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1. 有关于朋友的优美句子(英语加汉语)

朋友需要你今天帮助,千万不要等到明天.____佚名朋友间保持一定的距离,而使友谊永存.——查理士 友情的纽带,或会因情绪激动而绷紧,但决不可折断.———林肯 周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少.__卡内基夫人近朱者赤,近墨者黑.——傅玄情深恭维少,知己笑谈多.——谚语 独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻.——孔子 树直用处多,人直朋友多.——谚语 怯懦的人,会把朋友送给刽子手.——罗曼·罗兰 朋友看朋友是透明的,他们彼此交换着生?——罗曼·罗兰 良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒.——谚语 真正的朋友应该说真话,不管那话多么尖锐…… ——奥斯特洛夫斯基朋友间必须是患难相济,那才能说得上是真正的友谊.——莎士比亚 世界上没有比友谊更美好,更令人愉快的东西了;没有友谊,世界仿佛失去了太阳. ——西塞图 与朋友交而不信。

——《论语》信任一位虚伪的朋友,增加一个敌对的证人.——西班牙谚语 什么是朋友?朋友就是你可以精诚相待的人——西塞图 在这个世上,诚实的人最尊重,最珍视的莫过于真正的朋友,这种朋友可以说是另一个自我.我们的朋友比想象的少,却比我们认识的多。——霍夫曼斯塔尔友谊是个无限的天地,它多么宽广啊。

——罗·布朗宁桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情._____李白和你一同笑过的人,你可能把他忘掉,但是和你一同哭过的人,你却永远不忘.____纪伯伦谁要求没有缺点的朋友,谁就没有朋友!______谚语 Today, you need friends to help, do not wait until tomorrow .____ Anonymous Friends to maintain a certain distance, the friendship last forever by Charles .-- Bonds of friendship, or will be very emotional and tense, but could not break Lincoln .--- Have good friends around, besieged on all sides than those who do not know how many of th e well-being. __ Mrs. Carnegie Jinzhuzhechi, Fu Xuan .-- Jinmozhehei Love small compliment, many friends joke .-- proverb Friends of the study and no single, widowed and Gu Lou Wen .-- Confucius Trees use more direct, straight friends and more people saying .-- Cowardice, will be a friend to the executioner .-- Romain Rolland Friends to see a friend is transparent, they exchange a Health? - Romain Rolland Winter made a good three, wounding remarks June .-- cold Proverb A true friend should tell the truth, no matter how sharp words 。 。

- Ostrovsky Must be friends with economic adversity, and that can say that this is a genuine friendship .-- Shakespeare There is no better than friendship, more pleasant things; not friendship, the world seems to have lost the sun . - Cisse map With his friends instead of the letter. - "The Analects of Confucius" A friend of the hypocrisy of confidence, an increase of a hostile witness .-- Spanish proverb What is a friend? Friends that you can treat each other sincerely - Fig.1 CisseIn this world, the most honest people respect and cherish the most is the true friend of a friend that could be regarded as another self. Our friends less than imagined, more than we know. - Hofmannsthal Friendship is an infinite world, how broad it ah. - Luobulangning Qian Chi Tao Huatan water depth, not as I would love to send Wang Lun Li ._____ And you laugh together before, you may forget him, and cried with you, but you never forget .____ Gibran Who has not asked the shortcomings of friends, friends will not !______ proverb。

2. 描写树的优美英文句子

Spring returns to the earth.


Spring makes everything young again except man


A single flower does not make a spring.


A year's plan starts with spring.



3. 英语作文什么叫优美的句子

1.This year''''s summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear. I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed much interest in English. They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the countryside. 2.An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of large sections of Earth's rocky outer shell. Earthquakes are among the most powerful events on earth, and their results can be terrifying. A severe earthquake may release energy 10,000 times as great as that of the first atomic bomb. Rock movements during an earthquake can make rivers change their course. Earthquakes can trigger landslides that cause great damage and loss of life. Large earthquakes beneath the ocean can create a series of huge, destructive waves called tsunamis (pronounced tsoo NAH meez) that flood coasts for many miles. Earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Instead, many deaths and injuries in earthquakes result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges, and other structures. Fire resulting from broken gas or power lines is another major danger during a quake. Spills of hazardous chemicals are also a concern during an earthquake. The force of an earthquake depends on how much rock breaks and how far it shifts. Powerful earthquakes can shake firm ground violently for great distances. During minor earthquakes, the vibration may be no greater than the vibration caused by a passing truck. On average, a powerful earthquake occurs less than once every two years. At least 40 moderate earthquakes cause damage somewhere in the world each year. About 40,000 to 50,000 small earthquakes--large enough to be felt but not damaging--occur annually.3.Lantern Festival The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China. According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate. At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball) and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere.4.Merry Christmas It was one of the last days before Christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager Christmas shoppers. At one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes. When the salesgirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next customer with a tired voice. "Thank you very much, madam," the old lady suddenly cried out, "Oh, I almost forgot。

"——"Anything else, madam?" said the girl, "Yes," began the old lady, "I'd like to buy another pair, but I' m not quite sure about what exactly I should cloose. I wonder if you could help me." "Certainly, madam", was the girl's reply. The old lady then went on to explain that what she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age. She was not at ail sure what color to choose, and the design was a problem too. The tired girl did her best to help the old lady make up her mind, showing her ail kinds of gloves. At last the chosen pair of gloves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the girl was about to turn to the next customer, the old lady handed her a little parcel and said, "These now, dear, these are for you and thank you for being so patient. I do hope you have a merry Christmas !"5.Summer Job The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation ( June, July, and August).Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers 。

4. 59个关于奥运的英语句子

市民奥运英语100句 I. Good Wishes 祝愿用语 1. Good Luck!祝你顺利(祝你好运)! 2. All the best!祝你万事如意! 3. Have a good trip! 旅途愉快! 4. Wish you a success!祝你成功! 5. Have a good day! 祝你今天开心! 6. I hope to see you soon.我希望不久见到你。

7. Congratulations! 祝贺(你)!/恭喜! 8. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 9. I wish you the best of health! 祝你身体健康! 10. Long live our friendship! 愿我们友谊长存! II. Asking for and offering help请求提供帮助 11. Could you help me? 你能帮助我吗? 12. Would you please do me a favor? 能帮我个忙吗? 13. Would you please give me a hand? 帮我个忙好吗? 14. What can I do for you? 您需要什么帮助? 15. Can(May)I help you? 我可以帮你吗? 16. Let me help you. 我来帮助你。 17. It's very kind of you! 你真是太好啦! III. Asking the Way 问路 18. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the station? 劳驾, 请问去车站怎么走? 19. Straight on. 一直往前走。

20. Go down this street. Then turn left. 沿这条街走下去, 然后朝左拐。 21. Turn right at the second crossing. 在第二个路口往右拐。

22. I'm sorry. I have no idea where it is. 对不起,我不知道它在哪儿。 23. Thank you all the same. 尽管如此, 还是要谢谢你。

24. Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗? 25. Yes. You'd better take a bus. 远,你最好坐公共汽车去。 26. It's about 1 kilometer from here. 距这里约一公里。

27. Excuse me, does the Bus No. 4 stop at the China Trade Center? 劳驾, 4路公共汽车在国贸停吗? 28. How long is the ride? 坐车要用多长时间? 29. It will take about 20/twenty minutes. 大概需要20分钟。 30. Thank you very much. 非常感谢。

It's a pleasure. 乐意为您效劳。 IV. Shopping 购物用语 31. Can I help you? 您要买点什么? 32. Yes, I'd like to buy a book. 是的, 我要买本书。

33. Ok. Here you are. 行,给你。 34. How much is it? 多少钱? 35. It is seventeen yuan and fifty cents. 十七块五。

36. May I help you? 您要买什么? 37. Yes, I want to buy a shirt. 是的, 我想买一件衬衫。 38. What color/size/style do you want? 要什么颜色/尺寸/样子的? 39. A blue/red/green/yellow/white/black one. 蓝色的/红/绿/黄/白/黑 40. It's wonderful. I like it very much. 真不错。

我非常喜欢。 41. All right. I'll take it. 好的, 我买这件衬衫。

42. Where can I pay? 在哪付款? 43. You can pay at the cashier over there. 您可以在那边的收银台付款。 44. Can I use my credit card? 我能使用信用卡吗? 45. Sure. Go ahead. 当然。

请便。 46. Here's your change/receipt. 这是找您的钱/给您的收据。

47. Thanks for your good service. 谢谢你的热情服务! 48. Do come again, please. 欢迎再来。 49. Thank you. 谢谢!You're welcome. 不用谢。

V. Restaurant English 饭馆英语 50. May I have a look at the menu/wine list? 请给我看看菜谱/酒水单。 51. What's the specialty of this restaurant? 这个餐馆的的招牌菜是什么? 52. Are you ready to order? 您现在可以点菜了吗? 53. I'd like something spicy. 我想吃些辣的东西。

54. What do you recommend? 有什么菜可以推荐一下吗? 55. The steak sounds good to me. 听起来牛排不错。 56. I'm full. I can't eat any more. 我饱了,不能再吃了。

57. Bill, please. 劳驾,结帐。 58. Keep the change. 不用找零钱了。

VI. Time, Days and Months 时间、星期和月份 59. What time is it? 几点了? 60. It's 6∶00 o'clock. 六点了。 61. Excuse me, could you tell me the time? 劳驾,请问现在几点了? 62. It's half past ten. 现在十点半。

63. Excuse me, have you got the time, please? 对不起, 请问现在几点了? 64. It's a quarter to nine. 现在差一刻九点。 65. What day is it today? 今天是星期几? 66. It's Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday. 今天是星期天/周一/周二/周三/周四/周五/周六。

67. What's the date today? 今天几号? 68. Today is Aug. 2nd. 今天是八月二号。 69. What month is it? 今天是几月份? 70. It's January/Feburary/March/April/May/June/July/August/September /October/November/December. 现在是一月/二月/三月/四月/五月/六月/七月/八月/九月/十月/十一月/十二月。

71. When were you born? 你哪年初生的? 72. I was born in 1949/nineteen forty-nine. 我1949年初生的。 VII. Entertaining Guests 招待客人 73. Hello! 您好! How are you doing? 你好吗? 74. Hello! Welcome to our unit (home)! Sit down, please. 你好! 欢迎到我们单位(家)来!请坐。

75. Would you like a cigarette? 您吸烟吗? 76. No. Thanks. 不,我不吸烟。谢谢。

77. Would you like to drink something, coffee, tea or cola? 您想喝点儿什么,咖啡、茶,还是可乐? 78. Tea is fine with me. Thank you. 喝茶就行了。谢谢! 79. Help yourself to some fruits. 请随便吃点儿水果。

80. Give /Pass me a cup of tea/a glass of water, please! 请递给我一杯茶/。 81. Cheers! 干杯! 82. T。

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