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1. 写给偶像的唯美短句

1. 当世界从华丽到荒芜,请放心我还是你的粉丝。

2. 就算荧光棒成了拐杖,你们也依旧是我的信仰。 3. 没有人比我自己更了解我自己,也没有人懂我到底为什麽会对不切实际的现实死心塌地。

那又有谁懂没有他我连最后的幻想都提不起力气?他是我所有的力量,谁懂? 4. 你在哪,心在哪。没想过如影随形,但想过永生不弃。

你在原地等我向你前进。 5. 时间是最好的证明,我会用时间证明你到底有多值得我为你守候到底。


6. 如果让我说这一辈子唯一不后悔的一件事情是什么。我想我唯一不后悔的就是遇见了你们。

7. 心疼你的心疼,感受你的感受,你的微笑是我快乐的通行号。 8. 爱你们十二个少年,成了习惯,一辈子都改不掉的习惯。

9. 我多想见你一面,哪怕看到的是背影也比这样无止境的想念要好得多。 10. 若你懂我的执念,就不会说我这满腔热血是大脑缺氧了。

若你再懂我痴缠,我想你会明白他是我生命里必不可少的人了。 11. 我不敢想象没有你,我的青春该怎么度过。

如果没有你,不会有现在满腔热血怀有梦想的。 12. 哪怕你们的步伐变得缓慢,不再活蹦乱跳,我依旧为你们呐喊;哪怕你们会慢辅攻滇纪鄄慌殿苇东俩慢变老,不再美貌绝伦,我依旧站在你们身后。

13. 我们说好不分离,要一直一直在一起。 14. 陪伴是最长情的告白,思念是最真心的等待。

15. 明天太阳依旧升起,转角我们能否相遇? 16. 看,彼岸花开,花为眠,倾城雪,来生之约。 17. 我承认我很花心,你的每个样子我都很喜欢。

18. 在这个利欲熏心冷暖自知的年代,遇见你们是我意想不到的美好。 19. 你们一定不知道自己的微笑,可以拯救我的全世界。

20. 爱上你们不是因为你们有多好,只是因为某一天某一瞬间某一眼,命中注定我会爱上你,爱上你们。 21. 你的过去,我没来的及参与。


你只顾风雨兼程的无数远方,从来也都是我有梦的地方。 22. 我想陪你们蹉跎一世芳华。

23. 你们是我这辈子想要依靠的守护.所以,别离开的太快,请让我陪你们走的更远.。

2. 关于偶像的英语作文



My idol

My idol is Leehom Wang(王力宏).He is a talent singer.He can play many instrument.For example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on. Also,his songs are very good!Such as "Forever love","Only one","Mary says","the small love in big city","Kiss goodbye"and so on. And he also writes the songs by himself,especially the original lyrics. So many people like him very much. Now,he concentrates on the Chinese music . Of course,he is very handsome.He also have the high academic records. He has many advantage,too.He is a kind man,he is hardly ever angry with other people. So many singers or actors are his friends.When he is making his CD,he even forgets the time and the meals.He is very earnest and gentle.I really take pride in his fans!






1.是什么what is it ?

2.为什么why ?

3.怎么做what can we do/what do we think?

4.会怎样the effect.






3. 英语作文我的偶像十个词.

From the beginning of last year I like Korea one day group -- exo, which is composed of 12 boys and men. They have godlike exists only debut 5 days have tens of millions of fans, they are pretty detached secular. But I believe it is not just for the handsome appearance that attract so many fans.

I like their songs, like their dance like them all. In my mind they already into my heart, into my flesh.

4. 描写明星人物的英文句子

这个是迈克尔杰克逊的简介,呵呵,杰克逊,应该是明星了吧?Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist, entertainer, and philanthropist. Referred to as the King of Pop, Jackson is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time by Guinness World Records. His contribution to music, dance and fashion, along with a much-publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades. The eighth child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene along with his brothers as a member of The Jackson 5 in the mid-1960s, and began his solo career in 1971.In the early 1980s, Jackson became a dominant figure in popular music. The music videos for his songs including "Beat It", "Billie Jean" and "Thriller", were credited with transforming the medium into an art form and a promotional tool, and the popularity of these videos helped to bring the relatively new television channel MTV to fame. Videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" made him a staple on MTV in the 1990s. Through stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style have influenced numerous hip hop, pop, contemporary R&B and rock artists.Jackson's 1982 album Thriller is the best-selling album of all time. His other records, including Off the Wall (1979), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and HIStory (1995), also rank among the world's best-selling. Jackson is one of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice. He was also inducted into the Dance Hall of Fame as the first (and currently only) dancer from the world of pop and rock 'n' roll. Some of his other achievements include multiple Guinness World Records; 13 Grammy Awards (as well as the Grammy Legend Award and the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award); 26 American Music Awards (more than any other artist, including the "Artist of the Century"); 13 number-one singles in the United States in his solo career (more than any other male artist in the Hot 100 era); and the estimated sale of over 800 million records worldwide. Jackson won hundreds of awards, which have made him the most-awarded recording artist in the history of music. He was also a notable humanitarian and philanthropist, donating and raising hundreds of millions of dollars for beneficial causes and supporting more than 39 charities.Aspects of Jackson's personal life, including his changing appearance, personal relationships and behavior, have generated controversy. In 1993, he was accused of child sexual abuse, but the case was settled out of court and no formal charges were brought. In 2005, he was tried and acquitted of further sexual abuse allegations and several other charges after the jury ruled him not guilty on all counts. While preparing for his concert series This Is It, Jackson died on June 25, 2009, after suffering from cardiac arrest. Before his death, Jackson had reportedly been administered drugs such as propofol and lorazepam. The Los Angeles County Coroner declared his death a homicide, and his personal physician pleaded not guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter. Jackson's death triggered a global outpouring of grief, and as many as one billion people around the world reportedly watched his public memorial service on live television. In March 2010, Sony Music Entertainment signed a US$250 million deal with Jackson's estate to retain distribution rights to his recordings until 2017, and to release seven posthumous albums over the decade following his death.。

5. 描述你心中的偶像(用英语),快点回答啊谢谢了

My idol is Zhang Jie.His English name is Jason.I think he is a very good singer.I admire him for his talent.He is very tall and handsome.His voice is very beautiful and many people say that he will be a super star.We all think so.I think many people will support him because he love all his fans.I hope he can sing songs for us forever!。

6. 谁能帮我写一篇关于偶像的英语作文.

My favorite star is Jay.I like his songs very much.He is very tall and thin.


He likes playing basketball and singing.He is very cool.I always hope to see his.

他喜欢玩篮球和唱歌. 他非常酷.我经常去看他

And he is handsome。His miusc is very good,I like《DUAN LE DE XIAN 》best,beacuse it's very dulcet


There are three people in his family:mum,grandma and him。jay loves his mum and grangma very much。 He is very obedient.


Jay was born in Taiwan and he is famous a singer.


We don't konw why we do like him


In fact ,many people are all like me like him very much.


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