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1. 求一篇关于以花园为主题的英语作文 不要太多十句就够了也就是初二的

live in a new house.There is a garden behind it.It is not big but beautiful.There are many green trees and colourful flowers in the garden.In summer,I often go to the garden.It is very cool there.I often drink tea with my parents.I love the beautiful garden.我住在一间新屋里。




2. 怎样描写花园的英语作文

My Mother's Garden

My mother is very good at raising plants and flowers. We have plants and flowers indoors and outdoors all the year round. Some of our plants were very small in the beginning, but now they are large and very beautiful. On top of our roof there is a big glass-enclosed greenhouse. All our friends love to come to our house to see the beautiful world my mother has made for us. Every morning and evening we see my mother taking care of her plants like little children. As her real children grow older and more independent, my mother devotes more time to her garden. This is a very good way to spend one's free time.

3. 美丽的花园 英语作文,有翻译的

live in a new house.There is a garden behind it.It is not big but beautiful.There are many green trees and colourful flowers in the garden.In summer,I often go to the garden.It is very cool there.I often drink tea with my parents.I love the beautiful garden.


4. 以 我家的花园为题写一篇英文作文

中英文对照:我家的花园 My garden 我家,有一个美丽的花园。

My house, there is a beautiful garden.春天是百花争艳的季节,美丽的樱花开放了,清香四溢、花洁如玉。 迎春花也开了,一丛丛,一簇簇开在返青的枝条上面,在微风的吹拂下动着身躯。

他召唤草木, 叫它们快快发芽长叶; 他唤醒百花, 吹出他们赶紧相继开放。 桃花开了, 白色的桃花洁白如玉似棉,粉色的桃花粉如绽放的杜鹃。

Spring is a season of a hundred flowers contend in beauty, beautiful cherry blossoms, fragrant flowers, as white as jade. Spring flowers opened, groves, were opened in the green branches, blowing in the breeze and moving body. He called the vegetation, they quickly sprouting leaves; he awakens flowers, blowing them to have open. Opened peach, white peach jade white cottony, pink peach powder such as blooming azalea.夏天, 草地上开着五颜六色的小野花,再加上绿叶的衬托,在阳光的照射下,耀眼万分。Summer, open on the grass be riotous with colour of small flowers, plus the background of green leaves, in the sun, dazzling extreme.秋天, 桂花开了, 桂花那淡淡的清香就扑鼻而来,一阵风吹来,金色的桂花漫天飞舞 ,就像下起了一场桂花雨。

让人陶醉在其中`````` In autumn, the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrans opened, the subtle fragrance Pubi, a gust of wind blowing, gold osmanthus flying all over the sky, like under a rain of flowers. Let a person be intoxicated in it is 冬天,梅花开了,粉红色的梅花似一片红霞,黄色的梅花像一轮明月,红色的梅花则是一堆红红的火焰。我最喜欢梅花,“梅花香自苦寒来”吹拂它的不是轻如柳的春风,而是凛冽刺骨的寒风;滋润它的不是清凉的雨水,而是寒冰冷雪;赵有它的不适和旬的阳光,而是严冬里的一缕残阳,梅花是经过与严寒风雪做斗争才绽放出美丽的花朵。

In winter, the plum blossom has opened, pink plum blossom like a piece of red, yellow plum blossom like a bright moon, red plum is a pile of red flame. I most like the plum blossom," plum incense come from the bitter cold ." "it is not as light as willow breeze, but a sharp wind; nourish its not cool water, but the ice cold snow; Zhao has its discomfort and of the sun in the winter, but the setting sun ray, the plum blossom is the with the cold snow fight flowers that bloom a beautiful.我爱我家的花园, 爱那些花儿鲜艳的色彩, 爱那些花儿傲人的姿态,但我更爱它们为了绽放自 己最美丽的一面而努力的精神 !I love my garden, love the flowers, bright colors, love the flowers of the attitude of people, but I love them more and work hard in order to bloom their most beautiful side of the spirit! 望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢。

5. 写一篇5句话的优美英语作文用aboveall,begabsentfrom,beabundantin,

I always think what will happend if icome across him ,i could fell my heart is aboundant in emotion,and he also can find my diffent feeling easily according to a tremble in my voice,above all the tears turning in my eyes.then he will give me a hug and say,i am sorry to be absent from your life in these years.我常常想如果我遇见他会发生什么,那时候我可以感觉到内心丰富的感情,他也会从我颤抖的声音,尤其是眼眶里旋转的泪水轻易地发现我不一样的内心,然后他会拥抱我,说抱歉,这些年在你生命里缺席.。

6. 英语作文garden high school

Our school has a beautiful, chic little garden, although it is so modest, but all year round vibrant. Usually, the students always like to come to the little garden, quietly listening to the birds singing, the grass listening to dialogue, listen to "rustle" sound of flowers and leaves whisper issued.In the spring, when you walk into a small garden, when a small green leafless into the film into a piece of dance on the branches; verdant lawn covered with grass, green, like a sea of green. Spring flowers sister accompanied the girl to the gentle, red flowers like pink clouds of heaven, flushed, several flower yellow flowers are blooming, contests really ah.Summer, with a cry of cicadas, accompanied by the sound of birds singing, the flowers and smiled more. In the burning sun, the students here enjoy themselves, but also from time to time came several laughter, teachers also one full of energy, his face covered with a smile.Autumn has gradually come, although autumn flowers off the girl, but gave us another scene: a tree with yellow leaves kept falling, the garden is like a draped yellow Shayi, the road has become a gold yellow, so we once again feel autumn in the air. What a refreshing breath of autumn, it ushered in the winter.Spotless winter inexorably becomes light chug tree, no grass flowers blooming, things are quietly asleep, waiting for warm spring comes again. However, our "Compass Star" sculpture has not been overthrown, because it represents all of our teachers, students, let us always have to be strong!Ah, the campus of a small garden four seasons and more beautiful! I love the school garden, I love the four seasons of the garden!。

7. 关于公园的英语作文

I went to the Children's Park with my parents last weekend. The park is in the south of our city, covering an area of 500 mu. Entering the park you can see statues of children in different races, hand in hand, which is the symbol of the world peace. In the middle is a lake, around which are all kinds of trees and flowers. There are many boats on the lake and some children are boating happily. To the south of the lake is a hill with a lot of monkeys on it. The Children's Palace lies to the east, in which all kinds of exhibitions are on show. To the west of the lake is a place for children to play, where there are many recreational facilities. We had a very good time at the Children's Park.。

8. 介绍春天的花园的英语作文

In our school garden, more flowers are there. All kinds of flowers of many colours can be seen. Look, there are some Kites flying in the sky. The spring wind is blowing. The sun is shining brightly. Some boys are playing games in the su。

9. 英语作文:my garden(四年级)

My gardenI have a small garden.It's behind my building.There are some flowers in my garden.There are butterfly flower,rose,and a lot of wild flower.I often pick a lot of wild flower.Sometimes I catch butterflies and give my sister.In the morning,I often catch fireflies and dragonflies,and put them eat themosquito in my home.I like my small garden.It's an interesting garden。

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