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1. 关于天文的一些英文词

Cassiopeia 仙后座

Ursa Minor 小熊(星)座

Draco 天龙星座


Ophiuchus 蛇夫(星)座

Aquila 天鹰座

Libra [拉][天]天秤座 天秤宫

Virgo 室女宫,室女(星)座

Bootes 牧夫(星)座

Corona Borealis 北冕座

Draco. 天龙星座


2. 两篇关于天文的英语文章


Beautiful but mysterious star sky

Extensive star sky, limitless and boundless, there is no destination.

If you see on all sides in the cosmos, you will discover whole on all sides fixed stars(can see without the aid of instruments of have 6974) which is a stars to order a point, there is the red, there is the blue, there is Huang of, have white of。..And, several starses constitute a horoscope again, some horoscopes are like animal, some be like a natural thing, have of be like tools and implements, also have of be like the person in the myth。。was really too beautiful!

It certainly not only have a beauty, but also is mysterious in the star sky.

If you see on all sides in the cosmos, you will discover whole on all sides fixed stars which is a stars to order a point, there is the bright, there is the dark, there is the big and have small of。。In addition one utter darkness, can't see thing.the riddle of mysterious ufo, the riddle of black hole, dark material with the riddle of anti- material。。was also for the cosmos to put on to ascend the 1 F mysterious veil.

The cosmos is really 1 beauty again, again mysterious place!


3. 描写星空的英文句子有哪些

描写星空的英文句子有:The cloudless sky was jewelled with myriads of glittering stars,意思是无云的晴空镶嵌着无数颗闪烁的星星。


1 On a clear night,the sky appears to be filled with stars.


2 the twinkling of a starry sky。


3 Here,the dusk is sudden,the night silent,the panoply of stars immense and brilliant.


4 Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.


5 Clouds hid the stars.




4. 一篇关于天文学的英语短文

There are different definitions of Astronomy. Some define it as a branch of science dedicated to the study of the motions and natures of celestial bodies, like planets, stars, and galaxies. Others say it is the study of objects and matter outside the earth's atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties. Still others would say it is the study of everything, because it's a study of the universe and everything is part of the universe. All three definitions are accurate, but however you define it, there are many fields within Astronomy. Cosmologists study the Universe as a whole, including its beginnings. Astrometrists measure great distances. Planetologists study planets within our own Solar System as well as those orbiting distant stars. Radio Astronomers use radio-telescopes to study the Universe. There are also Mathematical Astronomers who use numbers, calculations and statistics to explain the universe. Astronomy is not a "stand-alone" science. It combines areas from a number of other fields, including mathematics, chemistry, geology, biology and physics. In fact, physics is such an integral part of the field that many astronomers are also known as Astrophysicists. The ancient Greeks were the first to start developing astronomy theories about the design of the Universe. There have been many astronomers throughout history who have played important roles in the science. Many have later been proved wrong as our knowledge and technology improved, but if not for the earlier work, later scientists would have had nothing on which to base their research Astronomy is the study of the universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere. The science does not claim to predict your future or lend credence to the practises of Astrology. Rather through the use of Physics principles, Astronomy explains the evolution of the universe and through sound mathematical simulations forecasts its development. Although Astronomy has been around for thousands of years and is perhaps the oldest science, it is only in the last century and particularly the last few decades that we have developed the technology to study the universe in greater detail. Every day we are gathering new data on everything from galaxy formation to black holes to the big bang itself using a staggering array of multi-wavelength telescopes on the ground and in space. We continue to answer one of humankind's most burning questions: "What is out there?" but perhaps more impressive is the great progress that has been made in answering the question "How does it all work?"。

5. 关于天文的一些英文词2

Gemini 双子座

Pyxis 天平座

Canis Major 大犬座

Canis Minor 小犬座

Orion 猎户座

Cepheus 仙王座

Perseus 英仙座

Hydra 长蛇座

Corvus 乌鸦座




水星 Mercury

金星 Venus

地球 Earth

火星 Mars

木星 Jupiter

土星 Saturn

天王星 Uranus

海王星 Neptune

还有一个,冥王星 Pluto ,但是现在已经不能算作九大行星了。







6. 翻译一下有关天文方面的英文

The Sun-Earth distance is 149597870691 meters, from the sun to the earth at the speed of eight minutes eighteen seconds. That is to say, we feel the warm sunshine is eight minutes ago, if the sun don't shine, so we only after eight minutes can feel.

Pluto is the solar system contrast second bodies, his track is very abnormal. Sometimes even closer to the sun than Neptune. This is the only one without being spacecraft visited the planet. In 2006was ruled out of the nine planets. Pluto is the largest satellite, Charon and Pluto, the rotation period of the same. Pluto is unknown up to a planet.

7. 一篇关于天文学的英语短文

The Greek Heavenly Thoughts The Greek was the first recognize the distinction between the natural and the supernatural. In other words , they found the nature, since then, the cosmology(宇宙学) could never be maintain a system of myth. Gradually, the Greek believed themselves to live in a cosmos, and considered the cosmos to be an entirely natural place. Besides they saw an order in the cosmos. The order, to them, not only means an arrange, but also a good order, and also a beautiful, elegant order. With an optimism(乐观主义), they believed the order, and the cosmos were comprehensible(可知的), and furthermore, could be described in words and numbers. When the Greek formed these crucial ideas, some earliest philosophers and scientists were important and influential. The Milesians(米利都学派得的哲学家), including Thales(泰勒斯), Anaximander(阿纳克西曼德), described the cosmos in entirely natural terms for the first time. Heraclitus(赫拉克立特) insisted that the cosmos worked according to a logos(理性), which mean “word”, “account”, “measure”, and “proportion”, and if we grasp this logos, the cosmos could be understood and described well. After the Greek accepted the idea that the cosmos was a natural place and comprehensible, some pre-Socratics(前苏格拉底时代德哲学家) overcame some significant conceptual(观念上的) hurdles to achieve a more sophisticated cosmology. There was the move from a hemispherical(半球形) universe to a spherical(球形) one, and a earth supported by water to supported by air, and then to one which need no support. In the earlier Greek cosmologies, objects were thought to drop in parallel straight lines from the top of the cosmos to the bottom, this led to the problem why the earth doesn't fall to the bottom of the cosmos, so in this sort of the cosmos, something is required to support the earth. Then Aristotle placed the earth at the center of the cosmos, there was no the problem of the earth dropping. He believed that objects moved to the center of the cosmos, that is the earth itself. The idea that the earth was central and stable dominated Greek astronomy and cosmology. In Greek minds, it can explain many phenomena. Firstly, the experience told Greek, if one was in rapid motion, he certainly knew about it, so they thought, if the earth has a daily rotation from west to east, there should be constant wind from east to west; if the earth is in motion around the sun, all objects will sweep off the face of the earth. Secondly, because they had no knowledge of gravity, they believe if the earth in rapid motion, it will disintegrate(解体). Thirdly, if the earth takes up different positions relative to the stars(恒星), there should be a stellar parallax(恒星视差量), one can detect slight changes in the apparent positions of the stars from the earth. When the Greek physics, astronomy, philosophy and common sense all seemed to indicate an immobile earth, there was an important consequence, all of the motions of the heavens were real motions to the earth, not apparent ones due to the motion of the earth. At the outset, Greek observational astronomy was rather divorced(背离) from philosophical speculation about the nature of the cosmos. Some observed the heavens and took careful notes of what they saw, some produced cosmological models based on general philosophical considerations. But no one gave a cosmological model that were anywhere near explaining, in a precise manner, the phenomena that had been record. The Pythagoreans(毕达哥拉斯学派的哲学家) made the first attempt. They believed in the center of the cosmos was a fire, not the sun, the fire was shield from the earth by a body known as the counter earth. The model was vague and speculative, and the earth moves around the fire, and between the fire and earth, there was the counter earth. Plato(柏拉图) produced a slightly better model, had central earth, with the sun, the moon, the five planets and the stars orbiting around it. Then it was a basic assumption of Greek astronomy and cosmology, if some motions seems not circular or regular, almost all Greek philosophers and scientists would consider these as some combination of several circular and regular motions. Neither of two models could account for two important phenomena relating to the point at which the sun sets. The sun does not always set due west(正西方). Where the sun sets during a year changes from a maximum of 23.5º north of west to a maximum of 23.5°north of west. Solstices(至日,包括冬至、夏至) occur at the 。

8. 翻译下这几篇关于天文的英语短文(要翻译的好一点,最好不要粗译)

cannot see the thing, but also some will look like in the myth character ..One and so on one and so on is brighterBeautiful and mystical starry sky vast starry sky. the star is very generally big.. many stars combine the constellation, will have white , dark material and the antimatter riddle of ., some will look like the apparatus likely, will have blue, 3 and so on. From 6 and so on starts. if you look in the universe all around.;s radius approximately is 6400 kilometers, mystical place.. On the Earth has 29% lands;s distance. 6 and so on star can see reluctantly., but also has the mysticalness. Is just like the blue color star the temperature to be highest and red lowest.! Solar the sun is burning the big fireball. Earth the Earth is the solar system'., is called the star, the scientist forecast that it may also exist for 5, the central temperature also wants hotly., rotation one week approximately needs for 24 hours. star', 2 and so on.Has smeared in a veil of mystery for the universe. the Earth in does not stop circles the sun to rotate, may install the next 1.And, you will discover that all around all will be the twinkle star star, is really one is also beautiful! is natural.In addition a blackness.., - 1 and so on. if you look in the universe all around, the different color has represented the different temperature, 71% sea, decide as 5 and so on turn;s homeland, is also very bright, the surface temperature has several thousand degrees Celsius, at that time humanity has already mastered the very high science and technology.;s brightness varies. the sun is very big.. Star in the universe,000. the Earth has a satellite. the universe, 0 and so on, will have in a big way.., simultaneously also in rotation,000 years. the star also has the different color;s third planet, not only in the starry sky has the beauty,000, resides in solar system',300,000 years old now! the sun already had 5,000. The naked eye obvious star reaches 6974. The Earth circles solar revolution one week approximately to need for 365 days, we may decide the rank to the star, you will discover that all around all will be the twinkle star star (naked eye obvious has 6974), some elephant natural objects. The Earth is in solar system', is also in the star which the present humanity explores suits the star which only the humanity lives, or also wants compared to the Earth slightly.. Riddle of the mystical ufo? Should not be anxious. Our sun is also a star, - 2 and so on ,000 kilometers to sun', has already established own homeland in universe another corner.;s star suits the life housing only the star. The sun is hot, 1 and so on, is a blue color star, the Earth and its 9 brothers revolves around the sun, many stars will compose a constellation, will have yellow.,000, every can shine the star which gives off heat, 4 and so on, 7 below and so on could not see. the Earth is humanity'。

Earth'., but also has many light to be very weak, will have brightly., that is the Moon, will have red, some constellation animal., approximately has 150,000 Earth nearly, according to the size platoon is fifth, will have slightly ,000, how that humanity does manage.Was really too beautiful. If the sun has destroyed;s center., riddle of the black hole, will have darkly, does not have the limit, limitless。

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