1. 闻香识女人里最著名的台词是哪一段
There was a time l could see.
And l have seen Boys like these,younger than these,
their arms torn out,their legs ripped off.
But there is nothin'like the sight of an amputated spirit.
There is no prosthetic for that.
Now l have come to the crossroads in my life.
l always knew what the right path was.
Without exception, l knew,
but l never took it.You know why ?
lt was too damn hard.
因为妈的太难了 。
2. 闻香识女人经典台词
Women !
What can you say ?
Who made 'em ?
God must have been
a fuckin' genius.
The hair --
They say the hair
is everything, you know.
Have you ever buried your nose
in a mountain of curls。
and just wanted
to go to sleep forever ?
Or lips --
and when they touched,
yours were like。
that first swallow
of wine。
after you just crossed
the desert.
Tits ! Whoo-ah !
Big ones, little ones,
nipples staring
right out at ya。
Like secret searchlights.
And legs --
I don't care if
they're Greek columns。
or secondhand Steinways.
What's between 'em,
passport to heaven.
I need a drink.
Yes, Mr. Simms,
there's only two syllables
in this whole wide world worth hearing:
Hah !
Are you listening to me, son ?
I'm givin' you pearls here.
I guess you
really like women.
Oh, above all things !
A very, very
distant second。
is a Ferrari.
Charlie ?
Give me your hand.
This is just the start
of your education, son.
3. 一个人高雅、成熟、有品味的用词来形容
" 3、知书达理:有知识,通事理,形容有教养。 出处:元·无名氏《冯玉兰》第一折:“只我这知书达礼当恭谨,怎肯着出乖露丑遭谈论。”
4、风度翩翩:常用来形容人的举止优雅,潇洒超凡。 出处:《史记·平原君列传》:“平原君,翩翩浊世之佳公子也。”
5、温文儒雅:形容人态度温和,举动斯文。 出处:清·文康《儿女英雄传》缘起首回:“为首的是个半老的儒者气象……次后便是一个温文儒雅的白面书生。”
6、彬彬有礼:形容文雅有礼貌的样子。 出处:清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第八十三回:“唤出他两个儿子;兄先弟后;彬彬有礼。”
7、礼贤下士:对有才有德的人以礼相待,对一般有才能的人不计自己的身分去结交。 出处::《新唐书·李勉传》:“其在朝廷;鲠亮谦介;为宗臣表;礼贤下士有始终;尝引李巡、张参在幕府。”
4. 找闻香识女人中一段台词
不知道你要的是哪句,就都给你整来了!I wish you wouldn't do that around me.It's so filthy !- Don't give me a problem about the cigarettes.- It's such a filthy habit.Oh, my God ! Look at this.Oh, Jesus ! This is so appalling !I can't believe it !I can't believethey gave it to him.Ah, this is pathetic !Now he's a loserwith a Jaguar.Seriously, who did he have to blow to get that thing ?- Good morning, sir.- Mr. Willis.- It's really, uh,- Mr. Trask !quite a piece of machinery.- Good morning, Havemeyer.- Morning to you, sir.- Bene !- Bene ?- Bene ! Fabulous !- What's fabulous ?That fine piece of steel you have back there.Ah, you don't think I deserve it.No, sir. On the contrary.I think it's great.Should the headmaster of Baird be seenputt-putting around in some junker ?In fact, I think the board of trustees have had。
their first, true strokeof inspiration in some time.Thank you, Havemeyer.I'll take that at face value.I'd expect nothing less, sir.Have a good day.- Morning, Mrs. Hunsaker.- Good morning.What have we here, Murderer's Row ?- What was that about ?- Nothing. Just saying hello.I like to say hello to Headmaster Trask.Sugarbush. Lift tickets andcondo vouchers.- I thought we were goin' to Stowe.- Sugarbush is Stowe, Jimmy.We're doing it right. Thanksgivingin Vermont, Christmas in Switzerland ---Christmas in Gstaad is gonna cost us ---'Staad.The "G" is silent.'Staad. George ?- 'Staad.- Trent ?- 'Staad, man.- So what about 'Staad ?Fine. The "G" may be silent,but it's gonna take at leastthree grand to get there.- I'll talk to my father.- Better yet, have my fathertalk to your father.Or my fathertalk to your father.You goin' homethis weekend, Chas ?Uh, I don't know.You goin' home to fuckin' ldahofor Thanksgiving ?沙发 Date: 2008-08-13 20:13:40sukiyawang看我其他帖子看我的日志I'm from Oregon.I meant fuckin' Oregon.Charlie, how do you feel about skiing ?You in the mood forthe white-bosomed slopes of Vermont ?Got a deal going.% off for my friends.My father set it up.Christmas in Switzerland.- 'Staad.- Gstaad. Dropping the "G" is phony.- You said everybody says 'Staad.- Not if you've been there.Easter in Bermuda,then Kentucky Derby weekend.We could fit you in, kid.Well, how much arethese white-bosomed slopes of Vermont ?Twelve hundred !Includes a nine-course,champagne thanksgiving dinner.$ is a little richfor my blood, Harry.Well, how shortare you ?How short, Harry ?So short it wouldn't be worth thetrouble of you and George to measure.- But, thanks for askin', all right ?- Mm-hmm.- If you change your mind --- What'd you do that for ?You know he's on aid.On major holidays, Willis, it'scustomary for the lord of the manor。- to offer drippings to the poor.- You're so full of shit !- Hi. Mrs. Rossi ?- Yes ?板凳 Date: 2008-08-13 20:13:56sukiyawang看我其他帖子看我的日志I'm here aboutthe weekend job.Come on in.Does he got pimples ?He hates pimples.Francine, be quiet.Pimples. Pimples.Yeah.Shush !I'm sorry.- The school gave me your name,but I've forgotten it.- It's Charlie Simms.- How are you, Charlie ?- Fine, thanks.Right this way.- You're available the whole weekend ?- Uh, yeah.- Not going home for Thanksgiving ?- No.Good.They put him in a veteran's home,but he hated it,so I told my dadthat we'd take him.Before you go in, do you mindmy telling you a few things ?Don't "sir" him and don't ask himtoo many questions.And if he staggers a little whenhe gets up, don't pay any attention.Charlie, I can tell you'rethe right person for the job,and Uncle Frank'sgonna like you a lot too.Uh, where you gonna bethis weekend ?We're driving to Albany.Donny, my husband,has family there.- Do you want Tommy in or out ?- Leave him out !He's chasin' that Calico ginchfrom the track houses again !Down deep, the man is a lump of sugar.- Sir ?- Don't call me sir !I-l'm sorry. I mean mister, sir.Uh-oh, we got a moron here, is that it ?No, mister --Uh, that is -- Uh, Lieutenant. Yes, sir, Lieu--Lieutenant Colonel.years on the line, nobody ever busted me four grades before.Get in here, you idiot ! Come a little closer. I wanna get a better look at ya.How's your skin, son ?My skin, sir ?- Oh, for Christ's sake.- I'm sorry, I don--Just call me Frank.Call me Mr. Slade.Call me Colonel, if you must.Just don't call me sir.All right, Colonel.Simms, Charles.A senior.- You on student aid, Simms ?- Uh, yes, I am.For "student aid" read "crook."Your father peddles car telephones at a % markup.Your mother works on heavy commission in a camera store.Graduated to it from espresso machines.Hah-hah !What are you, dying ofsome wasting disease ?No, I'm right --I'm right here.I know exactly whereyour body is.What I'm lookin' for is 。
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