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1. 关于花的英语句子

Flowers on the slope look like a group of yellow butterflies.(斜坡上的花朵看上去象一群黄蝴蝶)

Those red roses lying on you writing-desk quietly, are picked from the Garden of my mind.(躺在你写字台上的那些红玫瑰采之我心的花园。)

Undefiled orange flowers are blossoming in the forest.


The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun.


2. 描写玫瑰花的英语美文

Today, daddy leads me to buy the flowerto the flowershop, I elected three to plant flowers: Fresh refined lily, warm moving carnation, what I most like is that posture myriadrose. In the flower shop rose has many kind of colors: The white like snow, the red elephantfire, yellow resembles the gold, flesh color like rosy cloud 。

I have chosen a most lovablepurple-red rose. Gets in the home, I insert them in have in the water jar, sits before the table the careful observation rose. Rose's stem very straight very straight, has the penstock to be so thick, on is also bringing several spinules. The bottle green leaf is the Chinese oliveshape, also soft is also thin, the edge becomes the zigzag, the arteries is the forked arteries. It is an opening flower bud, the desire in bud puts it is similar to the charming charming young girl, the smiling face contains the spring, beautiful extremely. The second day early in the morning, I discovered the rose already split open the smiling face, a flowers small wine class, the flower petal slightly has become likely screw type splits open, but has not looked at the insidestamen and pistil. The rose seems beautiful and the rich charm, I draw close to it gently, inspired deeply! A light delicate fragrance greets the nostrils. The rose is the rose family plant, its ancestor is an everflowering rose, afterward was mixed with the wild rose, has become present's rose. Although the rose is bringing the thorn, but my equally I like tenderly and beautifully pleasant, fragrant four overflow rose.。

3. 关于玫瑰花的唯美句子


你会用哪些唯美的句子来描写玫瑰呢?关于玫瑰的唯美句子_描写玫瑰的优美语句1. 早晨,我忽然发现玫瑰花的茎上绽出几个小小的花蕾,花蕾穿着一件绿色的外衣。又过了几天,花蕾顶破了外衣,露出红红的花瓣。



2. 远远看上去,一株株玫瑰花显现出一片红色,红似火,艳如霞,美丽极了。3. 玫瑰花的气味很香,芬芳扑鼻,幽香醉人,闻了还会沉醉在香味中。

而且玫瑰的用途很广,把花瓣晒干以后,可以做糕点泡茶做香包等。4. 玫瑰花未开的时候,花蕾穿着一层绿色的外衣。


这朵花是粉红色,像一个穿着粉红色衣裙的少女,可爱中又带着羞涩,美丽极了。5. 我忽然觉得自已仿佛就是一朵玫瑰花,穿着鲜红的衣裳,站在阳光里。


一阵微风吹过散发出淡淡的幽香,我仿佛又变成了一只小蝴蝶在花瓣上和蜜蜂一起尽情地跳舞嬉戏6. 我特别喜欢阳光下的玫瑰花。你看,阳光给玫瑰花镀上了一层闪耀的金光,而旁边的一颗颗小水珠就像一个个调皮的小精灵,滚过来,滚过去,滚到西,滚到东。

在阳光的照射下,鲜红的玫瑰花上,一颗一颗的小水珠却变成一颗颗美丽的金珍珠,使玫瑰花显得更加富丽堂皇了。7. 夏天,玫瑰花绽开着艳丽的花朵。


8. 一朵朵灼灼如火的玫瑰花的花瓣挨挨挤挤层层叠叠就像一个个红通通的玛瑙,美丽极了。有的才展开两三片花瓣儿,有的花瓣花儿全都绽放开来。


9. 玫瑰树篱笆上有一朵花,一朵所有的鲜花中最美丽的花。夜莺对它唱出他的爱情的悲愁。


10. 玫瑰花很鲜艳,红中泛白,呈胭脂色,像小女孩的脸,那么可爱。11. 玫瑰花开大于盘,绝胜怀新紫牡丹。

可惜蚕忙刚四月,人间只许病夫看。12. 玫瑰花是爱人们的一种柔美象征,各人都很喜好,朵玫瑰花代表了各人的爱。



13. 玫瑰花多姿多彩,红的胜火,粉的似霞,白的洁白淡雅……但是她并不像牡丹那样雍容富贵;不像桂花那样十里飘香;也不像菊花那样傲然屹立;也不像梅花那样有姿有态,她,是平凡无奇的。14. 玫瑰花开得十分好看,淡黄色的花朵看上去十分典雅庄重;玫瑰花瓣的边上眨着粉红色,覆着茸毛,含着晶莹的水珠,勃发着一派生机,散发着一阵阵诱人的清香。

15. 一进公园,一阵香味扑鼻而来,让人感觉心旷神怡。放眼望去,只见那重瓣玫瑰花枝繁叶茂,花瓣千层,犹如一个大花盘。


16. 阳光照得人睁不开眼睛,那是夏天的使者吹响了比赛的号角,花儿们都竟相开放,玫瑰张开鲜艳的花瓣,玫瑰张开鲜艳的花瓣,等待着风雨的洗涤,它就这样每天都在期待着,奋斗着,功夫不负有心人,终于,它成功了。17. 我们来到花坛边。

花坛里的玫瑰花色彩艳丽:白的如雪红的像火黄的似金粉红的如霞……尤其是那淡黄色的花朵,更显得典雅庄重,花瓣的边上泛有粉红色,覆着茸毛,含着透明的水珠,勃发着一派生机。18. 瞧,玫瑰姑娘们在做游戏呢!在阳光中,玫瑰们迎着微风,笑了。

她们有的左摇右摆;有的仰面朝天;还有的前顷后仰,真是美极了!19. 瞧,玫瑰们在跳舞呢!“呼呼”的风声是美妙的音乐,蓝天白云和绿树,都是美丽的布景。玫瑰姑娘们弯着腰,扭动着妖艳的身躯,底下红扑扑的小脸儿,在阳光下,相互碰撞,又好像在说悄悄话。

20. 清早起来,露珠在玫瑰花的花苞上滚滚欲动,奇香四溢,给人一种淡雅清新的感觉。剥开一看,花瓣中间有许多纤细的花蕊,顶着一粒粒淡黄色的小点点。


4. 求一篇关于玫瑰的英语作文短一点,带翻译

今天,爸爸带我到花店里买花,我选了三种花:清新脱俗的百合花,温馨动人的康乃馨,其中我最喜欢的是那姿态万千的玫瑰花。 花店里的玫瑰花有很多种颜色:白的如雪,红的像火,黄的似金,粉红的如霞……我选了一朵最可爱的紫红色的玫瑰花。 回到家里,我把它们插在有水的瓶子里,坐在桌前仔细观察玫瑰花。玫瑰花的茎笔直笔直,有笔杆那么粗,边上还带着几根小刺。深绿色的叶子是橄榄形,又软又薄,边缘成锯齿状,脉是叉状脉。它还是一朵未开放的花骨朵儿,含苞欲放的它如同娇羞妩媚的少女,笑脸含春,美丽极了。 第二天一早,我发现玫瑰花已经绽开了笑脸,花朵像个小酒杯,花瓣略成螺旋式绽开,可是还看不到里面的花蕊。玫瑰花看上去美艳而富有魅力,我轻轻地贴近它,深深地吸了口气,啊!一股淡淡的清香扑鼻而来。 玫瑰是蔷薇科植物,它的祖先是月季花,后来和蔷薇交杂,就成了现在的玫瑰。虽然玫瑰带着刺,但我还是一样我喜欢娇艳宜人,芬芳四溢的玫瑰。

英文: Today, daddy leads me to buy the flower to the flower shop, I elected three to plant flowers: Fresh refined lily, warm moving carnation, what I most like is that posture myriad rose. In the flower shop rose has many kind of colors: The white like snow, the red elephant fire, yellow resembles the gold, flesh color like rosy cloud 。。I have chosen a most lovable purple-red rose. Gets in the home, I insert them in have in the water jar, sits before the table the careful observation rose. Rose's stem very straight very straight, has the penstock to be so thick, on is also bringing several spinules. The bottle green leaf is the Chinese olive shape, also soft is also thin, the edge becomes the zigzag, the arteries is the forked arteries. It is an opening flower bud, the desire in bud puts it is similar to the charming charming young girl, the smiling face contains the spring, beautiful extremely. The second day early in the morning, I discovered the rose already split open the smiling face, a flowers small wine class, the flower petal slightly has become likely screw type splits open, but has not looked at the inside stamen and pistil. The rose seems beautiful and the rich charm, I draw close to it gently, inspired deeply! A light delicate fragrance greets the nostrils. The rose is the rose family plant, its ancestor is an everflowering rose, afterward was mixed with the wild rose, has become present's rose. Although the rose is bringing the thorn, but my equally I like tenderly and beautifully pleasant, fragrant four overflow rose.

5. 关于玫瑰与爱情得句子

My love is like a rose divided into two, the leaves I give to others, but the rose I give to you

Have you ever watched a rose as it fades away; the color becomes deeper as the petals dry. That's how my love for you deepens as the days go by

6. 有什么关于玫瑰的英文诗

司直巡官司无绪移到玫瑰花——唐 徐 夤




为报朱衣早邀客,莫教零落委苍苔 。


非关月季姓名同, 不与蔷薇谱蝶通。 接叶连枝千万绿, 一花两色浅深红。

风流各自胭脂格, 雨容何私造化工。 别有国香收不得。 诗人薰入水沉中。

玫 瑰------唐·唐彦谦

麝炷腾清燎, 鲛纱复绿蒙。 官妆临晓日, 锦段落东风。

无力春烟里, 多愁暮雨中, 不知何事意, 深浅两般红。


独鹤寄霜烟, 双鸾思晚芳。 旧阴依谢宅, 新艳出萧墙。

蝶散摇轻露, 莺衔入夕阳。 雨朝胜濯锦, 风夜剧焚香。

断日千层艳, 孤霞一片光。 密来惊叶少, 动处觉枝长。

布影期高赏, 留春为远方。 尝闻赠琼玖, 叨和愧升堂。

7. 关于玫瑰花的英语作文

some say love

it is a river

that drowns tender reed

some say love

it is a razor

that leaves your soul to bleed

some say love

it is a hunger,

that endless aching need

i say love

it is a flower

and you it's only seed

it's the heart afriad of breaking

that never learns to dance

it's the dream afriad of waking

that never takes the chance

it's the one who won't be taken

who can not seem to give

and the soul afraid of dying

that never learns to live

when the night has been too lonely

and the road has been too long

and you think

that love is not only for the lucky and the strong

just remember in the winter

far beneath the bitter snow

lies the seed

that with the sun's love

in the spring becomes the rose

8. 简短唯美的英语句子

1、Not easily cut open to others,because others are hilarious,and the pain is yourself.


2、Love as drinking,if it light will be tasteless,but liquor burning throat.


3、Obviously the rise is oxygen,but would rather lonely to suffocation.


4、Sometimes it is not the person you miss,but the time,the memory you stay with him.


5、Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience and if it hurts,it's probably worth it.


6、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.


9. 形容玫瑰的优美句子






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