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1. 求一份关于宿舍女生友情的英文短文

Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy.It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship.A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and share sorrow in our grief.In time of trial,he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfort. Knowing how valuable friendship is,we should be very careful in our choice of a friend.We must choose someone who has a good character,whose activities are good and who shows kindness of heart.We should avoid those shallow people who are easily changed by adversities or misfortune. A true friend can always be trusted,loved and respected.If you tell a friend your secrets,he or she won't tell anyone else.Friends share each other's joys and sorrows.They help each other when they are in trouble,and cheer each other up when they are sad.The most important thing is that a friend always understands you.In conclusion,when you have made a good friend,don't forget him or her. 我们一生中不能没有友谊。








2. 求一份关于宿舍女生友情的英文短文

Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy.It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship.A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and share sorrow in our grief.In time of trial,he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfort.

Knowing how valuable friendship is,we should be very careful in our choice of a friend.We must choose someone who has a good character,whose activities are good and who shows kindness of heart.We should avoid those shallow people who are easily changed by adversities or misfortune.

A true friend can always be trusted,loved and respected.If you tell a friend your secrets,he or she won't tell anyone else.Friends share each other's joys and sorrows.They help each other when they are in trouble,and cheer each other up when they are sad.The most important thing is that a friend always understands you.In conclusion,when you have made a good friend,don't forget him or her.




3. 关于“大学寝室友情”的优美句子

1. 宿舍是我家,文明礼让靠大家。这句话在七年前我第一次住宿舍时就深深的印入了我的脑海。

2. 宿舍,确是我们的家,更是我们在漫漫求学路上的一个贴心而又温暖的港湾,留给我们无尽的温馨回忆。

3. 宿舍里的那些事,说不尽道不完,再优秀的诗人在表达酸甜苦辣的生活演绎时也总会觉得理屈辞穷,或是言不尽意。

4. 傍晚当我在宿舍睡得冷得直哆嗦时,突然身上感到一种厚重感,感觉暖暖的,迷迷糊糊之间看到自己的室友轻手轻脚地将自己另外一床棉被给自己盖了,顷刻间一股乱流窜过了心间。

5. 宿舍那么巴掌大的地方,却让我时时处处感受到家的温馨家的温暖。远离了家乡,我们可以建造一个属于我们的第二个家乡。因为有了家,我们就互相有了依赖,有了依靠。

6. 熟悉的窗台,可以看海的那扇窗,还有带有我们体味的床板,却没有了我们的忙碌身影,也没有了曾经的欢声笑语……

7. 每次毕业离别后,同学们总是带着不舍从宿舍离去,我是最后离开的。在喧嚣落地之后,我仍站在宿舍里眼角噙着泪,面对这个空荡荡的屋子,心中有说不出的落寞感觉。

8. 只有我静静的伫立在宿舍的一角,独自散发着馨香,夜此时添了些许的温馨,感觉并不漫长。

9. 清晨的宿舍有些凉,寒冷的小风有点刺骨,伸伸懒腰还要不想起床,忽然开始打喷嚏,一连好多声,一看暖瓶没有水了,好不爽,慢慢拖拖起来,拖着鞋,拿上了脸盆出去了,洗手间的凉水凉极了,但我依旧与凉水嬉戏。、

10. 沧海横流,我们的家不会变,它永远是我们的依靠。就像孩子依赖着肩膀;诗人依赖着月亮;海豚依赖着海洋……这就是我们的宿舍,我们的家,幸福和温暖是我们家永恒不变的主题。

11. 或许大家性格迥异,但是宿舍也就是家,是生活学习的重要场所。大家都希望她温馨,整洁,也希望她是青春绽放的角落。

12. 曾记否,一起上课,一起逃课;一起吃饭,一起节食;一起谈论生活中的男男女女,一起分享内心中的小秘密……

13. 宿舍里的点滴总是那么美好,每次回忆都会带着笑。至于那些过去了的不和谐的事情,也在“一笑泯恩仇”的胸怀下随着时间烟消云散。

14. 生活习惯的不同,脾性的差异,摩擦在所难免,当各自冷静之后,反思过后,友谊却变得更加深刻。一句温暖的问候,几声带着羞敛的歉意,化作了友谊升温的理由,成为了感情的催化剂。

15. 伤心时,或躲在那床还残留着自己体温的被子里悄悄哽咽,或借舍友一个肩膀,让泪水任其放滥,宣泄内心所有的不平和委屈,并在安慰中不断成长。

4. 急求一段关于宿舍感情重要性的英语

It is you that makes me smile when I tend to cry, it is you that tell me to fly when I aim to lie, it is you that help me when I get hurt without asking why, and it is you that provide me with another real home beyond thousands of miles.。

5. 关于“大学寝室友情”的优美句子












6. 用英语描写宿舍

描写文需要一个主题呀,请给出主题吧。下面给你两篇范文,不过因为不知道你主题是什么所以可能文不对题哟。现在大学生宿舍几乎人手一台电脑.有些人认为会促进学生的学习,有些人认为会影响学生的学习.你的看法: Computers in Students' Flats Nowadays, an increasing number of students' flats have computers installed in them. Computer presents a vivid world in front of students. But there is no agreement among people concerning the effects of computers in students' flats. Some people contend that computers in students' apartments will have a bad influence on their study. Influenced by each other, students will become indulged in computer games or surfing the Internet without paying more attention on study. However, others maintain that computers in students' apartments will promote their study. If they encounter some problems about study, they can log on the Internet and search for related information without going to ask for their teachers frequently. For my part, it is the most important thing for students to make proper use of the computers in dorms. While students enjoy the convenience of computers, they should be alert to problems of computers. Addicted to playing games or surfing aimlessly on the Internet will do much harm. Otherwise, any attempt to use computer for study will end up as nothing but an empty dream.有时间可以上川外继续教育学院外语培训中心,这个站上面有很对这方面的东西。


7. 有关宿舍的称呼英语作文

One is a dormitory room on the campus and I think this is typical of the traditional students lodgings,Being shared by eight students,the room is crowded.All there is to see are beds,double-deck beds.One table stands in the middle with five students sitting around it.There being no space for chairs or benches,they sit on the beds.Thereat of them have to stay in their nests doing their lessons.Luggage and suitcascs find their place either under orabove the beds.The room is small and crowded,yet the rent is low,just 20 yuana month.

Compared with Picture One,the dormitory room in Picture Four is much better.Since it is shared byfour,it looks larger.The space originally for beds is filled with two wardrobes which include all the luggage,books and knick knacks.Anyway,it is cleaner and better furnished.Although the rent is twice as much as that of Picture One,I think I get my money's worth and it is within my financial capacity.

8. 用英语描写寝室,

My dormitory room is a warm litter hut. There are four members in this hut. We are highly harmonious. Certaintly, we get along with each other very well. You will be surrounded by cheer and happiness as soon as you step into our dormitory. Our dormitory is always full of laughter. We joy and chat together. Our dormitory is the one which riches in nothing but happiness. There are two bunkbeds in our dormitory. All the beddings are light blue, one of my favorite colors, which makes our dormitory looks comfortable and tidy. We all have our own desks with a wardrobe. Lots of books, most of which are English books, are put on our desks. Through our dormitory's back door, you will be in our balcony. To your surprise, you will find there are so many shoes on the balcony that it seems as if it is a shoes store. To be honest, we have about 34 shoes. All of them are putting neatly into two ranks on our balcony. Our balcony is larger than another three dormitories'. They have to share only one balcony which is as large as our's. I think they may be jealous of our large balcony.。

9. 关于dorm的中英文句子10句

As the National Day is around the corner, let us give our dorm a thorough clean.

I rushed back to my dorm, where a growing crowd was waiting.

On Saturday I greeted her at the dorm and was again entranced by her loveliness.

I imagine this would be a problem for college kids in a dorm room, as well.

There was no electricity in my dorm last night.

I'm glad to say that everything has worked out

fine in the dorm.

We cleaned up the dorm together today.

Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dorm.

It was more like a hostel dorm.

Only we would end up in a scorching dorm room for vacation!

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