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1. 求《霍比特人》经典台词

I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. 在我看来,抑制黑暗的是那些 普通人的琐细的日常点滴,那些细微的善意和爱。

Saruman believes that it is only a great power that can hold evil in check,but that is not what I have found.I found it is the small things,everyday deeds of ordinary folk,that keep the darkness at bay,simple acts of kindness and love.萨鲁曼相信只有强大的力量才能震慑邪恶。我不相信,我觉得平凡琐事,普通人每天的生活(善与爱的平凡举动)能遏制黑暗。

2. 霍比特人经典英语台词,10句以上

1.We may be few in number.But we're fighters 。

all of us.To the last one!或许我们人数不足,但我们是战士,我们都至死不屈。2.Gandalf:The world is not in your books and maps.It's out there.甘道夫:世界不在你的书和地图中,它在外面。

3.Bilbo Baggins:I do believe you made that up.比尔博·巴金斯:我相信你在瞎编。4.Gandalf:Well,all good stories deserve embellishment.You'll have a tale or two to tell of youw own when you come back.甘道夫:好故事都值得修饰,你回来之后就会有一两个关于你自己的传奇故事了。

5.Bilbo Baggins:Can you promise that I will come back?比尔博·巴金斯:你能保证我回得来?6.Gandalf:No.And if you do you'll not be the same.甘道夫:不,但如果你回来了,一切就不一样了。7.Gandalf:True courage is about knowing not when to take a life but when to spare one.甘道夫:真正的勇气不是知道如何去杀人,而是何时去饶恕他人。

8.Gandalf:If we are to be successful,this will need to be handled with tact and respect and no small degree of charm.甘道夫:如果我们想要成功,就需要策略、尊重和人格魅力。9.Galadriel:Mithrandir.Why the Halfling?凯兰崔尔:米斯兰达,为什么选哈夫林?10.Gandalf:I don't know.Saruman believes that it is only a great power that can hold evil in check,but that is not what I have found.I found it is the small things,everyday deeds of ordinary folk,that keep the darkness at bay simple acts of kindness and love.甘道夫:我不知道,萨鲁曼相信只有强大力量才能震慑邪恶,但我不相信,我觉得微小的事情,普通人每天的生活,能遏制住黑暗,善与爱的平凡举动。

11.Galadriel:Why Bilbo Baggins?凯兰崔尔:为什么是比尔博·巴金斯?12.Gandalf:Perhaps it is because I am afraid and he gives me courage.甘道夫:或许是因为我害怕,他能给我勇气。13.Bilbo Baggins:I often think of Bag End.I miss my books and my arm chair,and my garden.See,that's where I belong.That's home.And that's why I came back,cause you con't have one.A home.It was taken from you.But I will help you take it back if I can.比尔博·巴金斯:我时常想念袋底洞,我怀念我的书,我的扶椅,我的花园,我属于那个地方,那是我的家,我回来的原因是,你们没有一个属于你们的家,它被抢走了,但如果我能,我要帮你们夺回来。

霍比特人1中的几个小谜语14.What has roots as nobody sees,is taller than trees.Up,up,up it goes,and yet never grows?什么东西有根但是没人看得到,它比树高,一直一直向上,却从来不会生长。15.The mountain.山。

16.Thirty white horses on a red hill,first they champ,then they stamp,then they stand still.红山上有30匹白马,它们先咀嚼,再跺脚,最后站着不动。17.Teeth!牙齿。

Voiceless it cries,wingless flutters,toothless bites,mouthless mutters.它无声还哭,无翅膀还扇动,无牙齿还咬,无嘴还咕哝。Wind.风。

A box without hinges,key,or lid.Yet golden treasure inside is hid.一个盒子,没有锁,没有钥匙,没有盖子,但里面藏着宝物。Egg.鸡蛋。

We have one for you.All things it devours.Birds,beasts,trees,flowers.Gnaws iron,bites steel,Grinds hard stones to meal.我们有一个致命的东西,它什么都吞,鸟,兽,树,花。啃铁,咬钢,把石头磨成粉,Time.时间。

3. 霍比特人,关于精灵国王和精灵王子的虐心句子,跪求

1. Legolas说:“I。can not go back.”

其实是在说——“I'm leaving you now.”

而Thranduil问:“Where will you go?”

其实是在说——“Just stay with me.”

2. Thranduil他不是不懂爱,只是太害怕失去。


3. 大概这就是王吧,一个不想失去却总是不停失去的人。如果说有什么东西要以残忍和疼痛作为代价,那就是真实吧。这份真实的痛楚萦绕了甚至几千年。“你的母亲爱你,胜过她的生命” 我也一样,莱格拉斯。他只是皱了一下眉头,将手放在左胸,没人知道里面埋藏着多深的,无法言说的感情。

4. 莱戈拉斯王子想必不知, 他的ada面对敌军也依旧笑得云淡风轻, 可是却在自己离开以后 心痛如割。


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