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1. 瑜伽的英文介绍

瑜伽概述 瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。



目前瑜伽已成为时尚的最前沿,在全世界广泛传播,成为适应现今一切高节奏,简便,新新人类的一种新的生活方式。 古代瑜伽注重心灵与肉体的超越自我,现代瑜伽则追求身心平衡和健康优雅。



是在一种自然健康的环境下,伴随着悠扬的音乐,用意念指引着自己的肢体,舒缓流畅的练习各种动作,同时配合呼吸,来达到调整身心,雕塑形体、提高气质、增强体魄的作用。 瑜伽哲学,它包含了许多哲理,让人们了解人生(生命)的真谛,学会如何做人。



它更是一种心操,使人们学会关注自己的内在世界,认识自我、提升自我。 瑜伽集医学、科学、哲学之成,是一门内容广泛的科学,它让人们达到内在的精神幸福和智慧,人的意识和性格都能得到改善。



就连美国好莱坞明星麦当娜都非常痴迷瑜伽,由于练习瑜伽,即使生过孩子以后还保持着非常完美的体型。 瑜伽不但效果神奇,而且广泛的适用于大众练习。




Yoga outline The yoga origins from India, is popular in the world. The yoga is the East most ancient builds up strength one of techniques. It produces in the B.C.E., is the human wisdom crystallization. The yoga also is the Indian worthy peoples of former times in the view which sinks thickly wants with the static stable technology condition under, from intuition aware life cognition. The yoga repairs holds the secret is the theory and the practice consults the card mutually the statute book. At present the yoga has become the fashion the most front, in the world widespread dissemination, becomes the adaptation nowadays all high rhythms, simple, new human being generation's one new life style. Ancient times the yoga attention mind and human body superego, the modern yoga pursued the body and mind balance and the health is graceful. The yoga function is simply wonderful. Because it is inside and outside concurrently repairs to the human body function. Also is in each kind of fitness project only. The modern yoga said simply is by the breath law, the body posture law, contemplates composes. Is in under one kind of natural health environment, is following the melodious music, is directing own body with the thought, affable smooth practice each kind of movement, simultaneously coordinates the breath, achieved the adjustment body and mind, the sculpture physique, enhances the makings, the enhancement body and spirit function. The yoga philosophy, it has contained many philosophy, lets the people understand the life (life) true meaning, academic society how personhoods. The yoga is Eastern mind doing scholarly research, through the debugging 。

2. 关于瑜伽的句子

(1) 有时间的话,去学瑜伽或者跆拳道。

前者能让你放松身心,后者可以防身。(2) 春天到,打个太极拳,健康“纵队”来组建;练个瑜伽操,快乐“海洋”来拓宽;勤加注意来保暖,幸福“核心”来提现;慢跑来做加餐,争取不做“宅男”。

(3) 瑜伽老师有教无类,不分种族、国籍、性别、性向、社会和经济阶级。(4) 这与在美国流行的反重力瑜伽有异曲同工之妙。

(5) 近年来随着国人休闲体育意识的逐步提高,选择瑜伽做为休闲健身方式的人数与日俱增,瑜伽运动方兴未艾。(6) 跟事实一起生活是唯一的瑜伽、唯一的训练。


(7) 在深度睡中眠变得有觉知才是重点。但那些所谓的瑜伽行者却不断地教导你如何倒立,如何扭曲和弯曲你的身体。

瑜伽练习变成了马戏团,这是很没有意义的,它已失去了它原本真实的意义。(8) 瑜伽、劝制、坐法、调息、制感、执持、禅定、以及三摩地,是练习瑜伽的八大步骤。

(9) 现在,瑜伽让我找到了我想要的一切,我肯定会一直练下去,让瑜伽陪伴我一生。(10) 人们都是在急救中心或者其他人的场所练习瑜伽的。

(11) 如果你想寻求一种自内而外的神秘体验,访问瑜伽的发源地显然是个不错的选择。(12) 从瑜伽修行者到浪漫主义作家,许许多多的人都寻求游走于社会边缘的生活状态,并探索着那些杳无人烟的荒野。

(13) 最新推出的项目有精神治疗、烹饪培训以及瑜伽等。(14) 天坚持练习两式站立瑜伽能够促进肠蠕动。

(15) 这些科学——太极拳、瑜伽、以及诸如此类的东西——是艺术,而不是真正的科学,每一个人都可以在它里面玩一玩而找出他们自己的方式。一个人必须对太极拳抱以非常非常自由的态度,它们并不是非常固定的东西,在它们里面有很大的自由。

(16) 要是你硬要如许浅显的来习练瑜伽,那也未可厚非,可是对真正热爱瑜伽,懂得瑜伽意义的人来说,这是远远不够的。(17) 但如果这种产品上市了,我想人们可能用它来做练瑜伽之外的事情。

(18) 据说瑜伽功对人体健康有很大好处。(19) 而且,在调查的高校中大部分高校设定的瑜伽选修课程的总学时为32学时,每周1次课。

(20) 通过瑜伽的各种法矫正骨骼,伸展肌肉,消除赘肉。(21) 瑜伽起源于东方国家.(22) 现在,他常常找借口不去出席这些聚会,转而练瑜伽去了。

(23) 一些粉丝甚至希望使瑜伽进入奥运会,辩称如果韵律体操能够符合标准,那么源自古老的印度哲学的修习活动应该也可以。(24) 街舞跳街舞使人注意力集中,舞蹈动作优美而随意同时,跳街舞可以通过消耗全身脂艾杨格瑜伽非常注重人体的正确的摆放生理结构,骨胳肌肉的功能等,强调动作的,我们就不能不佩服这个利用的精妙因为,郭蕾老师为这节课设计的教学目标主要就是揣摩关键词句人物的语言动作神态描写在塑造人物形象中的表达效果这也正是。

(25) 在我闲暇的时候,我总是去健身房做运动,喜欢跑步机,喜欢瑜伽,尤其喜欢搏击。(26) 街舞跳街舞使人注意力集中,舞蹈动作优美而随意同时,跳街舞可以通过消耗全身脂艾杨格瑜伽非常注重人体的正确的摆放生理结构,骨胳肌肉的功能等。

(27) 冬泳免疫强,慢跑烧脂肪,跳操不发胖,举重肌肉强,攀岩又健康,太极瑜伽韧带长,武术健身又防狼。天天运动身体棒,才能来把疾病防。

(28) 根据课程目标,并且在总学时32学时的条件下,通过专家选择,确定瑜伽选修课程内容。(29) 因此,与其曳步走向厨房,不如曳步走向阳台,门廊,后花园去做几个瑜伽动作。

(30) 多年来,我参加了多种睡眠的研究和疗程:认知行为疗法、过敏测试、饮食疗法、瑜伽疗法、熏香、针灸疗法以及抗黑变激素疗法等等。瑜伽(英文:Yoga,印地语:योग)是一个汉语词汇,最早是从印度梵语“yug”或“yuj”而来,其含意为“一致”、“结合”或“和谐”。





3. 瑜伽的好处 英语

Why is yoga more and more people like?(瑜伽的好处) This is not only yoga culture's unique charm, but also as one of the most natural and most amiable of the practice, it is suitable for any age and gender of the person exercises. Let us open a yoga "mystery" of the veil, to approaching yoga, contact yoga, sentiment yoga, yoga has brought us a taste of the many benefits of bar. First: Yoga can be Body of self-cultivation. Yoga can be corrected due to * always tired or poor posture resulting from spinal deformation can improve bad posture, enhance self-confidence, thrust muscular system, so that lines the body beautiful, and has anti-obesity, enhance self-healing power, the prevention of diseases, such as: migraine headaches, insomnia, constipation, gastrointestinal diseases, arthritis and so on. Second: yoga can do for us to support hearts decompression. Yoga can help us to improve the ability to concentrate, relieve tension, alleviate depression, eliminate psychological barriers and restore inner peace, peace, people's state of mind in good health. Third: Yoga can be conditioning beauty. Yoga by pushing, pulling, twisting, squeezing, stretching, and other gestures of self-massage of the internal organs play a role, to strengthen physiological functions, endocrine regulation, so that a better body metabolism, anti-aging, beautiful the face of eternal youthTo learn the benefits of hip-hop?。

4. 有哪位高手知道关于瑜伽的英语(急用)





yoga nidra:deep relaxation,瑜伽休息术

Samadhi:a state of joy and peace,快乐宁静的状态

Bhagavad Gita: 薄伽梵歌,每一个修习瑜伽的人必读的一本书。

Hatha Yoga: 哈达瑜伽,瑜伽中的一支,是现今最流行亦最为人熟悉的瑜伽修炼方法。

Power Yoga: 力量瑜伽。

Ashtanga Yoga:阿斯汤加瑜珈,又名Power Yoga,是哈达瑜伽中最讲求体力的。


Integral Yoga:完整瑜伽。

Iyengar Yoga:近年西方最为人熟悉的哈达瑜伽学派。Iyengar Yoga将瑜伽科学及医学化,借以改善个人生理及心理上的种种毛病。

Jnana Yoga:智者瑜伽。是一个探讨哲学,进行思辩(最终获得自知之明)的体系,它要求你研究自己关心的,并进行沉思。





vinyasa yoga:流瑜伽。

Sun Salutation:拜日式。




Sivananda Yoga:希瓦难陀瑜伽

pratyahara: 梵语意为制止感觉。

5. 有关瑜伽英文简介

我也是在网上找的不过不知道是不是 你自己看看吧 我也把网站放在下面了 By Esther Myers and Kim Echlin Still strong and supple at 88, Vanda Scaravelli continues to practise using gravity and the breath to ride the body's own wave. I've watched Vanda Scaravelli do backbends for over 10 years, and each time I felt I was seeing a backbend for the first time. I watched and listened as this powerful, slight woman in her mid-80s planted her enormous feet on the floor and spoke about growing roots. Then, with a rhythmical, waving motion she would arch over and back, all the while talking about growing wings and birds soaring and love. Up she would come, then drop back again. Up and back, as if she could do it forever. As I prepared a video about Vanda and her unique yoga practice, I spent a couple of days with her at her daughter's home in Toronto, listening to her reflect on her life and her love of yoga. Looking back, those two days remind me again what an extraordinary gift she has been in my life. Vanda Scaravelli was born in Florence, Italy in 1908. Her father, a successful businessman and music lover, created the Orchestra Stabile, enabling Florence to have its own orchestra. Her mother, Clara Corsi, a teacher, was one of the first women from Italy to graduate from the university. Together they created a salon for some of the century's greatest artists: Arturo Toscanini, Arthur Schnabel, Federico Fellini, Bronislaw Hubermann, and Herman Serkin, to name only a few, often visited the family's villa, Il Leccio. Vanda herself trained as a concert pianist under the tutelage of Ernesto Consolo. She describes the family music room as one of her favorite places to be, light-filled with yellow walls where people gathered to listen to intimate concerts given by such performers and family friends as cellist Pablo Casals or guitarist Andres Segovia. Across an ocean, nearly a century later, such a youth seems luminous, almost magical. Vanda speaks of those days with bright, unaffected pleasure. The life of the everyday for Vanda was filled with music, with the talk of lively intellectuals, with open, exploring spirits. As a young girl, she accompanied her family to Holland in search of spirituality and healing.It was there, in Ommen, that she first met Krishnamurti. Vanda describes sitting around an enormous campfire singing Indian songs and watching Krishnamurti talk with her sister. The family remained friends with Krishnamurti, who stayed at their villa each year on his travels between India and America. They offered him a place to rest, a place "of peace and tranquility," where he wasn't expected to be a guru, where he could write and think. Vanda often walked with him, and she recollects how they went for drives together, in her Flaminia or in his Mercedes. "He liked to drive, but he didn't like it when people drove too fast," Vanda remembers. "He said, 'I have this body and I must look after it.' We were both interested in what we saw- nature, the fields and cows, and mountains full of snow." Vanda married Luigi Scaravelli, a philosophy professor and scholar; they had two children. After World War II ended, and her husband died unexpectedly, violinist Yehudi Menuhin introduced her to B.K.S. lyengar, whom he had invited to Gstaad, Switzerland, where Vanda rented a chalet each year. lyengar taught daily classes to Krishnamurti, who spent his summers there, giving his annual talks. As Vanda explains,. Iyengar "was so kind as to give me a lesson in life each day as well." And so it was, in the middle of her life, that Vanda Scaravelli discovered yoga. Several years later, at Krishnamurti's invitation, T.K.V. Desikachar visited the Gstaad chalet, where he taught both Krishnamurti and Vanda the importance of the breath. Vanda continued to study privately with both lyengar and Desikachar for many years. After they stopped their regular visits to G。

6. 优美的英语句子100句

1) Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes.


2) Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.


3) No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is,won't make your cry.


4) There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.我早上愿意醒来为两个理由: 闹钟和你.

5) You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me


6) In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you.


7) If I could rearrange the alphabet,I'd put Y and I together.


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