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1. 描写三明治美味的英文句子

Those sandwiches are delicious.


Vietnamese vendor taps a colonial legacy to create anirresistible street cuisine.





2. 谢谢你给我制作三明治的英语句子


Thank you for making me sandwish.

sandwich 英[ˈsænwɪtʃ] 美[ˈsændwɪtʃ, ˈsæn-]

n. 三明治; 夹心面包; 状似三明治的东西;

vt. 把…夹在…之间; 把…做成三明治;

[例句]Sandwich the two halves of the sponge together with cream


[其他] 第三人称单数:sandwiches 复数:sandwiches 现在分词:sandwiching过去式:sandwiched 过去分词:sandwiched

3. 求,关于三明治的英语作文,150到200词,加分的

At lunch time, and sometimes at other times in the day, people in the UK often eat a 'sandwich'. This consists of two pieces of bread and a filling. The bread is usually buttered, or spread with mayonnaise, and the filling is usually meat or cheese, often served with lettuce. 英国人通常会在午餐时间吃三明治,当然也有在别的时间吃的。

三明治由两片面包中间夹着馅料,一般面包上会涂上黄油,或者蛋黄酱,而中间的馅料通常是肉或者奶酪,再放些生菜。 However, there are literally hundreds of different types of sandwiches, and each variation has its own flavour. Some of the most popular and famous sandwiches in the UK are: BLT (Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato, usually served with mayonnaise), Ploughman's (originating from a tradition amongst farm-workers, and containing Cheddar cheese, pickle and salad), Tuna, and Egg sandwiches. 三明治的种类有几百种,而每一种都有其独特的风味。

在英国,吃得最多、最著名的几种三明治包括:BLT(也就是培根、生菜加西红柿,一般还要加上蛋黄酱)、庄稼汉(源自农场工人传统的做法,配料有切达奶酪、泡菜和沙拉酱),还有金枪鱼和鸡蛋三明治。 Sandwiches of all varieties are extremely popular, and quick and easy to eat. In fact, British people eat 2.8 billion each year – not bad for a population of only 60 million people! Today everyone eats sandwiches, but it was not always like that. Amazingly, the humble sandwich that we know today started life as a snack for England's super-rich! The sandwich has a very interesting, and humorous, history! 因为三明治吃起来方便快捷,因此不管是什么种类的三明治都很受欢迎。


In 1762 the first written record of the word 'sandwich' appeared in the diary of the English author Edward Gibbons, who remembered seeing the wealthiest elite in the country eating 'a bit of cold meat' between pieces of bread. Gibbons did not think this was very appropriate behaviour for such men! 1762年,sandwich这个单词第一次出现在英国作家爱德华·吉本斯的日记上,他当时回忆到看见全国首富在吃一种夹在面包片中的一小片冷肉,吉本斯觉得这样的吃法很不好。 The snack was named after the Fourth Earl of Sandwich (an Earl was a wealthy aristocrat, who generally owned a lot of land and had political power). Sandwich was a frequent gambler, and was so addicted to gambling that he would often refuse to stop even to eat meals! To avoid having to stop gambling, the Earl of Sandwich asked the cooks at his gambling club to prepare him a meal consisting of beef between two slices of bread, so that he always had one hand free to play cards and gamble, and his hands wouldn't become dirty from the meat. 这种小吃以桑威奇伯爵四世的名字命名(伯爵是富有的贵族,拥有大片土地同时拥有一定政治权利)。

桑威奇惯赌,痴迷甚至到了饭也不想吃的地步,为了不中断,桑威奇伯爵就让俱乐部的厨子为他准备两片面包中间加些牛肉来吃,这样他就可以空出一只手来玩牌,再也不用为了吃肉弄脏两只手了。 When other men saw what he was eating, they began to order 'the same as Sandwich!', and so the sandwich was born – beginning as a snack for some of the wealthiest men in England! It quickly became popular and widespread as a quick and easy food to eat. 其他人看到他这么吃法,也都开始点菜“来份跟桑威奇一样的!“于是三明治就这么诞生了,一开始它只是英国有钱人家的小吃而已,后来迅速流行起来成为各处都可吃到的便捷食品。

Tricky Words filling (n.) - the layer of food (e.g. cream, fruit) inside a sandwich or cake mayonnaise (n.) - a thick creamy white sauce made from egg yolks, oil and vinegar, usually eaten with salads and cold food cheddar (n.) - a type of hard yellow to off-white British cheese pickle (n.) - (British) a thick sauce made from vegetables or fruit which have been preserved in vinegar or salty water elite (n.) - a small group of people who are the richest, the best educated or the most powerful and influential in a society earl (n.) - a man with a very high social rank in the UK, bearing the title between a marquis and a viscount addicted (adj.) - enjoy doing a particular activity so much that one is willing to spend as much time as possible on doing it widespread (adj.) - happening or existing in many places, or among many people。

4. 用英语句子来写出做三明治的过程

First, wash your hands.

Put a piece of bread on a plate.

Put a little butter on the bread.

Put some slices of chicken/ham/egg/on the bread.

Put some lettuce/jam on the bread.

Then put another piece of bread on top.

Cut the sandwich in two pieces and eat!

5. 谁能给我一篇英语作文关于做三明治的

First ,put the butter on a slice of bread .then cut up an onion and a tomato .add these to the bread . next ,put some lettuce and the beef slices on the bread .put the relish on the beef .finally ,put another slices of bresd on the top

Last Sunday I went to see my aunt with my brother. My aunt made some beef sandwiches for us. They were very delicious. After lunch, I asked my aunt to teach me how to make a beef sandwich. First, she put a teaspoon of butter on a slice of bread. After that, she cut up an onion and a tomato. She added them to the bread. Then she put some lettuce and four slices of beef on the bread. Next she put two teaspoons of relish on the beef. Finally, she put another slice of bread on the top.

6. 一段介绍三明治的英文


(百度里的)下面是原创翻译Sanwich is a typical fastfood in western countries. It makes up from two slices of bread , some meat , butter , and some other ingrediants. With its simple way of eating, it gains popularity throughout many western countries。.。

7. 一段介绍三明治的英文

Sandwich是一种典型的西方食品,以两片面包夹几片肉和奶酪、各种调料制作而成,吃法简便,广泛流行于西方各国。 (百度里的)


Sanwich is a typical fastfood in western countries. It makes up from two slices of bread , some meat , butter , and some other ingrediants. With its simple way of eating, it gains popularity throughout many western countries.

8. 关于三明治小故事的英文版

Sandwiches are commonly carried to work, school or picnics to be eaten as the midday meal as part of a packed lunch. They are generally made of a combination of vegetables, meat, cheese, and/or a variety of sauces. They are widely sold in restaurants and cafes. They are popular throughout the world[citation needed].

The term sandwich is occasionally used (informally) in reference to open-faced "sandwiches"; these normally consist of a single slice of bread topped with meat, vegetables, and/or various condiments. Strictly speaking, an open-faced "sandwich" is not a sandwich, as it has a single slice of bread instead of two, and thus has toppings instead of a filling.[11] The open-faced "sandwich" also has a history differing from that of the true sandwich, having originated between the 6th and 16th centuries, with stale slices of bread used as plates called "Trenchers" (whereas its relative, the modern sandwich traces its roots to the Earl of Sandwich instead).[12] Legally, In the United States the ruling in the case of Panera Bread Co. v. Qdoba Mexican Grill established that a sandwich must legally include at least two slices of bread. [13] An open-faced sandwich does not satisfy this condition.

Sandwich may also be used as a verb meaning to position something between two things.[14]

9. 一篇有关三明治做法的英语作文

How to Make a Classic Club Sandwich

Slice the turkey or chicken thinly.

Toast the white bread.

Spread the toasted bread lightly with mayonnaise.

Top four of the slices of toasted bread with Bibb lettuce and 2 oz. turkey.

Take another four slices of bread and place on top of the turkey, mayonnaise side up.

Top each of these slices of bread with Bibb lettuce, a slice of tomato, four slices of bacon and some cucumber, relish, peel tomato if desired.

Top with another four slices of bread, mayonnaise side down, and cut up into four triangles.

Pierce each triangle with a toothpick and serve.

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