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1. 英语美句

1、No matter how familiar we used to be with each other,as long as we are apart then we become strangers. 原来只要分开了的人,无论原来多么熟悉,也会慢慢变得疏远。

2、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。3、You'll never find the right person, if you can't let go of the wrong one. 紧抓着错误的人放不了手,又怎么可能找到对的那个人呢?4、Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory——有时候,直到一些珍贵的时刻成为了回忆,你才会真正意识到它的价值所在。

5、Perseverance is not a long race:it is many short races,one after another. 坚持不懈不是一个长跑,而是一个接着一个的短跑!6、Eternity is not a distance but a decision. 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。 7、Knowledge can't replace friendship,I'd rather be an idiot than lose you,Spongebob知识不能取代友谊,即使变成笨蛋我也不愿意失去你,海绵宝宝。

——派大星8、It all comes to the end about the past and you. For the future, about me, to be continued。 关于过去,关于你,告一段落。

关于未来,关于我,敬请期待9、Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving——人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前进。10、What does it matter where I am if you are not with me. 如果没有你,我在哪里又有什么所谓。

11、Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful. 你的吻在我的唇上依旧炽热,我的每一天都是如此的美好.12、Real girls aren't perfect. Perfect girls aren't real. 真实的女孩不完美,完美的女孩不真实。 13、Perhaps you get worse today, but tomorrow will always be new——或许今天你过得很糟糕,但是明天总会是崭新的! 14、When I wake up every morning, the greatest joy is gazing upon you and sunshine, that is the future I desire. 每天早上醒来,最大的愉悦就是看到你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来15、Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. 有时候占据我们内心最多空间的,往往是那些最细小的事16、It's an amazing feeling to realize how one person who was once just a stranger suddenly meant the world to you——很奇妙的一种感觉是,曾经的陌生人,突然之间成为了你的整个世界 17、Sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head, and remind yourself of who you are and where you wanna be. 有时候你需要退开一点,放空一下,然后提醒自己,我是谁,要去哪里。

18、If you hate me, you're the loser,not me.----Avril Lavigne 如果你恨我,那么你就是失败者,而不是我。----艾薇儿19、Time to get our hearts and minds right, and make today the best day ever, because it will never come again! 是时候让我们的心回到正轨上来, 让今天成为最棒的一天吧, 因为,今天一去不回来20、Three killers for the time: delay, hesitation ,uncertainty.【时间的三大杀手】1.拖延。


2. 关于我的未来我的梦优美句子英语

I like to do manythings in my free time, especially reading.

I like reading picture books, stories, science books and anything else interesting. I enjoy reading with my friends. It makes us very happy when my friends and I share interesting books together. I read every day. I usually like to stay home and read. Sometimes, I also like to spend a whole day at the City Library. All my friends and relatives know that I like reading, so they often buy me books as gifts. They often say my room looks like a small library.

3. 英语作文展望未来

An Outlook on Future

What will the future be? There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs and achievements in science and technology.Solutions to current social and economic problems will be found.In the field of industry, agriculture and service industry, possible products and manufacturing methods might be realized.Hi-tech industry could develop faster.The living environment will be cleaner and satisfactory.People will lead a carefree life.Higher education will be available to every knowledge-thirsty person.

It is hard to detail visions on people's beautiful life.Future is indeed like a riddle, some areas of which are beyond the reach of our imagination.

Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the advancement of science and technology will characterize the future.Only through mastering advanced science and technology can a nation be successful in facing more challenges of technological revolution and social progress

4. 展望未来的句子


1. 有失败也会有成功,有咸淡的泪水当然也少不了甜美的微笑,有失落才构成昨日缠绵的歌,有忧伤才会有昨日焕发的浪漫色彩。

2. 昨天,永远属于过去,过去不管成功或失败,永远属于死神;昨天,如一颗陨落的流星划过天际,来不及招呼;昨天,如一朵朵漫天飞舞的的蒲公英,尽显其招摇之态。

3. 未来,就是你站在茫茫大海的这一边,遥望着海的那一边,充满好奇心,憧憬这对海那边的向往,正是对未知的不了解与向往,所以才有了去追逐未来的勇气。

4. 让我们在春天里播下理想的种子,在秋天里收获辉煌的希望。高唱胜利的凯歌,共创美好的明天。

5. 总有一天、你的棱角会被这个世界磨平、你会拔掉身上的刺、你会学着对你讨厌的人微笑、你会变成一个不动声色的人——卢思浩

6. 不管前方的路有多苦,只要走的方向正确,不管多么崎岖不平,都比站在原地更接近幸福。——宫崎骏

7. 我们要有最朴素的生活,与最遥远的梦想 。 即使明日天寒地冻,路远马亡。——七堇年

8. 很多事情不能自己掌控,即使再孤单再寂寞,仍要继续走下去,不许停、也不能回头。——宫崎骏

9. 人总是那样感性、值得怀念的太多、思念永远不会停止、曾经的美好、如今的陌生、未来的谈然。

10. 南山得心跳仍在继续,我们的脚步也没有停息,梦想在前方,未来也在前方。不要徘徊,不要犹豫,放飞梦想吧!展望未来吧!

5. 以对未来展望为题用英语这段话

I am always on my way to the future. But where is my future is really a problem for me to solve now. Oh, mama, this is really a headache. Several questions have been float in my brain for a long time. What I'm good at? what I'm goona do? What I'm gonna be? Seriously speaking, I really don't know. At least I need help from my mentor. And now I'm gonna say just enjoy the life now while it lasts since I cannot get the future.。

6. 结束过去,展望未来英语怎么写

put an end to the past and look forward to the future

区别就是加了个 “我想做的” 然后还把你的逗号变成了and put an end to the past and look forward to the future = 结束过去,展望未来 What I want to do is to put an end to the past and to look forward to the future = 我想做的结束过去,展望未来

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