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1. 万圣节的英文句子有什么

万圣节:Halloween 南瓜:Pumpkin 糖果:candy 妖精:goblin 骨头:bones 巫婆:witch 巫师:warlock witch 女巫 halloween costume 万圣节服装 skeleton 骨架 bat 蝙蝠 mask 面具 Grim Reaper 死神 spider web 蜘蛛网1.Trick or tread不招待,就使坏.2.The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween costume.当面对那个穿万圣节服装的人时孩子尖叫起来.3.Older boys put us up to pointing the statue red on Halloween.年纪大的男孩指挥我们在万圣节前夕将雕像漆红.4.The jack-o-lantern is the symbol of Halloween.“空心南瓜灯”是万圣节的象征.5.Children would make Halloween decorations,all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns.孩子们会制作万圣节的装饰品:各种各样桔黄色的南瓜灯.6.On the eve of All Hallows,Oct.31,在万圣节的前夜,10月31日,7.Few holidays tap into the American psyche so close- ly as Halloween.与美国人心理最接近的节日莫过于万圣节前夜.8.People use me to make a jack-o-lantern on Halloween.人们在万圣节时用我制作“鬼火”万圣节长句:The Halloween celebration comes from All Hallows Day or All Saints Day,the 1st of November.This was originally a pagan festival of the dead,but later became a holiday to honor Christian saints.万圣节的庆祝活动来源于每年11月1日的All Hallows Day 或All Saints Day.它原先是异们纪念死者的节日,但是逐渐演变成一个纪念圣者的节日.2.The name Halloween comes from a contraction of All Hallows Eve (Evening),the day before All Hallows Day.On this night it was believed that the spirits of the dead would try to come back to life!Halloween这个词来自于All Hallows Eve(夜晚),All Hallows Eve是All Hallows Day前一天的缩写.人们认为在当天晚上,亡者的灵魂会重新复活。

2. 谁能把有关万圣节活动的英语句子发过来

1. Few holidays tap into the American psyche so close- ly as Halloween.


2. People use me to make a jack-o-lantern on Halloween.


3. Children would make Halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns.


4. On the eve of All Hallows, Oct. 31,


5.Trick or tread


6. Older boys put us up to pointing the statue red on Halloween.


7. The jack-o-lantern is the symbol of Halloween.


8. The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween costume.


3. 关于万圣节的英语短文


Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means holy evening, and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints' Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly.

Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o'-lanterns, which means Jack of the lantern.






4. 帮我用英语翻译下面关于万圣节的句子,急

Halloween is a special festival which is in October the 30th every year.In this special day,kids often like to play the game "trick or treat".Besides,there's a fancy dress party in this day.In the party,all the people wear masks or scary and lovely clothes.What's more,you can also see many pumpkin lanterns which are in joy or anger.I like Halloween very much!。

5. 一篇关于万圣节的英语短文,5句话

FESTIVAL OF ALL SAINTS (Festum omnium sanctorum), also formerly known as ALL Hallows, or Hallowmas, a feast of the Catholic Church celebrated on the 1st of November in honor of all the saints, known or-unknown. In the Roman Catholic Church it is a festival of the first rank, with a vigil and an octave. Common commemorations, by several churches, of the deaths of martyrs began to be celebrated in the 4th century. The origin of the festival of All Saints as celebrated in the West is, however, somewhat doubtful. In 609 or 610 Pope Boniface IV. consecrated the Pantheon at Rome to the Blessed Virgin and all the martyrs, and the feast of the dedicatio Sanctae Mariae and Martyres has been celebrated at Rome ever since on the 13th of May.

FESTIVAL OF ALL SAINTS(所有圣人的节日) 原来叫作ALL Hallows(一切神圣)或Hallowmas(万圣节),无论知名与否,天主教堂为了表示对所有的圣人敬意,于11月1日设盛宴进行庆祝活动。在罗马天主教堂,它是上等人的节日,同时举办虔诚的守夜和节后第八天的庆祝。由数个教堂举办的缅怀殉教者的普通纪念会开始于四世纪。但是,像在西方庆祝的万圣节的起源或多或少令人怀疑。609年或610年,罗马教皇博尼费斯四世在罗马献祭万神殿祝福圣女和所有的殉教者,敬祭圣母玛利亚和殉教者的宴会自从那年的5月13日以来一直闻名于世。

6. halloween的英语英语作文三种以上句型不少于6句句子

It's October the 31st, and across Britain and the USA, thousands of children are dressing upas monsters, ghosts and witches and going to their neighbours'hous es to ask for sweets or to play tricks on them if they refuse.Many houses have lanterns made from pumpkins in their windows.These lanterns have frightening faces cut into them.What is thereason for all of this? It's Halloween! To an outsider, this mayseem a strange festival, but it is a very popular one and animportant part of the culture in Britain and the USA. But how didit start? The holiday once had a religious significance. Novemberthe 1st is All Saint's Day, and October the 31st was believed to bea day when all the spirits came back to the world of the living. In modern times, this has changed to be a day when children dress up as monsters, ghosts and witches. Once they are dressed up children go to their neighbours' houses. They knock on the door and shout'Trick or treat!' Good neighbours, of course, give 'treats'. These are usually sweets or chocolates. Bad neighbours, however, may give nothing. If so, then the children play a 'trick' on them. This maybe a simple practical joke. However, naughty children may do something worse, like throwing rubbish in the neighbour's garden.Nowadays, of course, most neighbours always give a treat. After all, it's fun for the children. Another tradition is to make lanterns from pumpkins. First, the inside of the pumpkin is removed. Then, a face is cut into the pumpkin, traditionally a smiling, devil face. Finally a candle is placed inside, and the lantern is put at the front of the house to keep evil spirits away.There are many traditional games on Halloween, but the most common is 'apple-bobbing'. It's simple to play. Several apples are put floating in water. Children then have their hands tied behind their backs. They then have to try to pick the apples out of the waterusing only their mouths. Of course, people get very wet and it isvery funny to watch.。

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