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1. 求《一球成名》的一段英文台词

桑蒂: What could you do that?




桑蒂:You know I need this for(倒装句,原句应该是You know I need for it. it做形式宾语,指代那些钱.)Two more weeks that I have enough.

老爸: For what?To achieve a stupy dream?Be top football player in England,come on,it's bull-shit!If you failed,how you come to the babbers(这个词可能是地名,听不大清楚.)

桑蒂:I get only chance,and do you think it is,give it up or what it do ?

老爸:I do is take care of my family.In Mexico,I work at building site,at night I be a floorful.But in fact I save enough momey to take you to America.When your mother woke up..No!I hold this family

桑蒂:If I am understand。.

老爸:I am making of this house,and now I have my own bussiness,this house must be get better,this are your mention my life?!

桑蒂:It is your life!Not mine.

结束了。共用时间25分钟。.好难吖。不过锻炼了听力~嗯 不错~也谢谢你吖

2. 一球成名经典台词带翻译

Hernan Nunez:Don't you get it?There are two types of people in this world.Those that live in big houses and people like us,who cut their lawns and wash their cars.赫曼·蒙尼兹:你还不明白?这个世界上有两种人,一种就是那种可以住花园别墅的人,另一种就是我们这种给那些住花园洋房的人剪草洗车的人。

Santiago Munez:That could change if I become a professional player.圣地亚哥·蒙尼兹:如果我成了职业球员,这一切都可以改变。Santiago Munez:It's your life.Not mine.圣地亚哥·蒙尼兹:这是你的生活,不是我的。

(爸爸偷了圣地亚哥的钱买车) When your mother walked out on us,I promised God I'd do everything to help you boys follow your dreams.当你们的妈妈离开我们的时候,我向上帝发誓,我要尽我所能,去帮助你们实现心中的梦想。(奶奶的话很感动) Santiago Munez:You know,my father believes people have a place in life.You work,you feed your family.You die.And it's foolish to think otherwise.圣地亚哥·蒙尼兹:你知道吗,爸爸认为每个人都有自己的位置,打工赚钱,养家糊口,然后就上西天,其他的事情想也是白想。

Santiago Munez:There's only three ways to get out of a gang-you get shot,you go to jail,or。In my case,you have a grandmother who kicks some sense into you.圣地亚哥·蒙尼兹:只有三种脱离帮派的方法,你被打死了,进监狱了,或者像我这种情况,有个不停对你进行思想改造的奶奶。

That the ball can travel faster than you.Here,we pass the ball.足球永远比你跑得快,所以,我们需要传球。Santiago Munez:I love that game.Love football.Every night after school and Sundays after church,I'd play.All I hoped was that one day,football could be my whole life.圣地亚哥·蒙尼兹:我爱这个运动,我爱足球,每个放学的晚上还有星期天做完礼拜,我都会去踢球。

我唯一希望的就是能有那么一天,足球能成为我生命的全部。Santiago Munez:I'm sitting in the airport and I think to myself,at least now I have an excuse.A reason to give my buddies and everybody else why things didn't work out."Hey,my dad died.I had to come home,take care of business."Know why I needed an excuse?赫曼·蒙尼兹:我坐在机场想了很久,至少现在我有了借口,一个告诉所有人我依旧没有成功的借口,“嘿~我爸爸去世了,我必须回家处理后事”,知道为什么我需要一个借口吗?Erik:No.埃里克:不知道。

Santiago Munez:Because that's the way my father made me think.He took away my self-belief.He made it impossible.Aspiration,you understand?赫曼·蒙尼兹:因为这是我爸爸一直给我灌输的一种思想,他让我失去了自信,他让我觉得人不应该有不切实际的渴望,渴望,你明白吗?Erik:Yes.埃里克:嗯。Santiago Munez:I don't need an excuse.They only person who can tell me I'm not good enough is you.And even then I may not agree with you.赫曼·蒙尼兹:我不需要什么借口,唯一可以说我不够好的人只有你,即使是那样,我也不该这么认为。

3. 《一球成名》的英文台词

桑蒂: What could you do that? 老爸:XXXX(拉丁语..听不懂)中文"买这车我花了4500,有1200是你的,但是我把一半的生意给了你,这笔交易值!" 奶奶:(还是拉丁语)你偷了他的钱 老爸:(依然是拉丁。)

别管这事,妈妈 桑蒂:You know I need this for(倒装句,原句应该是You know I need for it. it做形式宾语,指代那些钱.)Two more weeks that I have enough. 老爸: For what?To achieve a stupy dream?Be top football player in England,come on,it's bull-shit!If you failed,how you come to the babbers(这个词可能是地名,听不大清楚.) 桑蒂:I get only chance,and do you think it is,give it up or what it do ? 老爸:I do is take care of my family.In Mexico,I work at building site,at night I be a floorful.But in fact I save enough momey to take you to America.When your mother woke up..No!I hold this family 桑蒂:If I am understand。. 老爸:I am making of this house,and now I have my own bussiness,this house must be get better,this are your mention my life?! 桑蒂:It is your life!Not mine. 结束了。


不过锻炼了听力~嗯 不错~也谢谢你吖。

4. 求《一球成名1》的英文简介和经典对话

How far would you go to live your dreams? When Santiago Munez is given the chance of a lifetime, he must leave his family, his life in Los Angeles and everything that he knows to travel halfway around the globe to England and into a completely foreign worl。

5. 用英语描写一场足球比赛

A Football match

In the morning of May 1st, a football match took place between Shen Hua Team and Guo An Team in the city stadium. When I got there the stand was already packed with spectators.

The match was exciting. A home player got hold of the ball and kicked it miles over the bar. Towards the end of the match, a forward got a chance to give the ball a hard kick and it skidded straight into the back of net over the goalkeeper.

The crowd went wild, laughing, jumping and shouting loudly.

When I was on my way home, my heart was still full of excitement.

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