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1. 描写吉他优美的语句













2. 一篇关于介绍吉他的英文

The guitar is a musical instrument of the chordophone family, being a stringed instrument played by plucking, either with fingers or a pick. The guitar consists of a body with a rigid neck to which the strings, generally six in number but sometimes more, are attached. Guitars are traditionally constructed of various woods and strung with animal gut or, more recently, with either nylon or steel strings. Some modern guitars are made of polycarbonate materials. Guitars are made and repaired by luthiers. There are two primary families of guitars: acoustic and electric.Acoustic guitars (and similar instruments) with hollow bodies, have been in use for over a thousand years. There are three main types of modern acoustic guitar: the classical guitar (nylon-string guitar), the steel-string acoustic guitar, and the archtop guitar. The tone of an acoustic guitar is produced by the vibration of the strings, which is amplified by the body of the guitar, which acts as a resonating chamber. The classical guitar is often played as a solo instrument using a comprehensive fingerpicking technique. Electric guitars, introduced in the 1930s, rely on an amplifier that can electronically manipulate tone. Early amplified guitars employed a hollow body, but a solid body was found more suitable. Electric guitars have had a continuing profound influence on popular culture. Guitars are recognized as a primary instrument in genres such as blues, bluegrass, country, flamenco, jazz, jota, mariachi, reggae, rock, soul, and many forms of pop.Before the development of the electric guitar and the use of synthetic materials, a guitar was defined as being an instrument having "a long, fretted neck, flat wooden soundboard, ribs, and a flat back, most often with incurved sides".[1] The term is used to refer to a number of related instruments that were developed and used across Europe beginning in the 12th century and, later, in the Americas.[2] These instruments are descended from ones that existed in ancient central Asia and India. For this reason guitars are distantly related to modern instruments from these regions, including the tanbur, the setar, and the sitar. The oldest known iconographic representation of an instrument displaying the essential features of a guitar is a 3,300 year old stone carving of a Hittite bard.[3] The modern word "guitar" and its predecessors applied to a wide variety of cordophones since ancient times and as such is a cause of confusion. The English word "guitar", the German "gitarre", and the French "guitare", were adopted from the Spanish word guitarra,[4] which comes from the Andalusian Arabic qitara (قيثارة),[5] itself derived from the Latin of the Roman empire, cithara, which in turn came from the earlier Greek word kithara (κιθάρα),[6] a descendant of Old Persian sihtar ( سی تار) (Tar means string in Persian).[7] The guitar is descended from the Roman cithara brought by the Romans to Hispania around 40 AD, and further adapted and developed with the arrival of the four-string oud, brought by the Moors after their conquest of Iberia in the 8th century.[8] Elsewhere in Europe, the indigenous six-string Scandinavian lut (lute), had gained in popularity in areas of Viking incursions across the continent. Often depicted in carvings c. 800 AD, the Norse hero Gunther (also known as Gunnar), played a lute with his toes as he lay dying in a snake-pit, in the legend of Siegfried.[9] By 1200 AD, the four-string "guitar" had evolved into two types: the guitarra moresca (Moorish guitar), which had a rounded back, wide fingerboard, and several soundholes—and the guitarra latina (Latin guitar), which resembled the modern guitar with one soundhole and a narrower neck.[10] In the 14th and 15th centuries the qualifiers "moresca" and "latina" were dropped and these four course instruments were simply called guitars.[11] The Spanish vihuela or (in Italian) "viola da mano", a guitar-like instrument of the 15th and 16th centuries, is often considered a major influence in the development of the modern guitar. It had six courses (usually), lute-like tuning in fourths and a guitar-like body, although early representations reveal an instrument with a sharply-cut waist. It was also larger than the contemporary four course guitars. By the late 15th century some vihuelas began to be played with a bow, leading to the development of the viol. By the sixteenth century the vihuela's construction had more in common with the modern guitar, with its curved one-piece ribs, than with the viols, and more like a larger version of the contemporary four-course guitars. The vihuela enjoyed only a short period of 。

3. 一篇关于吉他的英语作文

The guitar , and the guitar: LiuXianQin, is a kind of plucked string instrument, shape and violin string, usually have similar indeed. The panel and backplanes are flat, from the Angle to waist is hollow. A long neck, refers to the board has string containing many narrow and pillow and slightly upward of the metal products, called ", "it is divided into many chromatic scale strings.

The guitar is used for various musical style, it in the pop music, rock music, r&b, folk music, Buddha's brother Ming is regarded as the main instrument. There are also in the guitar classical music, there have been a lot of solo, selects a use of and orchestra. It usually have six strings, but there are four strings, eight and ten strings, ten strings ErXian. There are two main categories: guitar ShiYou history, a wooden sound box with the timber guitar, 8031 ErShiEr 10th century were invented, electric guitars 8031. Loudspeakers Timber guitar is usually used to classical music, folk music and popular music. Guitars are often used to, rock music, blues and pop music. The invention of receiving of western pop culture and music had important influence. 答案补 The guitar , and the guitar: LiuXianQin, is a kind of plucked string instrument, shape and violin string, usually have similar indeed. The panel and backplanes are flat, from the Angle to waist is hollow. A long neck, refers to the board has string containing many narrow and pillow and slightly upward of the metal products, called ", "it is divided into many chromatic scale strings.

4. 有关吉他声音的优美语句

形容吉他声优美的段落1) 拨着吉他的弦,奏出弯曲的平行线,华光从缝隙倾限,失去在不经意间。

2) 至于红酒与葡萄酒等等,就是缤纷多彩的各种混响、合唱、延迟、Phase。3) 失真电吉他如烈酒,一个强力五和弦如同一口闷下,一段失真Solo就像慢慢品味酒中的醇与麻与烈。

所以就有了很多强悍的“酒鬼”,成就了今天五彩缤纷的摇滚世界。4) 过载电吉他的声音就像果汁,或轻或重,你很多时候都喜欢它,甚至有一段时间你甚至只喝它不喝水了。

5) 木吉他的声音像矿泉水一样,也许平静了点可是每天都能听到它,喜欢它6) 吉他的声音是很多变的古典吉他的柔美民谣吉他的愉悦电吉他的。7) 有一本书,在等待被翻阅;有一把吉他,在等待被弹拔;有一丛花,在等待被欣赏;有一杯茶,在等待被品尝。

放下急事,照顾心中被搁置的琐事,那才是生活的养分来源8) 我很喜欢“有弦相聚”这个字词,总觉得弦与弦的相聚是一种很玄妙的关系,一如人与人,人与动物,动物与动物,以及人与自然界,与这个众生同在的世界。9) 吉他曾是你最爱的,而现在没有了你,只剩下吉他还在我身边。

是吉他给了我生命也给了我希望更给我了音乐,我知道没有吉他就不会有我。为了梦想我不会放弃,我在等待,等待机会,等待我的梦想实现!10) “嘣,嘣”是室友在摆弄吉他。


11) 所有的形容词都不够描述心中那种感觉,我觉得吉他的声音是有颜色的,有形状的,有动作的,有时如流水,有时如流血,有时圆如雨滴,有时刺麻如荆棘,有时来自天堂,有时来自地狱。12) 刚落笔,耳边又响起吉他声,柔和的夜风送来的声音不是忧郁,不是烦躁,只觉充满深情,告诉每一位相逢何必曾相识的朋友。

13) 而生命就是由这吉他奏出的乐章。组成这乐章的一支支歌中,旋律有高有低,节奏有快有慢,情感有仰有抑。


14) 多少次曾因生活的无奈想去流浪,多少次曾在这不眠的夜里,拿起那把老吉他,轻轻的哼唱那,难忘的歌谣。在这深夜里把你思念。












5. 描写吉他的句子














6. 我要一篇关于吉他介绍的文章60词左右(英文版的)


吉他被用於多种音乐风格, 它在流行音乐、摇滚音乐、蓝调、民歌、佛朗明哥中常被视为主要乐器。吉他亦有被於用古典音乐,有大量的独奏曲, 室内乐和管弦乐中偶有使用。它通常有六弦,但亦有四弦、八弦、十弦和十二弦。吉他主要有两大类:一是歴史悠史、以木制共鸣箱扩音的木吉他,二是二十世纪被发明、以电扩音器扩音的电吉他。木吉他通常被用於古典音乐、民间音乐及流行音乐。 电吉他则通常被用於、摇滚音乐、蓝调及流行音乐。电吉他的发明对西方流行文化及音乐有重要影响。

The guitar , and the guitar: LiuXianQin, is a kind of plucked string instrument, shape and violin string, usually have similar indeed. The panel and backplanes are flat, from the Angle to waist is hollow. A long neck, refers to the board has string containing many narrow and pillow and slightly upward of the metal products, called ", "it is divided into many chromatic scale strings.

The guitar is used for various musical style, it in the pop music, rock music, r&b, folk music, Buddha's brother Ming is regarded as the main instrument. There are also in the guitar classical music, there have been a lot of solo, selects a use of and orchestra. It usually have six strings, but there are four strings, eight and ten strings, ten strings ErXian. There are two main categories: guitar ShiYou history, a wooden sound box with the timber guitar, 8031 ErShiEr 10th century were invented, electric guitars 8031. Loudspeakers Timber guitar is usually used to classical music, folk music and popular music. Guitars are often used to, rock music, blues and pop music. The invention of receiving of western pop culture and music had important influence.

7. 寻求一篇关于吉他的英语作文200词左右的,写我对吉他的喜爱和关于

Do you know,guitar?I very like guitar!It's my favorite a kind of instrument! If you don't know guitar,piease read this article.I believe the article will be very helpful to you!

The guitar is used for various musical style, it in the pop music, rock music, r&b, folk music, Buddha's brother Ming is regarded as the main instrument. There are also in the guitar classical music, there have been a lot of solo, selects a use of and orchestra. It usually have six strings, but there are four strings, eight and ten strings, ten strings ErXian. There are two main categories: guitar ShiYou history, a wooden sound box with the timber guitar, 8031 ErShiEr 10th century were invented, electric guitars 8031. Loudspeakers Timber guitar is usually used to classical music, folk music and popular music. Guitars are often used to, rock music, blues and pop music. The invention of receiving of western pop culture and music had important influence.

Now,do you learn guitar and love it?



吉他被用於多种音乐风格, 它在流行音乐、摇滚音乐、蓝调、民歌、佛朗明哥中常被视为主要乐器。吉他亦有被於用古典音乐,有大量的独奏曲, 室内乐和管弦乐中偶有使用。它通常有六弦,但亦有四弦、八弦、十弦和十二弦。吉他主要有两大类:一是歴史悠史、以木制共鸣箱扩音的木吉他,二是二十世纪被发明、以电扩音器扩音的电吉他。木吉他通常被用於古典音乐、民间音乐及流行音乐。 电吉他则通常被用於、摇滚音乐、蓝调及流行音乐。电吉他的发明对西方流行文化及音乐有重要影响。


8. 【关于乐器的英语作文在五十词内不要有太多生词】

You might have already forgotten the melody of Chinese music for years. It is very hard to hear them nowadays. Come join us! Let's recall and play the beautiful Chinese songs with Erhu ( Er-hu, Chinese Violin ), Pipa ( Chinese Lute ), GuZheng ( Chinese Zither ), YangQin ( Chinese Hammered Dulcimer ), Dizi ( Chinese Flute), etc., since it possesses our cultural spirits.中国乐器具有温柔敦厚, 源远流长的特点, 然而在西乐充斥的现在, 你或许早已忘记了”嘈嘈切切错杂弹, 大珠小珠落玉盘“的琵琶曲, 也淡忘了”如泣如诉, 如怨如慕”的二胡调, 不打紧, 只要你愿意让自己或儿女学习与时下不同且具有文化特色的中国乐器, 那些优美醉人的曲调, 就能再度跃然琴上. .。

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