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1. 假期结束的优美句子











2. 假期结束的优美句子

假期结束了,坐在回学校的 大巴车上 ,我的心情很复杂,我既想让车慢点开,又想让车赶紧到站。想让车慢点开是因为我实在 不想回学校 上学,至于想让车赶紧到站是因为,我有点想念这个开心过的地方。


怎么说呢,晚上开始心情一直不怎么好,果然收拾东西才是最适合我调节心情的方式。护城河边的迎春花都开了,瞬间为雾霾天添了颜色。现在外面在下雨, 春雨 贵如油。春天到了,我的假期结束了。

3. 形容假期结束的优美句子有哪些
















4. 关于暑假的英语句子(至少30句)

1. 我算是放了暑假了,但却未能真正休息。

I had a kind of/sort of holiday in the summer but I couldn't really relax.2. 这些大学生在计划着怎样过暑假。The students are planning how to spend their summer vacation.3. 许多学生在暑假期间找些临时工。

Many students find temporary jobs during their summer holidays.chemyq.com4.Do you have any plan for this summer vacation? 这个暑假你有什么打算?5.His summer vacation will end in the late August. 他的暑假将于八月底结束。6.I have saved an amount sufficient for summer vacation. 我存一笔钱足够暑假的花销。

7.What are you thinking of doing on summer vacation? 你打算暑假做什么?8.I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation. 我盼望今年暑假见到你。9.Football players often work with roadgang roadgangs during summer vacation. 橄榄球选手在暑期常客串筑路工人。

10He lotted upon traveling in China during his summer vacation. 他指望暑假到中国去旅行。11.I intend to stay at school during the summer vacation. 我打算暑假呆在学校里。

12.The students have all gone down for the summer vacation. 大学生们都离校过暑假去了。 13. 他不远万里来中国度暑假。

He has come over to China for the summer.14.一谈到暑假,我们大家都变兴奋了。When it came to the summer vacation, we all became excited15.我好想明年暑假去一趟欧洲。

I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.16.这个暑假有两个多月。This summer vacation will last some two months.17.我将去我叔叔的农庄过暑假。

I will spend my summer vacation in my uncle's grange18.他一暑假皮肤晒得黝黑。He's very brown after his summer holiday.dict.cn19.我的朋友和我喜欢在暑假去旅行。

My friends and I like to go traveling during summer vacation20.暑假将至,请家长踊跃购买礼卷。SCRIPT order forms were distributed to each student last week.21.我计划花我的暑假对体育的今年。

I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year.22. 我迫不及待的制定我的暑假计划。I can't wait to set up my summer vacation plan.23.暑假里你还去了别的什么地方吗?Where else did you go in the summer vacation?24.去年暑假我们乘飞机去德国度假。

We traveled to Germany by plane last summer vacation.25.在暑假前,我们还会有一次订阅。We will have one more order before the Summer break26.我将在暑假里的时候去海南旅游。

I will go on vacation in hainan tourism.27.这个暑假,我的梦想终于实现了。This summer holiday, my dream came true.28.去年暑假学生们参观了历史博物馆。

The students visited the History Museum last summer holiday29.自从暑假开始以来。她在做些什么?What's she been doing since the second semester started?30.你上大学是有没有做过暑假工?Did you do any summer jobs while you were a college student?31暑假给了我们一段愉快的歇夏时间.The summer holidays gave us a welcome breathing-space.32.今年暑假我在一家快餐店打工。

This summer vacation I got a part-time job in a snack bar.呼呼。..好累哦。











5. 假期结束 在家做了什么 英语作文 6~7句简单点

During the recent school hopildays, I did nothing to my school work. Everyday, I just play and go shopping with friends. If I am alone, sometimes I will just sleep tmy time away. Sometimes I will watch television program or watchkorean serial drama. At night, if I have some pocket money, i will call a few friends to join me for a drink in the bar.Tomorrow, is school reopen day, I had a feeling of regret. I regretted that I did nothing fruitful.I ought to be whack on my backside by my mother.。

6. 请帮我写3段关于“快乐假期”的英语句子,每段150个字就行

My summer holiday A summer vacation today. Summer vacation, but summer to do? That want to do something different, but do not know where to start, and from where to end 。

。 maybe it was neverbegun, not ended. Summer is the case, life as well. 今天开始放暑假了。


In the eyes of children, society is always filled with the beautiful, life is sweet and colorful. In the big people's eyes, society has two sides, both the sublime, there Jiachou, life has ups and downs. Why do adults and the children's thinking so much difference? Only one conclusion: This is the most mature and immature fundamental difference. 在孩子们的眼里,社会总是充满着,生活是甜蜜而多彩的。在大人们的眼中,社会是有两面性的,既有,又有假丑恶,生活具有酸甜苦辣。

为何大人与孩子的思想有那么大的差别?结论只有一个:这是成熟与稚嫩最根本的区别。 The wider world, everything has a double nature. People experience great wealth, they decided to see things more comprehensive. And children to maturity, you will need to experience something. Some people say: "Life is a great training grounds, the stage is tempered person." In this particular stage, each person will experience fun things and sad things. Sad thing will make people bear great pain and things will make people happy with good mood. If something sad face all day, people tend to lose confidence and then give themselves up, decadent sink; the wedding day to face, people will be confused in front of things, lack of social experience and easily deceived. As plants can not do without the sun and rain, as people experience a lack of joy and sorrow can not. 大千世界中,任何事物都具有双面性。




正如植物不能缺少阳光与雨水一样,人的经历中不能缺少快乐和悲伤。 In short ,This summer I realized a lot, learned a lot, I grew up on the road, I have come to the beautiful scenery, make my life more meaningful. 总之,这个暑假我体会到了许多、也学会了许多,在我成长的道路上,给我得来了一道美丽的风景,使我的生活更加有意义。

7. 关于暑假快结束的英语周记

summer is coming to the end and we should prepared ourself to get ready for school. i really appreciate this summer because i found myself be interest on reading. i often goes to library and read by myself. During the summer i get to work as a part-time job. i earn a little and realized how hard it's for my parent to work from day to night. this summer i have a a lots of fun in my cousin's house far from here. i enjoyed those days that i spend in his house. summer is a great time in countryside because we get to catch the fireflies and and frog in the field. even though i don't really want to get back to school that fast, especially the time seems to go fast but i do miss school and friends a little. As summer vacation is coming to the end, i felt i grow and learned a lot during this time. School, I'm back! 祝好运!!。

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