1. 《史密斯夫妇》里的经典对白
约翰·史密斯:我们刚认识时,你是怎么想的?(The first time we met, what was your first thought? )
简·史密斯:你先说。(You tell me.)
约翰·史密斯:我想……你看起来就像圣诞节的早晨!我不知道还能怎么形容。(I thought…I thought you looked like christmas morning, I do not know how else to say it.)
简·史密斯:为什么现在跟我说这些?(And why are you telling me this now?)
约翰·史密斯:在结束的时候你会想到开始,我想你该知道!你呢?(I guess, in the end, you start thingking about the beginning, So there t is. I thought you should know.So how about it, Jane? Hmm?)
2. 谁能提供些《史密斯夫妇》的经典台词
要英文的么.> Memorable Quotes from Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) [from trailer] John Smith: Come to Daddy. Jane Smith: [after she bashes him with a tablecloth-ensconced silver teapot and headbutts him] Who's your Daddy now? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: [searching for Jane, holding a pistol] Honey。
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: [after tripping into a fence and accidentally firing a shot at his wife] Oh, dear God! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: Your aim's as bad as your cooking sweetheart。 and that's saying something! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: [at marriage counseling] Ask us the sex question again. Jane Smith: [whispers] John. John Smith: [softly with his fingers out for ten] Ten. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: [after firing a rocket launcher] We should so not be allowed to buy these. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: [after Jane escapes on a high wire] Chicken shit! Jane Smith: Pussy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: [after he finds out that Jane stole all of his guns] Bitch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eddie: So, did you kill that lying bitch? Jane Smith: This lying bitch? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marriage Counselor: One a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the happiness of your marriage? Jane Smith: 8. John Smith: Could you clarify? Is 10 the highest or is 1 the highest? Marriage Counselor: Just answer with your instinct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: [hitman from the BMW opens the van's left door. John opens the other van door and yanks the hitman through] These doors are handy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: You looked like Christmas morning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eddie: No, thanks, I don't get out of bed for less than half a million dollars. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: Hiya, stranger. Jane Smith: Hiya back. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jane Smith: You still alive, baby? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jasmine: Jane, it's your husband! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: Does that include weekends? [when asked how many times they have sex] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: We remodeled the house. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: I hate the curtains. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: I guess that's what happens in the end, you start thinking about the beginning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: [angry that Benjamin had blown their cover] You burn the picture after you get the assignment! It's the first thing you learn! Benjamin: Oh, I must have missed that day. Just like you missed the day of don't marry the enemy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jane Smith: Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [John has just returned from shooting Lucky at the bar] Jane Smith: Where've you been? John Smith: I just went down to the sports bar. Put a little money on the game. Jane Smith: How'd you do? John Smith: I got Lucky. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith: [both pointing guns at each other; John drops his] It's your call. Jane Smith: No! C'mon! Let's finish this! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Girls walking by House: What's going on, Mrs. Smith? Jane Smith: Garden party, girls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [about the new curtains Jane bought] Jane Smith: If you don't like them just say so and we can take them back. John Smith: All right, I don't like them. Jane Smith: Learn to live with them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Counselor: How often do you have sex? Jane Smith: I don't understand the question. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jane Smith: There's this huge space between us, and it just keeps filling up with whatever we don't say to each other. What's that called? Counselor: Marriage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benjamin: [while in the middle of 。
3. 史密斯夫妇某些经典台词的中英对照
ask us the sex question again. jane smith: [whispers] john. john smith: [softly with his fingers out for ten] ten.
chicken shit! jane smith: pussy!
布拉德:胆小鬼! 安吉丽娜:娘们儿!
i guess that's what happens in the end, you start thinking about the beginning.
your aim's as bad as your cooking sweetheart
no, thanks, i don't get out of bed for less than half a million dollars.
hiya, stranger. jane smith: hiya back.
安吉丽娜:陌生人你好。 布拉德:你也一样。
4. 《史密斯夫妇》里的经典对白
约翰·史密斯:我们刚认识时,你是怎么想的?(The first time we met, what was your first thought? )
简·史密斯:你先说。(You tell me.)
约翰·史密斯:我想……你看起来就像圣诞节的早晨!我不知道还能怎么形容。(I thought…I thought you looked like christmas morning, I do not know how else to say it.)
简·史密斯:为什么现在跟我说这些?(And why are you telling me this now?)
约翰·史密斯:在结束的时候你会想到开始,我想你该知道!你呢?(I guess, in the end, you start thingking about the beginning, So there t is. I thought you should know.So how about it, Jane? Hmm?)
5. 求《史密斯夫妇》 200词影评
6. 我想找一些有关布拉德皮特的语录或是经典的台词~~ 好心人就帮帮忙
Nothing lasts 一切是过眼云烟
Lightning could strike 期待心灵的悸动 《第六感生死缘》
Guess in the end you start thinking about the beginning 或许在结尾时人们才开始怀念开始 《史密斯夫妇》
But there was a hell. And no matter where we moved to, I was in it. 地狱是存在的 无论我们去哪 都在地狱中
I remember it completely。and yet I can't recall any sunrise before it 我完全记得它的细节 但是我已忘记之前的每个日出 《夜访吸血鬼》
Because you love her, I will forgive that, ONCE! Say that again, and you are no longer my brother.因为你爱她,所以我原谅你,就这一次!如果你再说一次,你就再也不是我哥哥。
Yeah! A window of opportunity is opening now 机会之门已经打开了
Now is the time for all good men to seize the moment. The moment! 机不可失 稍纵即逝
We're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us? 我们注定要失去我们所爱的人,要不然我们怎么知道他们对我们有多么的重要I do not mind, I listened to the house to breathe, surrounded by all of us are sleeping, so I feel safe .我并不介意,我在聆听这个房子的呼吸,周围所有人都在睡觉,让我感到。 安全
When you are not getting older, but more and more young, it will go through all the people you love than you die. We are doomed to lose our loved one, or else how can they know for us is so important? This is also the significance of losing it. 当你不是在变老,而是越来越年轻,就必定要经历所有你爱的人都比你先死去。我们注定要失去我们所爱的人,不然又如何知道他们对我们来说是如此的重要呢?这也是失去的意义吧。
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