults 18–49 demographic (4.6/10), along with a then series-high 12.83 million viewers.[8] The Big Bang Theory airs on Mondays at 9:30 EST following another Chuck Lorre-produced show Two and a Half Men.[9]。
6. 生活大爆炸英文对白
The morning that marks three months and two days since they left, if she was actually, you know, counting, she wakes with a start. At first she can't put her finger on why. There is the soft buzz of her air conditioner, the distant sound of cars outside of her window, the sound her digital alarm clock makes, a soft click, as the numbers change to 8:05. Then, the sound of something knocking against her coffee table or the counter.Only the last one is out of the ordinary. Quietly, she tiptoes out of her room, unnerved at the noise, at her inability to find a reasonable explanation for what was making it. For what had just made it again. She finds it on her couch, watching her laptop boot up.“Sheldon?” She asks, slack-jawed and confused. “Ah, yes, Penny,” he says, as if those aren't his first words to her in over three months, “your laptop is fixed, as requested. Although I have to say whatever incompetent fool you left it with only exacerbated the problem. They should really consider looking into a career change.” She launches herself at him. It's irrational and ill-advised but her arms are around his neck as she kneels on the couch, and it has nothing at all to do with her laptop. His body is completely stiff for a few seconds before he relaxes against her in tiny increments, his hand just falling against the small of her back, and then she's pulling away with a smile on her lips. For his part, he remains relatively unfazed. “Now I can tell Leonard that I was, in fact, correct in my assumptions.”The statement confuses her, a fact that is both unsurprising and comforting to her. Some things will never change. “About what?”“When we arrived home late last night I went to inform you, only to have that attempt interceded and shot down by Leonard, claiming that we should just let you sleep. And then again this morning when I decided to come here and fix your laptop, something you yourself requested I do.” As with most things relating to human interaction, Sheldon looks well and truly puzzled by this. “I believe he brought up the time we cleaned your apartment and you in turn divested us of our key. However, I argued that since you had apparently already invaded our apartment while we were gone, I might as well return the favor.”Leonard had a point. However so did Sheldon. A year ago, Leonard's would have won out. Now though, she's so happy to have Sheldon sitting here, instead of in the Artic Circle or whatever, she doesn't care about the whys.So she hugs him. Again. For lack of anything else to say or do. “Penny,” she starts, remarkably at ease, considering the way her arms are looped around him and his face is barely an inch away from the top of her head. “What did you steal?”It takes her too long to connect his question back to the note, back to all the silly things she wrote. “Coffee,” she replies, simply, as she disentangles herself once more.He frowns. “Is that one of your little code words that I don't understand?”She has to bite her lip to keep from laughing. Maybe even to keep from kissing him and showing him what that word can really mean (it will take a bit longer to own up to that). “No, sweetie, it's not.” “Good. Because between multiple flights, cleaning my own apartment all night and fixing your laptop this morning, I am rather tired. Sleep deprivation is generally not conducive to enabling me to understand your strange need to say something other than what you actually mean.” “I missed you too, Sheldon,” she says, and means it.。
7. 生活大爆炸经典台词
很多啊!!~ 1、我不需要那些不如我的人对我的肯定。
. 3、我是“聪明人”?要被归为“聪明人”我得去掉60点智商才行。 4、报仇就要冷不及防。
5、我说你是,我想说是的,我错了,我不应该把它说出来。 6、你正在跟西半球仅有的能跟得上你这思维的三人之一在说话。
7、我宁愿让苍蝇在我耳朵产卵然后孵化。 8、有趣的是他们不直接把叉子放在嘴里而是用叉子来吧食物放在勺子里然后用勺子放到嘴里. 9、我们今天试着去挣钱 10、p:我爱上了一个
,你知道吗,我跟他生活了四年!四年啊!就像高中那么长了…… s:你花了四年才读完高中? 11、p:他这么
我还这么爱他,我是不是很愚蠢啊 s:是的。
l:no,只是有点矛盾而已,矛盾是自然界中的一部分,想一想光,如果从huygensdeguandian来看,光是波,这时已经被双缝干涉实验证明了,但是后来又出现了爱因斯坦,他又发现了光也是粒子组成的…… 12、Sheldon妹妹:我真为你骄傲,我经常向朋友夸耀我哥哥是个火箭科学家。 Sheldon大怒:火箭科学家?火箭科学家?你怎么不干脆告诉他们我在金门大桥收过路费?我是研究弦论的理论物理学家。
火箭科学家!太侮辱人了! (baidu了下“弦论”,看了一行就晕了) 13、讨论g的情人节怎么过: g:我可是绞尽脑汁了,华馆提供了39.95美金的情侣特典套餐,蛋卷啊,饺子啊,数不清的炒菜。最后你还能和门口硕大的大理石马合影留念。
s:考虑到圣瓦伦丁是公元3世纪被石头和斩首的罗马祭祀,在这个夜晚带女朋友去看一场残忍的谋杀难道不是更合理的庆祝方式吗? 13、讨论g的情人节怎么过: g:我可是绞尽脑汁了,华馆提供了39.95美金的情侣特典套餐,蛋卷啊,饺子啊,数不清的炒菜。最后你还能和门口硕大的大理石马合影留念。
s:考虑到圣瓦伦丁是公元3世纪被石头和斩首的罗马祭祀,在这个夜晚带女朋友去看一场残忍的谋杀难道不是更合理的庆祝方式吗? 14、L说被选中去瑞士参加CERN会议并可以带一个同伴(他想带Penny去的) s:太难以置信了!我太开心了!我甚至不想质疑他们为什么会选你去,我要速度奔回家收拾行李。 L:不带s去Switzerland看大型对撞机,在车上L逗S说话: L: 我们玩你的开车游戏吧 S: 好啊,游戏名叫“叛徒”。
我说3个历史人物,你以背叛行为的罪恶程度给他们排序。本.阿诺德、犹大、Dr. L L:你真觉得我和他们是一类人吗? S:是的,犹大至少为自己的行为以死谢罪了.第二轮:Dr. L、达斯.韦德(星战黑武士)、R.默多克 L: R.默多克? S:福克斯电视台老板,他把《萤火虫》砍了。
提示他和达斯.韦德并列第二。 15、S:我尝试用瞬时环形影像来审视我的成果来激活我的上丘脑。
16、P:现在他又在干嘛? L:他要不是在分解公式的项一一检验的话,就是在寻找被彼得潘削掉后让短吻鳄吞噬的手。 S:胡克船长的手是被鳄鱼吃掉的,不是短吻鳄。
你想损我至少先把事实弄情楚先。 17、H:他卡壳多久了? L:智商上有30小时了,情商嘛,29年了。
18、L:你在说什么? S:爱因斯坦 L:至少多说点 S:埃尔伯. 爱因斯坦 L:继续继续 S:埃尔伯. 爱因斯坦在专利局工作时提出了狭义的相对论。…..我要找一份半斤八两的低贱工作,只需要动用我的基底神经节就行,那我的前额叶就能专注于解决高级问题。
L:真是雄心壮志啊 S:废话,和你说话也够低贱的咧,让我不禁感到思如泉涌啊。 19、S:我刮掉盘子里凝结的玉米翠饼时领悟了聚合物降解的现象 20、S打碎一叠盘子,客人鼓掌 S:天哪,整个一断面的干涉图样通过分子结构的波状运动。
P: Sheldon,你去哪?不要这里清理干净吗? S:抱歉,我不在这工作。 21、S:我的膀胱我做主。
8. 生活大爆炸 谢尔顿 英文台词
(i am not crazy, my mother had me tested.)1、谢尔顿:剪刀剪布,布包石头,石头砸死蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死史波克,史波克打碎剪刀,剪刀剪死蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃掉布,布否定史波克,史波克使石头蒸发,当然,石头砸碎剪刀。2、谢尔顿:我很清楚人类的繁殖方式,既脏乱又不卫生,而且跟你做了三年邻居,听了太多不必要又响亮的呼唤声。
“好啦,好啦”是我的真心话。18、彭妮:谢尔顿,你所说的是,我们是你的x战警?谢尔顿:不,x战警(x-men)源于查尔斯•泽维尔(charles xavier)教授名字中的x。
9. 生活大爆炸英文对白
The morning that marks three months and two days since they left, if she was actually, you know, counting, she wakes with a start. At first she can't put her finger on why. There is the soft buzz of her air conditioner, the distant sound of cars outside of her window, the sound her digital alarm clock makes, a soft click, as the numbers change to 8:05. Then, the sound of something knocking against her coffee table or the counter.Only the last one is out of the ordinary. Quietly, she tiptoes out of her room, unnerved at the noise, at her inability to find a reasonable explanation for what was making it. For what had just made it again. She finds it on her couch, watching her laptop boot up.“Sheldon?” She asks, slack-jawed and confused. “Ah, yes, Penny,” he says, as if those aren't his first words to her in over three months, “your laptop is fixed, as requested. Although I have to say whatever incompetent fool you left it with only exacerbated the problem. They should really consider looking into a career change.” She launches herself at him. It's irrational and ill-advised but her arms are around his neck as she kneels on the couch, and it has nothing at all to do with her laptop. His body is completely stiff for a few seconds before he relaxes against her in tiny increments, his hand just falling against the small of her back, and then she's pulling away with a smile on her lips. For his part, he remains relatively unfazed. “Now I can tell Leonard that I was, in fact, correct in my assumptions.”The statement confuses her, a fact that is both unsurprising and comforting to her. Some things will never change. “About what?”“When we arrived home late last night I went to inform you, only to have that attempt interceded and shot down by Leonard, claiming that we should just let you sleep. And then again this morning when I decided to come here and fix your laptop, something you yourself requested I do.” As with most things relating to human interaction, Sheldon looks well and truly puzzled by this. “I believe he brought up the time we cleaned your apartment and you in turn divested us of our key. However, I argued that since you had apparently already invaded our apartment while we were gone, I might as well return the favor.”Leonard had a point. However so did Sheldon. A year ago, Leonard's would have won out. Now though, she's so happy to have Sheldon sitting here, instead of in the Artic Circle or whatever, she doesn't care about the whys.So she hugs him. Again. For lack of anything else to say or do. “Penny,” she starts, remarkably at ease, considering the way her arms are looped around him and his face is barely an inch away from the top of her head. “What did you steal?”It takes her too long to connect his question back to the note, back to all the silly things she wrote. “Coffee,” she replies, simply, as she disentangles herself once more.He frowns. “Is that one of your little code words that I don't understand?”She has to bite her lip to keep from laughing. Maybe even to keep from kissing him and showing him what that word can really mean (it will take a bit longer to own up to that). “No, sweetie, it's not.” “Good. Because between multiple flights, cleaning my own apartment all night and fixing your laptop this morning, I am rather tired. Sleep deprivation is generally not conducive to enabling me to understand your strange need to say something other than what you actually mean.” “I missed you too, Sheldon,” she says, and means it.。
10. 《生活大爆炸》里谢尔顿对于选择位置的经典台词是什么
In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.
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