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1. 所罗门王的宝藏英文简介

September 4, 1871, a journey of explorers fatigue in Mashonaland African pastoralists home after a night. This is the central and southern Africa on the plateau Mashonaland person's home; this family today called on Zimbabwe in the country. This traveler is a 34-year-old German, called Kaermoke, he is legendary in the disappearance of the little town of traces of Ruchiruzui, because someone told him: large stone house on the site in a few hours away from! The second largest long ago, Karl careful to leave, set foot on the increasing number of road gradient, for fear that alerted the local chiefs. Vaguely visible in front of the green hills remote lonely, bare rock can be seen everywhere, Karl getting near, immediate found this Luzaiwaimian the original granite is a huge building site. In his article, he wrote: "At this moment, standing in front of me is about 20 feet high granite column. More recently, found a place, there is a rough-paved path leading to the inside. I follow this Road, in piles rough stone, a section of the Canqiang, Congcong shrubs in a trip to穿行Diedie trip, the last stop before a Tazhuang buildings down. "Karl is estimated that this tower about 30 feet high. He was surprised that these walls and the tower actually piled stones, stone cutting so precise, so that a seamless mosaic, no mud and lime glue marks. Karl wrote in the article, "the night exceptionally quiet, that period is full of surprises found numerous days of rare calm." Karl is convinced that he has miraculously found: "Bible" rich in gold and precious stones of the city - Russia Fiji! A few centuries, people have to know the Russian city of Fei exact location, it is extremely Kuili of Sheba women's home! According to the "Bible" in the "Wang Si-out" on the record: Russia Fei King Solomon's gold was the source of incredible wealth. About 10 century AD, Fiji and Russia began the southeast African exchanges. At that time, in the southeast African coast port of Arabs in the trade began to buy gold. The gold also found from the African mainland to overseas export channels.。

2. 《所罗门王的宝藏》英文读后感,200词

《Solomon King's treasure 》describes a beautifully treasure hunt story. Hero of the story that Alan quartermain,From A to Z, these so-called heroes and have not done a few pieces of anything worthy of praise, on the contrary, they are just for this does not belong to their own property, to take life to the crazy looking, such a person, can only be said to be a desperado, not worthy of praise.。

3. 历史上所罗门王的简介

According to the Holy Bible record, Solomon the king (the B.C. 960- previous 930 years), Israel united kingdom's king, makes the king 40 years in Jerusalem, is David's son, king of the Jew wisdom. Hands down is having "Admonishes Richly", "Solomon Wisdom Book", "Song of solomon", "Ecclesiastes" and so on works. When Li also has the widespread research to the animal plant. the Solomon king is in the Judea nationality history the greatest king, is also in the world the most legendary king. According to "Holy Bible" records, Solomon after 20 years old ascend the throne. He in the dream to the God hope wisdom, God not only bestows his incomparable wisdom, but also bestows his inexhaustible glory, wealth, wisdom as well as moral excellence. henceforth, Solomon has conquered the heart which depending on the wisdom the country enters, specially “the wisdom broke the parent-child document” and so on stories obviously to receive his wisdom strength. The Solomon king creates great wealth. Before that time has, is also unequalled; He has constructed the famous Judaism temple, welcomed the God depositing imperial mandate “the golden ark”: He does on large scale the economic development and the urban architecture, has constructed the luxurious royal palace and the firm city wall: He has established two fleets, sends to develop the trade vigorously to the overseas; He sets up the formidable navy. Not only carries on the expedition to expand, but also goes to sea seeks develops our country trade. He also has the happy love, he with will show Palestinian queen the happy romantic affection to pass on for the eternity charming story.。

4. 求所罗门王和邱吉尔名言的英文翻译~~~


vanity of vanities: all is vanity. all things under the sun are vanity of vanities and a chasing of the wind.


The loss is never more than what is currently in your hands.


What you lose is never more than what you are currently taking chanrge of.

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