1. 用英文简单描述亚当和夏娃的故事
When God made the first man, he put him on a beautiful garden, the Garden of Edan. Here Adam lived dinpeace whit all the animals. God gave Adam eternal life. But Adam was lonely in the garden, so Dod made Eve. When Adam was asleep one night,God took a rib grom him and made Eve,the first woman.Adam was happy when hr work up the next morning and found Eve beside him. God saidto them,"here in the Garfen you have rverything. but you cannot have ong thing:you cannot eat the apples from the tree of knowledge."
One day Satan came to the Garden. He changed into a snake and went to live in the tree of Knowledge.When Eve came near the tree one day,the snake called her. He gave her an apple and said,"Take this apple and eat it.Don'tlisten to the God.Eat it."After Eve took a bite,she took the apple to Adam.He was afraid,but Eve re-peatef again and anginL:It's good.Here,eat it.why not ?so he finally ate the apple.before they ate the apple.before they ate the apple,Adam and Evedidn't know that they were naked. But now they were ashamed and covered their bodies with leaves.God was angry whit them. He said,"leave the Garden.You cannot stay here."When Adam and Eve left the garden,they had their first experience of pain and hard work in the cold hard world outside.
2. 用英文简单描述亚当和夏娃的故事
e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333361303731When God made the first man, he put him on a beautiful garden, the Garden of Edan. Here Adam lived dinpeace whit all the animals. God gave Adam eternal life. But Adam was lonely in the garden, so Dod made Eve. When Adam was asleep one night,God took a rib grom him and made Eve,the first woman.Adam was happy when hr work up the next morning and found Eve beside him. God saidto them,"here in the Garfen you have rverything. but you cannot have ong thing:you cannot eat the apples from the tree of knowledge." One day Satan came to the Garden. He changed into a snake and went to live in the tree of Knowledge.When Eve came near the tree one day,the snake called her. He gave her an apple and said,"Take this apple and eat it.Don'tlisten to the God.Eat it."After Eve took a bite,she took the apple to Adam.He was afraid,but Eve re-peatef again and anginL:It's good.Here,eat it.why not ?so he finally ate the apple.before they ate the apple.before they ate the apple,Adam and Evedidn't know that they were naked. But now they were ashamed and covered their bodies with leaves.God was angry whit them. He said,"leave the Garden.You cannot stay here."When Adam and Eve left the garden,they had their first experience of pain and hard work in the cold hard world outside.。
3. 谁能告诉我一些关于马克吐温的《亚当夏娃日记》的评论文章啊.最好有
马克·吐温在中国可谓家喻户晓,但他晚年的作品<亚当夏娃日记>却鲜为人知,在国内出版的各种文学史书也较少提及.马克·吐温在这部作品中融入了对亡妻奥莉维亚的深深思念,并以自己对爱情和婚姻的体验、反思为基础,借用<圣经>中的故事,着意探讨人类生活的原始状态和本质状态,表达了作者对男人与女人的关系这一人类最基本问题的感悟和思考.在艺术上它也保持了马克·吐温作品一贯的风趣幽默的风格,因此具有隽永的艺术魅力. The Diaries of Adam and Eve collects two short stories that Twain based very very loosely on the Book of Genesis. It wouldn't be entirely inaccurate to call this a picture book, as illustrations make up exactly half of each story: full-page pictures on the even-numbered pages, text on the odd-numbered ones. In "Extracts from Adam's Diary," these illustrations are rendered as crude carvings in stone slabs, which fits the tone of the piece; as one commentator points out, it resembles nothing so much as "The Flintstones." It's got the same reliance on anachronism (eg, picture of a Stone Age guy sitting in a recliner smoking a cigar and reading a newspaper) and, like the 60s cartoon, features a loutish protagonist. Twain's Adam just wants to relax, and is irked at the arrival of this nattering presence in the background that calls herself Eve. In a cruel moment, he kicks her out into a rainstorm so he can have his shelter to himself "in peace," noting distantly that "it shed water out of the holes it looks with" after he has done so. The rest of the story continues in this vein: Eve is over-eager about something; Adam scoffs, sometimes rightly and sometimes wrongly; comedy supposedly ensues. There are some funny bits but all in all it's not one of Twain's best efforts. The ending also echoes A Connecticut Yankee in jumping years into the future and revealing that the protagonist, who had previously disdained the silly female who followed him around, now cherishes her as the author of the domestic bliss that has given his life meaning and whatnot. Yankee was first published in 1889, "Adam's Diary" in 1893, when Twain's family was intact. "Eve's Diary" was written in 1905, after the death of Twain's wife of thirty-four years, Livy. Livy Langdon was of a higher social class than Twain, more educated and more politically progressive. To a great extent "Eve's Diary" is a eulogy for her — most clearly so on the last page, as Adam mourns her at her grave, but really all the way through. This is really quite a remarkable piece of work. First of all, the illustrations by Lester Ralph are beautiful. Frederick Strothmann's illustrations for "Adam's Diary" are funny, and his Eve is cute, but Ralph's panels are like the best tarot deck ever drawn. Each picture is a gorgeous landscape that borders on the otherworldly, with a healthy admixture of turn-of-the-century Dawn of a New Tomorrow spirit. At first, the text of "Eve's Diary" is no match for the illustrations. Twain is trying to be funny, giving the flip side of the story from "Adam's Diary," this time from the point of view of the curious chatterbox. But it seems that Twain quickly realized he'd hit upon something good, as the story becomes a straight character study of someone with a boundless sense of wonder. She wonders about every aspect of the world, but above all else she wonders about her relationship with Adam, and why they treat each other the way they do. In the third-to-last section of the story, "After the Fall," Eve delivers a soliloquy, not entirely unlike Carver Fringie's, about why it is that she loves Adam: not for his beauty, for that is questionable, nor for his mind, for he's none too bright, nor for his grace or his industry, for he lacks both. Chillingly, she continues, "At bottom he is good, and I love him for that, but I could love him without it. If he should beat me and abuse me, I should go on loving him. I know it." So what's the answer? "I think I love him merely because he is mine and he is masculine." It's not rational, not a matter of choice — it's just her nature, and she has to follow her inborn programming. This is what What Is Man? is about, as it happens — it's a Socratic dialogue, just straight philosophy, that Twain fiddled with for thirty years before finally releasing it anonymously in an edition of 250 copies. In this very slim volume, Twain sets forth the reasons he thinks humans are nothing more than machines; and by machines he means something very much like what I said in my review of Thirteen, that people are loci of history and biology and statistics playing themselves out. He also harps on the idea (brought up by the judge in Red) that people never do anything unless it is primarily to 。
4. 翻译一句 马克吐温 《亚当和夏娃的秘密日记》 里的话
我以前从没有听过人的声音 I have never heard the human voice before
and any new and strange sound intruding itself here
upon the solemn hush of these dreaming solitudes
offends my ear and seems a false note.
5. 亚当和夏娃日记怎么样
第一次让我有自主写一段读后感的冲动。 马克吐温一定是个很细腻的男人,不然他怎么能把亚当和夏娃的心理刻画的如此细微。
幽默之处能引人会心一笑,温暖之处又引人心生羡意。 亚当从最初的厌烦,到后来对夏娃产生无法离弃的感情,我很怀疑如果他没有吃夏娃摘下的苹果是不是就不会对她有爱。
是不是很不平等?但是面临亚当最初的厌烦,她却选择保持尊严。她说It is a long time to be alone; still, it is better to be alone than unwelcome.她把注意力从这个男人身上转移到探索伊甸园这个神秘的世界,并有了下面这段话。
At first I couldn't make out what I was make for, but now I think it was to search out the secrets of this wonderful world and be happy and thank the Giver of it all for devising it. I think there are many things to learn yet. I hope so.恩这是个现代独立女性该有的态度。即使爱这个男人,如果他不爱你,何必自讨苦吃。
即使夏娃在受到屈辱时选择离开,她在最后仍然承认亚当对她而言比她对亚当而言来的重要。不过可能亚当最后并不是这样想的吧,因为他在夏娃死后说:Wheresoever she was, there was Eden.不悔,这是多么珍贵的精神。
距离,时间,不管对方生老病死,强大还是弱小。夏娃最后是这样描述的: He is srtong and handsome, and I love him for that, and I admire him and am proud of him, but I could love him without those qualities. If he were plain, I should love him; if he were a wreck, I should love him; and I would work for him, and slave over him, and pray for him, and watch by his bedside until I died. Yes, I think I love him merely because he is mine and is masculine. there is no other reason, I suppose. And so I think it is as I first said: that this kind of love is not a product of reasoning and statistics. It just comes---none knows whence---and cannot explain itself. And doesn't need to. 看到他们各自描述对对方的爱的时候,真的很感动很感动,描述中始终流露着一种淡淡的温情。
大家都在自保,还有几个人真的愿意全身心的付出,更何况就算有这样的人存在,又有几个人能欣赏并珍惜这份付出。 曾经看到过一句话说:我们都想跟自己很爱很爱的人在一起,可是如果不在一起,又怎么知道会不会很爱很爱对方。
我深有同感,我相信爱是很伟大的一种感情,爱是共同经历千山万水两个人心底共享的一份默契,一份坚定,一份信任。 曾经有个朋友跟我说,不存在男女双方完全平等的感情。
实在是很难的一件事。 知足常乐,却为什么总也不知足。
但求不悔。 PS: 其实我还觉着,夏娃一开始且一直喜欢亚当会不会是因为伊甸园里就亚当一个男人。
6. 亚当和夏娃的故事说说
7. 哪位能能帮忙提供马克吐温 亚当夏娃日记的英语简介 大约400词左右
WRITTEN at the end of Twain'scareer, Extracts from Adam'sDiary was first published in 1897and Extracts from Eve's Diary in1905. Twain's Adam was basedon himself while Eve wasmodelled after his wife Livy.
In Adam's Dairy, Mark Twainreinstated the Bible sayings thatSatan did not deceive Adam.Adam knew it was wrong to eatthe forbidden fruits, and yet heate. Mark Twain assumed thatAdam ate the fruits due to hishunger, instead of his love forEve.
Eve's Diary is a fancifulaccount of Eve, the first womanof the Bible. The diary beginswhen Eve is one day old. Soonshe discovers another humanbeing Adam, and takes tofollowing him around. Adamand Eve are now a loving couple~ and Eve ruminates on the nature of her love for Adam. She decides that she loves himbecause he is hers and he is masculine.
8. 亚当和夏娃的故事说说
但智慧树上的果子,我们吃了便会死。” “才不会哩,”蛇说,“如果你们吃智慧树上的果子,就会发现善恶有别,这样就跟上帝是一样了。
上帝就是因为这个理由而不让你们吃智慧树上的果子的。” 夏娃带着渴求看着那棵树,被那水灵灵的果子诱惑得受不了,因为那果子会使她聪明。
亚当立即指着夏娃说:“是这女人让我吃那果子的。” “是的,”夏娃答道,“可是,诱惑和欺骗我的是那条蛇。”
在伊甸园的东边,上帝派一个天使驻扎在那里,手拿冒火的宝剑,守住了伊甸园的入口,保卫着生命之树。 注解: 伊甸园,根据《圣经》旧约创世纪记载,耶和华上帝照自己的形像造了人类的袓先,男的称亚当,女的称夏娃(或译作厄娃),安置第一对男女住在伊甸园中。
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