1. 我想要一些英文的唯美句子,英文+中文
Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么. Miracles sometimes occur, but you have to work terribly for them.奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命的努力。
2. 关于放烟花的英语短文,短一点,
它飞到半空,“啪”的一声,化作千万颗小火星飞溅开来,拖着长长的、闪光的尾巴缓缓落下,好似翩飞的蝴蝶,从空中旋落;又好似被风吹散的蒲公英,不知是哪个调皮鬼,给它们涂上七彩的颜色… “通通通!”“嗤嗤嗤!”看!一颗颗发亮,五颜六色的火焰拖着长长的尾巴,争先恐后,前仆后继地蹿上夜空;瞧!那边升出了“天女散花”,这里出现了“孔雀开屏”!哇!再瞧瞧那里的“含苞待放”……天空中顿时成了“花”园,“花”的海洋,璀灿夺目,火树银花,多美呀!多么热闹的除夕之夜。
3. 用英语描写烟花
Today is Latern Festival. My parents and I decide to go to the park for fireworks。
At 7 o'clock, we watch colorful fireworks in the sky. They are red, orange,yellow, green, white ,blue, purple and so on. Some sounds like birds singing, some are like trees, rainbow, flowers and so on. They are all beautiful. We are very happy.。
4. 描写放烟花的英语文章
Man going to masculine for winter
Fasion pages are full of trends for women and tips on what to do and how to dress themselves to stylish perfection.But,what about the males?
Fashion is for men,too.Simply matching black or blue jeans with sportwea will no longer do.
So what does style offer for fashion-sensitive guys this autumn and winter?Especially those who dread a day of shopping.How can they locate wearable fashion qucikly and painlessly?
The autumn/winter 2005/5 catwalk shows in Europe have given enough hints.
Ripped denims and fitted T-shirts have made way for sophisticated tailoring as een in big brands like Gucci,and Yves Saint Laurent.And this emphasis goes into styled coats that make an impact.From striking double-breasted styles to the return of the mac,coats are everywhere.
Tailoring and detailing get full play.Think sharp suits,retro overcoats and fine cut knitwear.The well-cared-for look dominates the high stweet with pinstripes and tweeds,worn with mock-croc loafers or leather lace-ups.
But winter is also wrap-up time.Stripy knits,luxury velvets,worn denim and false sheepskin can create an unstructured yet smart look.
5. 用英语描写烟花
Today is Latern Festival. My parents and I decide to go to the park for fireworks。
At 7 o'clock, we watch colorful fireworks in the sky. They are red, orange,yellow, green, white ,blue, purple and so on. Some sounds like birds singing, some are like trees, rainbow, flowers and so on. They are all beautiful. We are very happy。.。
6. 描写烟火的唯美句子
1、烟花姹紫嫣红 , 转瞬即逝犹如昙花一现。
10、点燃了“满天星”,只随着一声震耳欲聋的巨响,一颗颗“小导弹”向空中飞去。“哇!好美啊!” 大家一齐喊。原来,“小导弹”一下子炸开,顿时,天空开放出一朵朵美丽的菊花,把夜空装点得无比美丽。不一会儿,火光熄灭了,天空中落下一颗颗星星一样的火星,原来,这就是它叫“满天星”的原因呀!
12、未曾如此近的看见过烟花盛放,有时只是溅起的暗金色大雨 , 也会有一刹那的辉煌 , 天空亮如白昼 , 接着是迎面而来的星辰无数 , 再而迅速的消逝,华丽谢幕.一发 , 又一发 , 夜色中的云端上焰火如宇航者窗外飞速流过的星海 , 虽然绽放后枯萎 , 然而一瞬间的光华已足矣 , 但愿燃烧为灰烬 , 不愿腐朽于泥土。
7. 一篇关于看烟花的英语作文
您好:I do not know what time from the beginning, every Saturday night, orange Chau Tau will be fireworks, attracted many residents and tourists.On a Saturday this year summer vacation, eating dinner, mom and Dad took several brother and sister and I went to the Orange Isle fireworks. Came to Xiangjiang, where people can really multi ah! Eight at night, setting off the fireworks start on time. All the fireworks is a riot of colours, resplendent with variegated coloration, the crowd issued from time to time bursts of applause, cheers. Especially the last fireworks, it is beautiful.Eight twenty, fireworks over, the crowd gradually dispersed, we followed the crowd to one's heart's content to go home.希望对您的学习有帮助满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢。
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