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1. 关于孝顺的好句或名言,要英文的


希望采纳。关于孝敬的名言警句 孝子之养也,乐其心,不违其志。



——《论语·为政》父母之所爱亦爱之,父母之所敬亦敬之。——孔子 长幼有序。

——孟子 老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼。天下可运于掌。

——孟子 孝子之至,莫大乎尊亲。——孟子 惟孝顺父母,可以解忧。

——孟子 父子有亲,君臣有义,夫妇有别,长幼有叙,朋友有信。——孟子 事,孰为大?事亲为大;守,孰为大?守身为大。


——孟子 仁之实,事亲是也;义之实,从兄是也。——孟子 不得乎亲,不可以为人;不顺乎亲,不可以为子。

——孟子 君子有三乐,而王天下不与存焉。父母俱存,兄弟无故,一乐也;仰不愧于天,俯不怍于人,二乐也;得天下英才而教育之,三乐也。

君子有三乐,而王天下不与存焉。——孟子 世俗所谓不孝者五,惰其四支,不顾父母之养,一不孝也;博奕好饮酒,不顾父母之养,二不孝也;好货财,私妻子,不顾父母之养,三不孝也;从耳目之欲,以为父母戮,四不孝也;好勇斗狠,以危父母,孝也。

——孟子 无父无君,是禽兽也。——孟子 贤不肖不可以不相分,若命之不可易,若美恶之不可移。

——《吕氏春秋》孝子不谀其亲,忠臣不谄其君,臣子之盛也。——庄子 事其亲者,不择地而安之,孝之至也。

——庄子 礼者,断长续短,损有余,益不足,达爱敬之文,而滋成行义之美也。——荀子 天地之性,人为贵;人之行,莫大于孝,孝莫大于严父。

——《孝经·圣至章》父母者,人之本也。——司马迁 事亲以敬,美过三牲。

——挚虞 父子不信,则家道不睦。——武则天 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。

——孟郊 内睦者,家道昌。——林逋 慈孝之心,人皆有之。

——苏辙 To the son, a great deal by elders.- mencius However, filial piety, relieves stress.- mencius Father and son are close, there's teachings, couples are different, pecking Syria, friends have believed.- mencius It, which is big?Close to great things;, which is big?As a big.Do not break its body and aims at its QinZhe, I smell the yi;Its body and aims at its QinZhe, I have never smell also.Which is not for what?This is also of matter, matter;Which is not to keep?Keep the body, and keep this also.- mencius Reality of the kernel, it is also affinity;Reality of the righteousness, is also from brother.- mencius Shall not kiss, can not be;Don't accord with kiss, cannot think.- mencius The gentleman has SanLe, and the king of the world is not to save.Both parents, brothers without cause, a music also;Not the kui on day, open and aboveboard and feel no qualms over in person, two music;The world of talent and education, SanLe also.The gentleman has SanLe, and the king of the world is not to save.- mencius Secular unfilial five, so-called idler its 4 teams, regardless of her parents, a unfilial also;Game good drinking, regardless of her parents, two unfilial also;Wife good wealth, private, regardless of her parents and three unfilial also;From the eyes and ears of desire, think parents slaughter, four unfilial also;Good USES harsh to dangerous parents, five unfilial also.- mencius Without father, jun is an animals also.- mencius Xian corrupt can't be divided, if life is easy, if the evil cannot be moved.- the "spring and autumn annals" Son don't Yu the kiss, loyal subjects not flattering the gentleman, sheng also detained.- chuang tzu Its QinZhe, and Ann is not selective, takayuki also.- chuang tzu Rites, long continued short broken, loss and benefit is insufficient, to respect you, love and the beauty of zi in righteousness.- xunzi Heaven and earth, human life;People, a great deal in filial piety, filial piety in stern father."Xiao SAN to the chapter"。

2. 有关孝敬的英语短文20个词的

Life in this world, long in this world, all from their parents. The parents gave us life and care of our parents grow up. Parenting's grace, we should all return for a lifetime. There is an old saying that goes: "100 Yoshitaka comes first." The point is to say, honor our common humanity in all kinds of parents are the most important and beautiful qualities account for the first character. It is the sons and daughters will do the only right and proper thing to do. The Chinese nation for thousands of years have been with this fine tradition of respecting elderly people. Ancient Buried child Bong-mother, the mother of Qi Guan find the story enough to allow people to marvel at, but today's donate a kidney to save the mother of withdrawal for the mother's story, but also makes us extremely impressed. Different times, perform the same theme, that is, honor their parents, the parents return. In fact, today, for us, honor their parents, the parents return, do not like the above stated, to do some great things. As long as we pay more attention in times of peace to do littl。

3. 写一篇关于孝心的英语作文

Thanksgiving day is a western festival ,but it also tells us that we should own our thanks to our parents .

Since from the first day one one born ,the parents gave the love to their babies ,cared about the babies houth health development and living quality ,and saved up for our further study .they worked very hard .

Therefore ,we must own our thanks to the them ,we can do like these ,a warm hug ,giving a cup of tea when they were thirsty ,washing the dishes ,etc .好久没有碰过英语,都不会写了。

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