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1. 关于婚纱 时尚的英文短文

Baby, listen to your heart

I won't let you down

Cuz you should be my lady

Now that we're apart love will show how

Life carries on…

I've never felt so strong life can lead us

To a happiness never ending if we just

Know that we belong to each other

Never worry-grow as we go

See you in your wedding dress

I can't see you wedding dress

[I see you walkin' down in your]

Wedding dress

I can't see you in your wedding dress

2. 关于婚纱 时尚的英文短文

Fashion refers to styles of dress (but can also include cuisine, literature, art, architecture, and general comportment) that are popular in a culture at any given time. Such styles may change quickly, and "fashion" in the more colloquial sense refers to the latest version of these styles. Inherent in the term is the idea that the mode will change more quickly than the culture as a whole. The terms "fashionable" and "unfashionable" are employed to describe whether someone or something fits in with the current or even not so current, popular mode of expression. The term "fashion" is frequently used in a positive sense, as a synonym for glamour, beauty and style. In this sense, fashions are a sort of communal art, through which a culture examines its notions of beauty and goodness. The term "fashion" is also sometimes used in a negative sense, as a synonym for fads and trends, and materialism. A number of cities are recognised as global fashion centres and are recognised for their fashion weeks, where designers exhibit their new clothing collections to audiences. These cities are New York City, Milan, Paris, and London. Other cities, mainly Los Angeles, Tokyo, São Paulo, Sydney, and Dubai also hold fashion weeks and are better recognised every year. Areas of fashion Fashions are social phenomena common to many fields of human activity and thinking. The rise and fall of fashions has been especially documented and examined in the following fields: Architecture, interior design, and landscape design Arts and crafts Body type, clothing or costume, cosmetics, personal grooming, hairstyle, and personal adornment Dance and music Forms of address, slang, and other forms of speech Economics and spending choices, as studied in behavioral finance Entertainment, games, hobbies, sports, and other pastimes Etiquette Management, management styles and ways of organizing Politics and media, especially the topics of conversation encouraged by the media Philosophy and spirituality (One might argue that religion is prone to fashions, although official religions tend to change so slowly that the term cultural shift is perhaps more appropriate than "fashion") Social networks and the diffusion of representations and practices Sociology and the meaning of clothing for identity-building Technology, such as the choice of computer programming techniques Hospitality industry such as designer uniforms custom made for a hotel, restaurant, casino, resort or club, in order to reflect a property and brand. see "uniforms" Of these fields, costume especially has become so linked in the public eye with the term "fashion" that the more general term "costume" has mostly been relegated to only mean fancy dress or masquerade wear, while the term "fashion" means clothing generally, and the study of it. This linguistic switch is due to the so-called fashion plates which were produced during the Industrial Revolution, showing novel ways to use new textiles. For a broad cross-cultural look at clothing and its place in society, refer to the entries for clothing and costume. The remainder of this article deals with clothing fashions in the Western world. Clothing Main article: History of Western fashion The habit of people continually changing the style of clothing worn, which is now worldwide, at least among urban populations, is generally held by historians to be a distinctively Western one. At other periods in Ancient Rome and other cultures changes in costume occurred, often at times of economic or social change, but then a long period without large changes followed. In 8th century Cordoba, Spain, Ziryab, a famous musician - a star in modern terms - is said to have introduced sophisticated clothing styles based on seasonal and daily timings from his native Baghdad and his own inspiration. The beginnings of the habit in Europe of continual and increasingly rapid change in styles can be fairly clearly dated to the middle of the 14th century, to which historians including James Laver and Fernand Braudel date the start of Western fashion in clothing.[2][3] The most dramatic manifestation was a sudden drastic shortening and tightening of the male over-garment, from calf-length to barely covering the buttocks, sometimes accompanied with stuffing on the chest to look bigger. This created the distinctive Western male outline of a tailored top worn over leggings or trousers which is still with us today.。

3. (有图)帮我吧这婚纱照用英文写 5 句话就好了

The dress is very beautiful and special. It is white and simple, making the bride looks pure. At the same time, it has a deep V-neck which can perfectly show the bride's feminine attraction. The design of the draping hemline is classic. In a word, the whole dress is a combination of being pure and sex, modern and classic。

4. 求英文唯美结婚誓言

,***(此处是自己的姓名),from this day forward,take you***(此处当然是你的爱人喽),to be my hu**and / wife, I will love you. I will cherish you. I will be true to you, no matter there is sickness or health,until we are parted by death, and with this ring,as a symbol of this pledge. I now marry you.。

5. 求浪漫英文短句

If I have to live my life without you near me.. 如果我必须过着没有你陪伴着我的生活.. The days would all be empty.. 白天都会很空虚.. The night would seem so long.. 夜晚也会变得这么长久.. With you I see forever all so clearly.. 和你在一起,我把永远的一切都看的那么清楚.. I might be in love before.. 我也许以前也曾经爱过.. But it never felt this strong.. 但是从来没有这次这么强烈的感觉.. Our dreams are young.. 我们的梦都还年轻.. And we both know.. 我们都知道.. They will take us where we want to go.. 它们将把我们带到想去的地方.. Hold me now, touch me now.. 拥着我..感觉我.. I dont want to live without you.. 我不想没有你的生活.. Nothing's gonna change my love for you.. 世间没有什么事情可以改变我对你的爱.. You ought to know by now.. 你现在应该知道了.. How much I love you.. 我是多么爱你.. One thing you can be sure of.. 有一件事情你应该很清楚.. I will never ask for more than your love.. 除了你的爱,我永远不会向你多要什么.. Nothing's gonna change my love for you.. 此情永不移.. You ought to know by now.. 你应该知道.. How much I love you.. 我是多么的爱你.. The world may change my whole life through.. 世界也许会彻底改变我的整个生活.. But nothing's gonna change my love for you 但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱.. If the road ahead is not so easy.. 如果前方的路布满艰辛.. Our love will lead the way of us.. 我们的爱会给我们指明方向.. Like a guiding star.. 就像一颗明星给我们指引方向.. I will be there for you.. 我将在那儿等你.. If you should need me.. 如果你需要我.. You dont have to change a thing.. 你不需要改变什么.. I love you just the way you are 我爱你就像你爱我一样.. So come with me and share the view.. 来和我一起分享这美好的风景吧.. I will help you see forever, too 我也会让你看到永远.. Hold me now, touch me now.. 拥着我..感觉我.. I dont want to live without you.. 我不想没有你的生活.. Nothing's gonna change my love for you.. 世间没有什么事情可以改变我对你的爱.. You ought to know by now.. 你现在应该知道了.. How much I love you.. 我是多么爱你.. One thing you can be sure of.. 有一件事情你应该很清楚.. I will never ask for more than your love.. 除了你的爱,我永远不会向你多要什么.. Nothing's gonna change my love for you.. 此情永不移.. You ought to know by now.. 你应该知道.. How much I love you.. 我是多么的爱你.. The world may change my whole life through.. 世界也许会彻底改变我的整个生活.. But nothing's gonna change my love for you 但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱.. Whenever I meet a man who would make a good husband, he already is. 每当我遇到一个我觉得会是个好丈夫的男人时,他都已经是了。

The only person who's asked her to get married is her mother. 唯一想叫她结婚的人就是她母亲。 I think- therefore I'm single. 我思考--所以我单身。

He's looking for a wife and he doesn't care whose. 他正在找老婆,而具体选谁的老婆他不在乎。 A wallflower is a man whose phone doesn't ring- even when he's in the bath. 所谓局外人就是那些电话从不响的男人--即使当他们在洗澡的时候。

A bachelor is a man who never chases a woman he can't outrun. 单身汉就是那些决不追赶那些他们无法追上的女人的男人。 A bachelor is a man who believes in life, liberty and the happiness of pursuit. 单身汉就是那些热爱生活、自由和追求的乐趣的男人。

A bachelor is a man who's cheated some poor woman out of a divorce. 单身汉就是那些哄骗可怜的女人跟她丈夫离婚的男人。 What a simple life we bachelors lead, I thought last night- as I stood in the kitchen washing my dish. 昨晚当我独自在厨房里刷碗的时候我想我们单身汉的生活是多么的简单而纯朴呀。

A bachelor is a man whose marriage vow is never to take one. 单身汉就是那些从不海誓山盟要结婚的男人。 A bachelor is a man who profits by the mistake he doesn't make. 单身汉就是那些得益于他们没犯过的错误的男人。

A bachelor is a man who is footloose and fiancee-free. 单身汉就是自由自在且没有未婚妻的男人。

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