1. 有哪位高手知道关于瑜伽的英语(急用)
yoga nidra:deep relaxation,瑜伽休息术
Samadhi:a state of joy and peace,快乐宁静的状态
Bhagavad Gita: 薄伽梵歌,每一个修习瑜伽的人必读的一本书。
Hatha Yoga: 哈达瑜伽,瑜伽中的一支,是现今最流行亦最为人熟悉的瑜伽修炼方法。
Power Yoga: 力量瑜伽。
Ashtanga Yoga:阿斯汤加瑜珈,又名Power Yoga,是哈达瑜伽中最讲求体力的。
Integral Yoga:完整瑜伽。
Iyengar Yoga:近年西方最为人熟悉的哈达瑜伽学派。Iyengar Yoga将瑜伽科学及医学化,借以改善个人生理及心理上的种种毛病。
Jnana Yoga:智者瑜伽。是一个探讨哲学,进行思辩(最终获得自知之明)的体系,它要求你研究自己关心的,并进行沉思。
vinyasa yoga:流瑜伽。
Sun Salutation:拜日式。
Sivananda Yoga:希瓦难陀瑜伽
pratyahara: 梵语意为制止感觉。
2. 瑜伽的好处 英语
Why is yoga more and more people like?(瑜伽的好处) This is not only yoga culture's unique charm, but also as one of the most natural and most amiable of the practice, it is suitable for any age and gender of the person exercises. Let us open a yoga "mystery" of the veil, to approaching yoga, contact yoga, sentiment yoga, yoga has brought us a taste of the many benefits of bar. First: Yoga can be Body of self-cultivation. Yoga can be corrected due to * always tired or poor posture resulting from spinal deformation can improve bad posture, enhance self-confidence, thrust muscular system, so that lines the body beautiful, and has anti-obesity, enhance self-healing power, the prevention of diseases, such as: migraine headaches, insomnia, constipation, gastrointestinal diseases, arthritis and so on. Second: yoga can do for us to support hearts decompression. Yoga can help us to improve the ability to concentrate, relieve tension, alleviate depression, eliminate psychological barriers and restore inner peace, peace, people's state of mind in good health. Third: Yoga can be conditioning beauty. Yoga by pushing, pulling, twisting, squeezing, stretching, and other gestures of self-massage of the internal organs play a role, to strengthen physiological functions, endocrine regulation, so that a better body metabolism, anti-aging, beautiful the face of eternal youthTo learn the benefits of hip-hop?。
3. 英语翻译 Practicing yoga(瑜伽) is a helpful, popular wa
练习瑜伽(瑜伽)是有益的,流行的保持健康的方式。它有许多世界各地的追随者。有很多种类的瑜伽,如流瑜伽,瑜伽和热瑜伽。现在,在印度,有一种新的瑜伽,水中瑜伽,变得越来越流行,在当地人。在城市阿格拉,水的人练习瑜伽。在水中练习瑜伽比在陆地上练习瑜伽更难。但在水中练习瑜伽可以很好的对你的身体的灵活性(灵活性)。哈里斯.查图维迪,律师,教人自由水中瑜伽 。他说:“水上瑜伽可以比其他的瑜伽更受欢迎,因为身体不会很快就感到疲劳,”。“每个人都能学会游泳,但如果他们同时学习瑜伽,那么永远也不会觉得累。”“氧气的水平在水中很高,所以你不会有任何呼吸问题,”他补充说。哈里斯认为水中瑜伽的确能帮助人们远离疾病。他经常在一个地方的游泳池里上课。许多孩子喜欢它,来向他学习。
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