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1. 描写芭蕾舞演员的英文句子

Ballet dancers are trained in the classical way including the turn out of feet, and dancing on point. They float around the stage. They are light and graceful, treading with light and nimble ease. It will take many years of strenuous training to be an outstanding ballerina, with agony and the sweat.。

2. 描写芭蕾的优美句子



轻步曼舞像燕子伏巢、疾飞高翔像鹊鸟夜惊。美丽的舞姿闲婉柔靡,机敏的迅飞体轻如风。她的妙态绝伦,她的素质玉洁冰清。修仪容操行以显其心志,独自驰思于杳远幽冥。志在高山表现峨峨之势,意在流水舞出荡荡之情。芭蕾是流动的音乐,是凝固的雕塑, 是肢体的奇迹,是极致的美…… 芭蕾是梦,是幻想,是最美感情宣泄, 是精神的升华,是心灵的飞翔…… 我的建议是你可以有空欣赏一下芭蕾表演,从自己的内心去体会,这样你就可以写出更多优美的语句了。

3. 求有关芭蕾的英语美文

Ballet is a formalized type of performative dance, the origins of which date lay in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century French courts, and which was further developed in England, Italy, and Russia as a concert dance form. The early performances preceded the intervention of the proscenium stage and were presented in large chambers with the most of the audience seated on tiers or galleries on three sides of the dancing floor. The early ballet dancers were not as highly skilled as they are now.[1] It has since become a highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary. It is primarily performed with the accompaniment of classical music. It has been influential as a form of dance globally and is taught in ballet schools around the world, which use their own cultures and societies to inform the art. Ballet dance works (ballets) are choreographed, and also include mime, acting, and are set to music (usually orchestral but occasionally vocal).

It is best known in the form of Late Romantic Ballet Blanc, which preoccupies itself with the female dancer to the exclusion of almost all else, focusing on pointe work, flowing, precise acrobatic movements, and often presenting the dancers in the conventional short white French tutu. Later developments include expressionist ballet, Neoclassical ballet, and elements of Modern dance.

The etymology of the word "ballet" is related to the art form's history. The word ballet comes from the French and was borrowed into English around the 17th century. The French word in turn has its origins in Italian balletto, a diminutive of ballo (dance). Ballet ultimately traces back to Latin ballare, meaning to dance.

4. 描写芭蕾的优美句子有哪些

1. 蕊宫阆苑。听钧天帝乐,知他几遍。争似人间,一曲采莲新传。柳腰轻,莺舌啭。逍遥烟浪谁羁绊。无奈天阶,已催班转。却驾彩鸾,芙蓉斜盼。愿年年,陪此宴。

2. 台上灯光,一片柔和。一朵朵含苞待放的花蕾,吸着丝丝春雨,正徐徐绽放。盛开的荷花伴着阵阵缥缈的云烟又慢慢飞入九天,一个身着粉红纱衣的少女,撑着淡黄的油纸伞,翩翩起舞,如仙女,似蝴蝶,犹碧玉。蒙蒙细雨中,十几个撑着伞的绿衣姑娘,如绿叶一般,娇翠欲滴。风吹叶动,那位红衣姑娘犹如一朵带露的荷花,在一片片绿叶的掩映下,婷婷玉立,娇艳动人。好一片蒙蒙细雨!好一个走雨姑娘!

3. 她跳着舞像美丽的蝴蝶般飞舞着,像婀娜多姿的柳条样扭动着,美的让人陶醉描写舞蹈优美的句子描写舞蹈优美的句子。

4. 她灵动的跳跃 飘逸着裙摆 好像袭来一股白色的幽香 她点点着舞步 轻抖着白纱 就像触出几抹湖水的涟漪。

5. 粉色的蓬蓬裙,让芭蕾舞者更好的展现舞蹈的灵魂,它是那么美丽优雅,不需要太多语言去形容,它就是纯白的至高无上的象征。

6. 轻步曼舞像燕子伏巢、疾飞高翔像鹊鸟夜惊。美丽的舞姿闲婉柔靡,机敏的迅飞体轻如风。她的妙态绝伦,她的素质玉洁冰清。修仪容操行以显其心志,独自驰思于杳远幽冥。志在高山表现峨峨之势,意在流水舞出荡荡之情。

7. 没有任何一种成功存在侥幸,穿上华丽的舞服,登上绚烂的舞台,芭蕾舞演员的台前是光鲜亮丽的。优美的舞姿,高雅的姿态,一举一动都充满着迷人的气息。然而,台上一分钟,台下十年功呀!美丽背后自有辛酸!芭蕾舞演员的苦,或许你都无法能想象。

8. 常常有那么一个梦,温馨又甜蜜。我总能朦胧的看见,一条裙子,一双舞鞋,还有一个微笑。我每天每天都在做着这个梦,这个神奇的梦。梦中的她们,总是跳着优雅的舞,永远这样笑着,跳着。

9. 舞蹈是一门艺术,优美的舞姿,给人以美的熏陶,婀娜多姿,让人如痴如醉。

10. 舞蹈是你的脉搏,是你的心跳,是你的呼吸,是你生命的节奏。也是对时间、动作、幸福、喜悦、伤心和羡慕的表达。

11. 珠缨旋转星宿摇,花蔓抖擞龙蛇动。舞低杨柳楼心月,歌尽桃花扇底风涂香莫惜莲承步,长愁罗袜凌波去。只见舞回风,都无行处踪。 偷穿宫样稳,并立双趺困。纤妙说应难,须从掌上看。

12. 芭蕾舞演员精彩的单腿飞转,那是力的旋律;健美运动员块块隆起的肌肉,那是力的线条;赛跑健将风驰电掣般的冲刺,那是力的速度。

13. 南国有佳人,轻盈绿腰舞。华筵九秋暮,飞袂拂云雨。翩如兰苕翠,婉如游龙举。越艳罢前溪,吴姬停白。其二:慢态不能穷,繁姿曲向终。低回莲破浪,凌乱雪萦风。坠珥时流,修裾欲溯空。唯愁捉不住,飞去逐惊鸿。

14. 我们发现她们不但是表现神和人,就是草木禽兽:如莲花的花开瓣颤,小鹿的疾走惊跃,孔雀的高视阔步,都能形容尽致,尽态极妍!

15. 她用她的长眉,妙目,手指,腰肢;用她髻上的花朵,腰间的褶裙;用她细碎的舞步,繁响的铃声,轻云般慢移,旋风般疾转,舞蹈出诗句里的离合悲欢。

5. 关于


其代表作品有《天鹅湖》、《仙女》、《胡桃夹子》等。 小时候,妈妈执意要带我去芭蕾舞学院,我死也不肯去,甚至在芭蕾舞学院门口哭了起来,但在舞蹈教室里我停止了哭泣,看着芭蕾舞老师那优美的舞姿,高雅的气质,我情不自禁地在一旁跟着音乐,有节奏地跳了起来。

就这样,促使我进了芭蕾舞培训班。 刚开始的我是个初学者,但是却被老师认为是个天生适合跳舞的学生,听到老师这样赞美我,我更是用功起来了,却没想到一切的一切不是我想象的那么简单,多少次的用功换来的只是全身上下的酸痛,本想就这样放弃吧,可是看到老师那优美的舞姿,高雅的气质,又不想放弃了,我在跳舞的时候一直在这两者之间徘徊,放弃,还是继续?上天给了我答案让我继续,老师表扬了我,我的心顿时不再纠结,没有疑问的选择了继续。

继续也是需要付出代价的,就这样在后面的日子里一直在纠结和继续中徘徊。 一次演出的失误让我的心选择了放弃,我害怕失误,一个芭蕾舞者怎么能在舞台上出错,多少次的练习都是为了在舞台上跳一支最优美的舞蹈,为了那种被掌声包围的幸福感,不知在台下付出了多少次的努力,不知流了多少次的泪……但在芭蕾舞老师和妈妈的鼓励下我又重新站在了舞台上,一次又一次的成功表演都引领我走上爱芭蕾的这条路,现在的我喜爱芭蕾,再也不会放弃它,我会继续向前,直到到达芭蕾的成功彼岸。


Ballet is European classical dance, ballet is one of the most important features of the performers is to show to toes point, so it is also called toe dance. His representative works are < < > > of Swan Lake, fairy, "The Nutcracker >.When I was young, my mother insisted on taking me to the Ballet Academy, I die also refused to go, even in the ballet school doorway to cry, but in the dance in the classroom I stopped crying, ballet teacher looked the beautiful dance, elegant temperament, I couldn't help but in the side with music, rhythmic jumped. This prompted me to into the ballet classes.At first I was a beginner, but teachers think it is a natural for the dance students heard the teacher praised me, I was hard up, but did not think everything is not as easy as I thought, how many times the work just for all the pain, this would like to give it up, but the teacher saw the beautiful dancing, elegant temperament, and do not want to give up, I was dancing when hovering in between the two, give up, or continue? God gave me the answer let me continue, the teacher praised me, my heart suddenly no longer tangled, no doubt chose to continue. Also need to pay the price, so in the coming days have been tangled and continue to linger.And efforts to jump on stage in order to make mistakes on the how can a performance error for my heart chose to give up, I am afraid of mistakes, a ballet dancer on the stage, the number of times the practice is a the most beautiful dance, for that is the applause surrounded by happiness, I do not know in Taiwan pay how many times, I do not know how many times tears. But in a ballet teacher and mother encouraged me to stand on the stage, and a successful performance lead me on love ballet of the road, and now I love ballet, also won't give it up, I will continue to forward, until the arrival of the ballet of the success of the other side.Now, my life cannot do without the ballet, it not only affects my life, but also cultivate my temperament. Every week, I look forward to a ballet class, I hope one day I can realize my dream.。

6. 用英语写一段我的舞蹈爱好

I have my hobby, and my hobby is dancing. The reason I like dancing is (请填写你为什么会喜欢跳舞). Dancing is a healthy hobby. It can help us reduce our fat and help us stay strong. Dancing can help our body keep fit and let our joints stay together.。

7. 描写舞蹈优美的句子




2.珠缨旋转星宿摇,花蔓抖擞龙蛇动。 舞低杨柳楼心月,歌尽桃花扇底风涂香莫惜莲承步,长愁罗袜凌波去。

只见舞回风,都无行处踪。 偷穿宫样稳,并立双趺困。



锦缠头,刘郎错认风前柳。4. 悠扬的笛声吹起,响亮的鼓声敲起,照射出一种神圣的光。





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