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1. 蝴蝶作文(中文)翻译为英文

These butterflies most is to belong to a race, their wings on the back of peak green, it is also the beautiful decorative pattern, this makes them in to stop motionless as if they were in the grass green, their wings as positive is golden brown, this makes them in flapping wings when the but again like a blossoming golden floret, in their dense team among, sometimes flying a few big black body with the big red ribbon FenDie, asing if is intentionally to as an ornament. The butterfly wings body sparkling, there are two small circle. Red, yellow, green, purple and dark color proportioned to award the wings, like a colorful flowers. Swarms of butterfly together when when scattered, colorful wings in sunshine backdrop silks and satins as extremely beautiful. This bizarre butterfly, when seen from afar like hangs on a tree leaves, if you stretch hand to pick the leaf, it flew. Flowers have several with only purple butterfly, while the big spots pian-pian floating in the sky for a while, then perked up its wings fell on the flowers, absolutely cannot distinguish is butterfly became flowers compose the branches, or flower brought forth wings flew. Butterfly mouth very chic also like clocks and watches, at ordinary times the wind rolled, want to straighten -though plugged into flower heart tiime go inside the juices. Two with black spots white butterfly, upside-down, blinked her wings, like two flower lovely small white flowers. Exquisite of simple but elegant Helena, double into sorry to between the flower lightsome fly chase, tail long as ribbons, jade, dance is really beautiful flap is parlous handsome. Butterfly rest on one clump wild flowers, two spots from the wings with flaps, that such as nets aureate choroid gleaming, that pair shallow blue pard, slender like brocade. In the garden, flower beds, swarms of butterfly, like from the air and down the colors of the prayer-book like, with wind, and the breeze. Colorful butterfly, posture, light in the delicate and charming flowers shuttle come-and-go, drive-travelers, put the early autumn hills ornament more enchanting, beautiful.补充问题Today I saw a butterfly,今天我见到一只蝴蝶, as it floated in the air;因为它悬浮在空气。

Its wings were spread in splendor,奢华的翅膀被传播,Unaware that I was there.不知道我就在那里。It was such a thing of beauty,这样一件美好的东西,It was a sight to see.这是一个壮观。

2. 有关于蝴蝶的英文语句么



原句:butterfly翻译: 蝴蝶短语蝴蝶夫人Madama Butterfly;Mitsouko;Cio Cio San;Un bel di vedremo蝴蝶飞linger;Fly Fly Butterfly;Butterfly;Flying Butterfly蝴蝶竺basket;gourmet gift larizonaeets;lazeet;carrier蝴蝶星团Butterfly Cluster;Messier;Messier Object;Open Cluster白蝴蝶sulphur butterfly;Syngonium podophyllum cv white butterfly;Syngonium podophyllum;WhiteButterfly蝴蝶龙hudiesaurus;Hudiesaurus sinojapanorum;The Butterfly Dragon两只蝴蝶Two Butterflies;DJ Dong ReMiX;Ericsson;Two butterfly铁蝴蝶Iron Butterfly蝴蝶双刀butterfly sword;Butterfly Knife蝴蝶飞落在花朵上。The butterfly alighted on a flower.毛虫变成了蝴蝶。

A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.我看到一只蝴蝶擦着窗飞过去。I saw a butterfly graze against the window.蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。

The butterflies flirted from flower to flower.这是蝴蝶效应的一个实例。This was an illustration of the butterfly effect.“他答应给我一块地办蝴蝶展览,只要我能得到计划许可,”法雷尔回忆道。

"He offered me a site for a butterfly exhibition if I could get planning permission," he recalls.他们说,如果我写的是关于鸟和蝴蝶,就没有人会骚扰我,但是由于我不因为我的亚洲丈夫和小孩而感到 羞愧,我会才引来这些。They said if I wrote about birds and butterflies, nobody would have harassed me. But since I am not ashamed of my Asian husband and my child, I have attracted all that.在这座美丽的花园里,黛拉和花儿聊天,与蝴蝶玩耍,同鸟儿一起唱歌。

In the garden, she talked with the flowers, played with the butterflies and sang with the birds.它的广告宣传做得很大,至少在去年是这样的,我不确定它现在还是不是,它这里有一个小蝴蝶。This was very big in an ad campaign at least last year, I'm not sure if it still is, with the little butterfly.除了黑鸟和麻雀,见不到其它的身影;除了蝴蝶扇动翅膀,听不到其它的声音。

There is nothing to see except blackbirds and sparrows; nothing to hear except the noise of butterflies\' wings.蝴蝶和马利筋继续在彼此周围舞蹈着,无休无止的疯狂芭蕾使它们的形态大大改变,远远不同于它们彼此处于平静状态时可能拥有的形态。The butterfly and the milkweed constantly dance around each other, and by this ceaseless crazed ballet they move far beyond the forms they would have if they were at peace with each other.一个比一大很多的数字会导致了一个混沌系统,因为在生物电活动中任何小干扰都会很快被扩大,就像蝴蝶效应一样。

A value much greater than one would lead to a chaotic system, because any small perturbations in the electrical activity would soon be amplified, as in the butterfly effect.这种蝴蝶是以绿色的孔雀石命名的——从图中你就可以看出原因。This butterfly is named after the green mineral malachite – and you can see why.可是她们的数目非常多,选择很不容易。

蝴蝶不愿意招来麻烦,因此就飞到雏菊那儿去。The butterfly did not like to take too much trouble, so 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

3. 用英文描写蝴蝶100字以上

Most varieties of butterflies will also need some sort of shelter from wind. Although they really like open areas with a lot of sun, you'll probably need to provide some sort of windbreak to protect them from high winds that can disturb them.Butterflies often congregate by the edges of mud puddles. You've probably seen this before. It isn't known exactly why butterflies enjoy mud puddles so much, but it's thought that it may be certain minerals that are present in the muddy water. If you want to attract a lot of butterflies, you might consider keeping some damp areas in your garden.Female butterflies need plants that can be eaten by the caterpillars that hatch from their eggs. Black swallowtails prefer dill and parsley, for example. Monarch butterflies typically only lay their eggs on milkweed. Female butterflies spend a lot of time searching for these plants to lay their eggs on.Adult butterflies eat nectars from various flowers. Flowers that contain a lot of nectar are especially attractive to butterflies. These flowers are usually brightly colored and sweetly scented. Some species of butterflies feed on the honeydew produced by aphids. Some even feed on plant spa, bird feces, or rotting fruit!Your butterfly garden should contain at least one big patch of flowers that will attract butterflies. You may want to get flowers that bloom in sequence, because this will keep butterflies visiting your garden more often.You should bear in mind that many flowers that are preferred by butterflies are considered weeds. For example, dandelion is very attractive to several types of butterflies. Thistle is another weed that many types of butterflies enjoy.If you have an herb garden or vegetable garden, you may notice some butterflies congregating on some of your plants there. The European cabbage butterfly enjoys broccoli, cabbage, and other cruciferous vegetables. The black swallowtail often frequents herbs such as dill and parsley.Don't use insecticides in your garden unless absolutely necessary, because they can kill caterpillars. Some insecticides can also kill the adult butterflies if they light on plants that have been treated, or if they drink nectar that was polluted by poison.Some flowers you should plant if you like to attract butterflies include cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage, herbs like parsley and dill, and many types of flowers. Some great flowers for butterfly gardens include asters, lilacs, verbena, zinnias, cosmos, marigolds, sunflowers, thistles, butterfly bush, bee balm, and sweet pea.Making your garden hospitable for butterflies doesn't take a lot of extra work. Simply keeping a small wet area for them and planting a few plants that they'll enjoy is often enough to attract a number of butterflies.。

4. 蝴蝶的一生英语作文带翻译,急需,谢谢

I thought I was a butterfly, -- Shen Congwen.I thought, I'm a unwilling to meet in a flower in the life of the butterfly. So I in the Buddha under the bodhi tree made a year of life, to find the beauty of the world.What is the most beautiful? The old butterfly tells me the most beautiful spring. I came, came to the early spring scenery south of the Yangtze river. The bridge is who purple people pluggin a oil umbrella, the canal side who is delicate and pretty daughter staring at the wave ripples. The pear tree in the rain like a girl with her mother-in-law, maple bridge pier ring a Jiangnan dream.But I will not stand, I came to the hot summer, the summer wind tells me the most beautiful scenery in the countryside. I flew to the field, made a red and green sleeve Dasan female. Tip across the smart finger green. A thin layer of fog around the mountain, far from intermittent sound animal husbandry. Beam fairly farmers hoe to, Yamano Rimitsu is a sweet song. At noon, the fiery red sun a red face; the middle of the night, the wind blowing the kind of people to a summer cooling, send a beautiful story.Through the summer, I went to the autumn. A slightly sentimental sun rise on an autumn morning. To the north of the plain, where there is a stretch as far as eye can see the wheat, the river reed is self-pity, wind acoustic mingled with the harvest song. Looking back, the red maple leaf smile in the wind.Just as I was intoxicated, led me to the winter wind. Have never seen snow. I was shocked. As the snow Qingquan flowing through the sky, flute, between heaven and earth is a quiet, I only hear my voice flaps its wings, between heaven and earth is a white, with only one spot butterfly in dancing.Ah! The four seasons are beautiful, came to the animal kingdom, animal are arguing.Spring silkworms that spring is the most beautiful, the recovery of all things.Cicadas that summer is the most beautiful, rich color.The ant said autumn is the most beautiful, rich food.The fish say winter is the most beautiful, underwater security.And I said, the four seasons is very beautiful. Spring germination, the passion of summer, autumn winter silence, thinking, beauty is the eternal topic. But the world the myriads of changes, beautiful and how can there be a fixed number, only ignorance or paranoid talents will be stubborn, not seeking alternative. Only experienced the brilliant life, experienced many color people, will have a very rich inner world.The world is rich and colorful, the answer should be rich and colorful.我思想,故我是蝴蝶——沈从文。










雪花如清泉般流泻,笛贯长空,天地之间是一片宁静,我只听见我拍动翅膀的声音,天地之间是一片洁白,只有一只斑蝶在舞动。 啊!四季是多么美丽,来到动物王国,动物们正在争论不休。

春蚕说春天最美丽,万物复苏。 知了说夏天最美丽,色彩浓郁。

蚂蚁说秋天最美丽,食品丰富。 小鱼说冬天最美丽,水下安全。




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