1. 用英语描写桂花树
Sweet-scented osmanthus trees of my favorite plants is the campus of the sweet-scented osmanthus trees. Sweet-scented osmanthus tree is not only high, but also to flourish in the leaves were bright green. Whether hot summer or cold winter, it is always less of thriving. Spring, the sweet-scented osmanthus trees grow in fresh green leaves of spring and the girl to the sweet-scented osmanthus trees wear green clothes, so that whole tree seems less of a vibrant look. Summer, the sweet-scented osmanthus trees are our umbrellas, we are playing in the sweet-scented osmanthus trees, because of the sweet-scented osmanthus leaf block, so we are very cool, enjoy the play with 。
。 to a cool autumn, the trees a few leaves from the tree on the falling down, as if a butterfly is only dancing in the air. Autumn is the most beautiful time of sweet-scented osmanthus trees, as sweet-scented osmanthus sweet-scented osmanthus trees in full bloom, garden trees yellow flowers, incense-fluttering. A gust of wind blowing, sweet-scented osmanthus falling one after another, standing under a tree a kind of carried away an impression that they came to the same heaven. Burst of wind was blowing, howling, and cold, and. Ah! Winter has quietly arrived. While the cold wind is so, but the sweet-scented osmanthus trees are still less of the green. No fear this harsh winter. This is my favorite sweet-scented osmanthus trees, strong, beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus trees.桂花树 我最喜欢的植物是校园里的桂花树。
春天,桂花树长出了鲜嫩的绿叶,春姑娘给桂花树穿上了绿色的衣裳,使整棵树看起来显得那么的生机勃勃。 夏天,桂花树是我们的遮阳伞,我们在桂花树下玩耍,因为有了桂花树叶的遮挡,所以我们感到很凉快,尽情的嬉戏着…… 到了凉爽的秋天,树上的几片叶子从树上飘落下来,仿佛一只只蝴蝶在空中翩翩起舞。
2. 用英语描写桂花树
Sweet-scented osmanthus trees of my favorite plants is the campus of the sweet-scented osmanthus trees. Sweet-scented osmanthus tree is not only high, but also to flourish in the leaves were bright green. Whether hot summer or cold winter, it is always less of thriving. Spring, the sweet-scented osmanthus trees grow in fresh green leaves of spring and the girl to the sweet-scented osmanthus trees wear green clothes, so that whole tree seems less of a vibrant look. Summer, the sweet-scented osmanthus trees are our umbrellas, we are playing in the sweet-scented osmanthus trees, because of the sweet-scented osmanthus leaf block, so we are very cool, enjoy the play with 。 。 to a cool autumn, the trees a few leaves from the tree on the falling down, as if a butterfly is only dancing in the air. Autumn is the most beautiful time of sweet-scented osmanthus trees, as sweet-scented osmanthus sweet-scented osmanthus trees in full bloom, garden trees yellow flowers, incense-fluttering. A gust of wind blowing, sweet-scented osmanthus falling one after another, standing under a tree a kind of carried away an impression that they came to the same heaven. Burst of wind was blowing, howling, and cold, and. Ah! Winter has quietly arrived. While the cold wind is so, but the sweet-scented osmanthus trees are still less of the green. No fear this harsh winter. This is my favorite sweet-scented osmanthus trees, strong, beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus trees.
桂花树 我最喜欢的植物是校园里的桂花树。桂花树不仅高,而且枝繁叶茂,树叶绿得发亮。无论是炎热的夏天,还是寒冷的冬天,它总是那么的蓬蓬勃勃。 春天,桂花树长出了鲜嫩的绿叶,春姑娘给桂花树穿上了绿色的衣裳,使整棵树看起来显得那么的生机勃勃。 夏天,桂花树是我们的遮阳伞,我们在桂花树下玩耍,因为有了桂花树叶的遮挡,所以我们感到很凉快,尽情的嬉戏着…… 到了凉爽的秋天,树上的几片叶子从树上飘落下来,仿佛一只只蝴蝶在空中翩翩起舞。秋天是桂花树最漂亮的时候,因为桂花树开满了桂花,满树黄花,香飘飘的。一阵风吹过,桂花纷纷飘落,站在树下有种飘飘欲仙的感觉,好像来到了天堂一样。 一阵寒风吹过,瑟瑟的,冷冷的,。啊!冬天已经悄悄的来到了。虽然寒风是那么的冷冽,但是桂花树依然那么的青绿。毫不畏惧这严寒的冬天。 这就是我喜欢的桂花树,坚强,美丽的桂花树。
3. 描写桂花的优美语句
《八月十七日天竺山送桂花》 月缺霜浓细蕊干,此花元属玉堂仙。
鹫峰子落惊前夜,蟾窟枝空记昔年。 破衣山僧怜耿介,练裙溪女斗清妍。
愿公采撷纫幽佩,莫遣孤芳老涧边。” 李白《咏桂》 世人种桃李,皆在金张门。
攀折争捷径,及此春风暄。 一朝天霜下,荣耀难久存。
安知南山桂,绿叶垂芳根。 清阴亦可托,何惜树君园。
倪瓒 《桂花》 桂花留晚色,帘影淡秋光。 靡靡风还落,菲菲夜未央。
玉绳低缺月,金鸭罢焚香。 忽起故园想,冷然归梦长。
桂 李峤 未植银宫里,宁移玉殿幽。 枝生无限月,花满自然秋。
侠客条为马,仙人叶作舟。 愿君期道术,攀折可淹留。
桂花五律 谭嗣同 湘上野烟轻,芙蓉落晚晴。 桂花秋一苑,凉露夜三更。
香满随云散,人归趁月明。 谁知小山意,惆怅遍江城! 杂曲歌辞·桂花曲 可怜天上桂花孤,试问姮娥更要无。
月宫幸有闲田地,何不中央种两株。 厅前桂 白居易 天台岭上凌霜树,司马厅前委地丛。
一种不生明月里,山中犹教胜尘中。 谢陆处士杼山折青桂花见寄之什 颜真卿 群子游杼山,山寒桂花白。
绿荑含素萼,采折自逋客。 忽枉岩中诗,芳香润金石。
全高南越蠹,岂谢东堂策。 会惬名山期,从君恣幽觌。
八月十七日天竺山送桂花分赠元素 苏轼 月缺霜浓细蕊乾,此花无属桂堂仙。 鹫峰子落惊前夜,蟾窟枝空记昔年。
破裓山僧怜耿介,练裙溪女斗清妍。 愿公采撷纫幽佩,莫遣孤芳老涧边。
答许觉之惠桂花椰子茶盂 黄庭坚 万事相寻荣与衰,故人别来鬓成丝。 欲知岁晚在何许,唯说山中有桂枝。
长沙寺桂花重开 陈与义 天遣幽花两度开,黄昏梵放此徘徊。 不教居士卧禅榻,唤出西厢共看来。
十五夜望月 王建 中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。 今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家? 鸟鸣涧 王维 人闲桂花落,夜静春山空。
4. 描写桂花的优美语句
人闲桂花落,月静春山空 1.人闲桂花落,夜静春山空. 2.雾密前山桂. 3.山云漠漠桂花湿 . 4.桂子月中落,天香云外飘. 5.奠桂酒兮椒浆. 6. 沛吾乘兮桂舟. 7. 不是人间种,移从月里来,广寒香一点,吹得满山开. 8.线惠不香饶桂酒,红樱无色浪花细. 9.问讯吴刚何所有,吴刚捧出桂花酒 10.昨夜西池凉露满,桂花吹断月中香 叶密千层绿、花开万点黄 刘禹锡的“莫羡三春桃与李,桂花成实向秋荣”。
中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花 桂子月中落,天香云外飘 ----唐朝诗人宋之问《灵隐寺》 月宫秋冷桂团团,岁岁花开只是攀。共在人间说天上,不知天上忆人间。
----明代边贡《嫦娥》 山寺月中寻桂子,郡亭枕上看潮头----唐朝白居易《忆江南》 遥想吾师行道处,天香桂子落纷纷----唐朝白居易《寄韬光禅师》 芙蓉泣露坡头见,桂子飘香月下闻----虞俦《有怀汉老弟》 鸟鸣涧 ---王维 人闲桂花落,夜静春山空。 月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中。
洞宫夕 ---陆龟蒙 月午山空桂花落,华阳道士云衣薄。 石坛香散步虚声,杉云清泠滴栖鹤。
代董秀才却扇 ---李商隐 莫将画扇出帷来,遮掩春山滞上才。 若道团圆似明月,此中须放桂花开。
月夕 ---李商隐 草下阴虫叶上霜,朱栏迢递压湖光。 兔寒蟾冷桂花白,此夜嫦娥应断肠。
寄龙山道士许法棱 ---刘长卿 悠悠白云里,独住青山客。 林下昼焚香,桂花同寂寂。
咏韩氏二子 ---贾岛 千岩一尺璧,八月十五夕。 清露堕桂花,白鸟舞虚碧。
雪下桂花稀,啼乌被弹归---李贺《出城》 别浦云归桂花渚,蜀国弦中双凤语。--李贺《听颖师琴歌》 榆荚散来星斗转,桂花寻去月轮移。
5. 【描写桂花树的句子.】
6. 【求救】请帮我用英文翻译这段写桂花的文字
I hope with more beautiful English translation of this passage. Don't need to be accurate and literal pursuit. Thank you very much! Osmanthus flowers, you are in the autumn I most gentle thoughts, though, every year you have to wait for the incense to remind, I can pay attention to your flourish. Always, so on time, in the August one day, in the best of luck QiuYang day or night water-like moonlight, hide in the deep blue of the green leaves osmanthus flowers, and light and strong, farther and nearer and incense caught behind my eyes, the look was delighted to touch the full tree pinpricks of weak yellow, good a "rub all the gold point light"! Osmanthus flowers, year after year torrential sweet-smelling, likely the accumulation of the same mind into also. However, a night of wind, a night of rain. I rejoice as this storm lift remnants
7. 【求救】请帮我用英文翻译这段写桂花的文字
Osmanthus fragrans, you fall, I miss the most gentle, though, have to wait for you each year to remind the wanton incense, I can only take note of your full bloom. 总是,那么的准时,在农历八月的某一天,在秋阳高照的白昼或是月光如水的夜晚,躲在那些深郁绿叶间的桂花,忽淡忽浓、忽远忽近的香托起了我的目光,目光欣喜地抚摸着满树星星点点的淡黄,好一个“揉破黄金万点轻”! Always, it's time, one day in August in the lunar calendar, in the autumn sun is high in daylight or moonlight, water, night, hiding in those deep green leaves among the sweet-scented osmanthus Yu, suddenly light suddenly thick, suddenly far neglected close Xiang hold up my eyes, eyes are delighted to caress garden trees scattered on the pale yellow, good one, "rub-breaking Gold 10000 points of light"! 桂花,年复一年奔流着芬香,朵朵堆积成的心事亦不变。
Osmanthus fragrans, year after year, pour the fragrant, blossoming piled into the matters of the heart will remain unchanged. 不过,是一夜的风,一夜的雨。 However, is a night of wind, the rain overnight. 我兀自庆幸着这风雨消散了残留的暑热,在一片清凉中安然酣睡,却忘记了你们,我的桂花。
I am glad for this uphold the residual heat of the storm dissipated, in a cool sleep in Enron, but forget you, my sweet-scented osmanthus. 而,无论如何,那一幕,我却决计难再忘却,风雨已停,你们却是这风雨之后的痕迹,每一棵桂花树的脚下,圆圆一圈,层层叠叠,一朵一朵的淡黄,都是这季节零落的心事。 But, in any case, that scene, I never count finds it difficult to forget, wind and rain has stopped, you are the traces of a storm, every one foot of sweet-scented osmanthus trees, round circle, layer upon layer upon layer, a flower of the yellow, were part of this season, scattered thoughts. 每个花都是四个瓣的,围在一起象几个小娃娃挤在一起玩游戏。
Each flower is 4 valve, Wai together, huddled together like a few small doll play games. 桂花有黄色,红色,像一闪一闪的小星星,点缀在绿色的天空里。 Osmanthus with yellow, red, like a twinkling little stars, dotted the sky in the green. 春天,她悄悄地换叶,不与百花争春;夏天,她为住房遮荫,招来阵阵清风,让人们在她身前舒适地漫步、休闲,带给人们清爽的欢乐时光;秋天,当百花谢尽,落叶满地的时候,她迎着秋霜,吐蕊扬花,把淡淡清香送进千家万户,带给人们沁人心脾的芬芳。
Spring, she quietly leaves change, not with flowers Zheng-chun; summer shade for her home, provoke intermittent breeze and allow people to walk comfortably in front of her, recreation, bringing people to the joy of refreshing time; fall, when the Hsieh to make flowers, leaves Montreal, she was facing the akishimo, Turui flowering to soft, subtle fragrance sent to every family, to bring with it refreshing fragrance. 即使到了冬天,她仍然展示着浓浓的绿冠,天寒地冻终不改对春天的向往。 Even in winter, she still displayed a thick green crown, do not change the end of the cold longing for spring. 这是一棵挺高的桂花树,树上结满桂花,金色的花蕾灿然,暗香浮动,惊鸿照影,香气随着夜风流了过来,我顿时觉得百骸俱爽,心旷神怡,而那棵桂花树,也仿佛有了人的灵性,尽情地释放它的情怀。
This is a pricey the sweet-scented osmanthus trees, full of sweet-scented osmanthus tree knot, resplendent golden bud, subtle fragrance floats, to see these photos shadow, fragrance with romantic night over, I felt Bai Hai Ju cool, relaxed and happy, while the sweet-scented osmanthus tree tree, also seems to have a person's spirituality, enjoy to release its feelings. 明年的桂花一定会和今年的一样香,明年的桂花茶一定会和今年的一样好喝,明年的生活一定比今年更好。 Sweet-scented osmanthus next year and this year will definitely be the same as incense, sweet-scented osmanthus tea next year and this year will definitely be the same tastes better, the life of next year, better than this year.。
8. 关于赞美桂花的诗句急
桂花五律 谭嗣同 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索湘上野烟轻,芙蓉落晚晴. 桂花秋一苑,凉露夜三更. 香满随云散,人归趁月明. 谁知小山意,惆怅遍江城! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------杂曲歌辞·桂花曲 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索可怜天上桂花孤,试问姮娥更要无. 月宫幸有闲田地,何不中央种两株. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------谢陆处士杼山折青桂花见寄之什 颜真卿 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索群子游杼山,山寒桂花白.绿荑含素萼,采折自逋客. 忽枉岩中诗,芳香润金石.全高南越蠹,岂谢东堂策. 会惬名山期,从君恣幽觌. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------八月十七日天竺山送桂花分赠元素 苏轼 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索月缺霜浓细蕊乾,此花无属桂堂仙. 鹫峰子落惊前夜,蟾窟枝空记昔年. 破裓山僧怜耿介,练裙溪女斗清妍. 愿公采撷纫幽佩,莫遣孤芳老涧边. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------答许觉之惠桂花椰子茶盂二首 黄庭坚 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索万事相寻荣与衰,故人别来鬓成丝. 欲知岁晚在何许,唯说山中有桂枝. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------答许觉之惠桂花椰子茶盂二首 黄庭坚 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索硕果不食寒林梢,剖而器之如悬匏. 故人相见各贫病,且可烹茶当酒肴. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------长沙寺桂花重开 陈与义 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索天遣幽花两度开,黄昏梵放此徘徊. 不教居士卧禅榻,唤出西厢共看来. 感遇 张九龄 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索兰叶春葳蕤,桂花秋皎洁. 欣欣此生意,自尔为佳节. 谁知林栖者,闻风坐相悦. 草木有本心,何求美人折. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------十五夜望月 王建 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索中庭地白树栖鸦, 冷露无声湿桂花. 今夜月明人尽望, 不知秋思落谁家? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------鸟鸣涧 王维 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索人闲桂花落,夜静春山空. 月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------唐多令 刘过 详细内容 切换到百度里搜索芦叶满汀洲,寒沙带浅流. 二十年重过南楼. 柳下系船犹未稳,能几日,又中秋.黄鹤断矶头,故人曾到否? 旧江山浑是新愁. 欲买桂花同载酒,终不似,少年游.。
9. 【求救】请帮我用英文翻译这些写桂花的文字
The sunshine pours. The flowers of the osmanthus hide among the deep green leaves. Each flower has four petals gathered like children playing games. Some are yellow. Some are red. They are twinkling stars embellished in the deep green sky.
In spring, she quietly changes her leaves, not to compete with other flowers for the season. In summer, she provides shade for the dwellings and attracts light breezes for the people to walk by her side in comfort and rest, enjoying delightful moments. In autumn, when flowers wither and leaves fall, she blooms against the frost, sending her soft fragrance into each family, gladdening the hearts and refreshing the minds. Even in winter, she displays her dense green crown, yearning for spring to come in spite of the freezing coldness.
It is a tall osmanthus tree full of flowers. Its golden buds glitters. Its subtle fragrance floats. Its graceful silhouette soars. As the fragrance flows to me with the night breeze, a stream of comfort immediately flows all over my body. I feel relaxed and content, carefree and joyous. And that osmanthus seems to have acquired a spirit of mankind. It is expressing its feelings freely.
The osmanthus flowers will surely be as fragrant next year. The osmanthus tea will surely taste as good next year. Life will surely be better next year.
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