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1. 美食总动员(料理鼠王)中的经典语句

美食家的评论: 从某种程度上来说,批评家的工作是简单的。


然而我们评论家们所需要面对的残酷的事实是即使是一道最普通的菜肴或许都比我们那一纸空谈要有意义得多。 而一个批评家真正冒险的时刻是他发现并决定保护一个新秀的时候。

因为这个世界总是对于一个年轻的天才,一项新颖的创造或者一个需要被鼓励的新需求充满着敌意。 昨天晚上,我从一个出乎我意料的厨师那里尝到了一道新的超乎寻常的美味。



很难想象现在在古斯特饭店里掌勺的可以说是巴黎最好的大厨竟然有着那么卑微的身世。 我还将重返古斯特饭店,带着更多的期待和一副饥肠。

In a way the workof a critic is easy.We risk us little and we have pleasure evaluating with superiority the ones that submit us your work and reputation we win fame with negative criticisms which are fun of write and to read.But the hard reality that we critical should face it is just that in the picture general in excess simple filth perhaps be more significant than our criticism. But times a critic it risks in fact something as when it defends and it discovers a novelty.The world is used to be hostileto the new talents,the new creations,the new needs to be encouraged Yesterday by night I tried something newan extraordinary dish of an unexpectedly singular source.Tell that both the dish and who did itthey defy my perception about gastronomy is extremely superficial.They managed to shake my structure. In the past I did not do secrethow much my disdain by the famous slogan of the boss Gusteau Anyone it can cook.But I realize that only now I comprehend really what he meant: Neither all of them they can become great artists,But a great artist can come of anywhere! It is difficult to imagine the humblest origin of this genius that now cooks in the Gusteau's Which is in the opinion of this critic nothing less than the best boss of France. I will come back to Gusteau's,soon with much hunger. -----------------------补充 Great cooking is not for the faint of heart. 胆小的人做不出精湛的美食 * You must be imaginative, strong hearted. 只要有想像力,还要有决心 * You must try things that may not work. 千万不要怕失败 And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. 也不要因为出身低就让别人限制了你发展的机会 Your only limit is your soul. 你的成败在于你的心 What I say is true. Anyone can cook.But only the fearless can be great. 我说的是真话 任何人都可以烹饪。但是只有勇者才会成功 In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. 就很多方面来说评论家的工作很轻松 We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. 我们冒的风险小却位高权重,人们必须奉上自己和作品供我们评论 We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. 我们以负面评论见称,因为读写皆饶富趣味 But the bitter truth we critics must face is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. * 可是,我们评论家必须面对一个难堪的事实 :以价值而言, 被评论家批评为平庸之物的同时我们的评论也许比他更为平庸 But there are times when a critic truly risks something and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. 可是有时候评论家真的得冒险去发现并且捍卫新的事物 The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. 这个世界对待新秀、新的创作非常苛刻, The new needs friends. 新人及新作需要朋友 Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. 昨晚我有个全新的经验,奇妙的一餐来自令人意想不到的出处 To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. 如果说那一餐和它的创造者挑战了我对精致美食先入为主的观念, 这仍只是轻描淡写的说法 They have rocked me to my core. 他们彻底震撼了我 In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto, "Anyone can cook." 过去我公开对食神古斯多的著名格言“料理非难事”表示不屑 But I realize only now do I truly understand what he meant. 但是我发觉现在我才真正了解他的意思 * Not everyone can become a great artist, 并非任何人都能。

2. 急求电影《料理鼠王》的英文台词

老生帮楼主找了一段……[from trailer] [narrating a freeze-frame of himself being chased in a gourmet Parisian resturant] Remy: This is me. I think it's apparent that I need to rethink my life a little bit. I can't help myself. I。

I like good food, ok? And。 good food is。

hard for a rat to find! Django: It wouldn't be so hard to find if you weren't so picky! Remy: I don't wanna eat garbage, dad! [from trailer] Remy: [observing what Emile is eating] What is that? Emile: [pause] I don't really know. Remy: You dunno。 and you're eating it? Emile: You know, once you muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of possibilities open up. Remy: This is what I'm talking about. Linguini: You're the one who was getting fancy with the spices! What did you throw in there? Oregano? No? What, r - uh, rosemary? That's a spice, isn't it? Rosemary? Colette: Horst has done time. Linguini: For what? Colette: We don't know. He changes the story every time you ask. Horst: I defrauded a large corporation. Horst: I robbed the second-largest bank in France using only a ball-point pen. Horst: I created a hole in the ozone layer over Avignon. Horst: I killed a man。

with this thumb. Linguini: I can't cook, can I? [Remy shakes his head] Linguini: But you - he, he - you can, right? [Remy shrugs] Linguini: Come on, don't be so modest. You're a rat, for Pete's sake. Skinner: [notices that Linguini is holding a ladle] Move it, garbage boy! You are COOKING? HOW DARE YOU COOK in my kitchen! Where do you get the gall to even attempt something so monumentally idiotic? I should have you drawn and quartered! I'll do it! I think the law is on my side! Larousse, draw and quarter this man - after you put him in the duck press to squeeze the fat out of his head! Skinner: Welcome to Hell. Mustafa: Someone is asking what is new! Horst: New? Mustafa: Yes! What do I tell them? Horst: What did you tell them? Mustafa: I told them I would ask! Skinner: What are you blathering about? Horst: Customers are asking for what is new! Mustafa: What should I tell them? Skinner: What did you tell them? Mustafa: I TOLD THEM I WOULD ASK! Skinner: This is simple. Just pull out an old Gusteau recipe, something we haven't made in a while。 Mustafa: They know about the old stuff. They like Linguini's soup. Skinner: They are asking for food from LINGUINI? Colette: You waste energy and time! You think cooking is a cute job, eh? Like mommy in the kitchen? Well, mommy never had to face the dinner rush while orders come flooding in, and every dish is different and not that simple, it has a different cooking time, and must arrive at the customer's table at the same time. Every second counts and you CANNOT be MOMMIED! Colette: [Linguini is making a mess at the kitchen] What is this? Keep。

your。 station clear! If meal orders come in, what will happen? Messy stations slow things down, food doesn't go, orders pile up, disaster! I will make this easier to remember: keep you station clean。

or I WILL KILL YOU! Remy: We're thieves, and what we're stealing is, let's be honest, garbage. Django: It's not stealing if no one wants it. Remy: If no one want's it, then why are we stealing it? Linguini: [in dream sequence] Do you know what you would like this evening, sir? Anton Ego: Yes, I'd like your heart roasted on a spit. Heh heh heh heh. Ha ha ha! Mustafa: [taking Ego's order] Do you know what you'd like this evening, sir? Anton Ego: Yes, I think I do. After reading a lot of overheated puffery about your new cook, you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that? Mustafa: With what, sir? Anton Ego: Perspective. Fresh out, I take it? Mustafa: I am, uh。 Anton Ego: Very well. Since you're all out of perspective and no one else seems to have it in this BLOODY TOWN, I'll make you a deal. You provide the food, I'll provide the perspective, which would go nicely with a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1947. Mustafa: Uhm。

Your meal, sir? [Stands up angrily in Mustafa's face] Anton Ego: Tell your chef Linguini to cook ANYTHING he dares to serve me. Tell him to hit me, with his best shot. Remy: This is terrible! He's ruining the soup! And no one's noticing? It's *your* restaurant, do something! Gusteau: What can *I* do? I am a figment of your imagination. Remy: But he's *ruining* the *soup*! Remy: Hey, I brought you something to。 [sees Emile eating garbage] Remy: AH! NO, NO, NO, NO! SPIT THAT OUT RIGHT NOW! [Emile obeys] Remy: I have got to teach you about food. Close your eyes. [Emile obeys; Remy hands out piece of cheese] Remy: Now take a bite of this。

[Emile snarfs。

3. 用英语5句话谈谈料理鼠王

1.I love the mouse very much,because it can cook food and it often help others.

2.The movie let me know nothing is impossible.

3.I hope you can watch this movie, it is wonderful.

4.The mouse is really cute,it has small pink nose and big mouth.

5.The mouse is happy every day,and it can do a lot, I want to make friend with it!

4. 《料理鼠王》的经典台词

Remy: I've always believed with hard work and a little bit of luck, it's only a matter of time before I'm discovered! 雷米:我总是相信勤奋与努力外加一点点幸运就能换来成功,我的天分被发现,只是时间的问题。

[Narrating a freeze-frame of himself being chased in a gourmet Parisien resturant] Remy: This is me. I think it's apparent that I need to rethink my life a little bit. I can't help myself. I。 I like good food, ok? And。

good food is。 hard for a rat to find! Django: It wouldn't be so hard to find, if you weren't so picky! Remy: I don't wanna eat garbage dad! (讲述他在一家高级的巴黎餐馆被追逐的经历。)


我……我喜欢好吃的食物,知道吗?而且……好吃的食物……对于一只老鼠,是非常难找到的。 迪亚哥:也不会很难啊,只要你不那么挑剔! 雷米:爸爸,我不想吃垃圾! Remy: [observing what Emile is eating] What is that? Emile: I don't really know. Remy: You dunno。

and you're eating it? Emile: You know, once you muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of possibilities open up. Remy: This is what I'm talking about. 雷米(正在观察艾米尔吃的东西):这是什么啊? 艾米尔:我也不知道。 雷米:你不知……那你还吃? 艾米尔:你知道的,一旦你想办法克服呕吐的反射神经,任何东西都是可以吃的。

雷米:这就是我正在谈论的。 Linguini: You were the one getting fancy with the spices! 林奎尼:你对调味品的使用充满了惊人的想象力。

Skinner: Welcome to hell! 斯凯纳:欢迎来到地狱! Gusteau: Food always comes to those who love to cook. 古斯特:只有那些喜欢烹饪的人,才能做出真正的食物。 Colette: He calls it his "Little Chef". 科莱特:他称呼它为他的"小厨师"。

Django: Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage. 迪亚哥:食物是燃料,如果你对放在你肚子里的东西如此吹毛求疵的话,你的能量很快就会用光的。所以现在闭嘴吃你的垃圾。

Gusteau: You know what I say. Anyone can cook. Remy: Yeah, anyone can cook. That doesn't mean anyone should. 古斯特:你知道我说过的话,人人都能当厨师。 雷米:耶,人人都能当厨师,并不意味着人人都应该当厨师。

Anton Ego 最后那一段评论: In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. 就许多方面来说,评论家的工作很轻松;我们冒的风险很小,却握有无比的权力。人们必须奉上自己和作品,供我们评论…。

We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. 我们喜欢吹毛求疵,因为读写皆饶富趣味。 But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. 但我们评论家得面对难堪的事实,就是以价值而言--我们的评论,可能根本比不上我们大肆批评的平庸事物! But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. 可是,有时评论家必须冒险去发掘并捍卫新的事物!这世界常苛刻的对待新秀、新的创作,新的事物需要人支持。

Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. 昨晚,我有个全新的体验,一顿奇妙的菜肴,来自令人意想不到的出处! To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. 如果说这顿菜肴和它的创作者,挑战了我对美食先入为主的观念!这麽说还太含蓄,他们彻底的震撼了我! In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau s famous motto: Anyone can cook. 过去我曾公开呛声…对食神著名的名言:“料理非难事”嗤之以鼻! But I realize that only now do I truly understand what he meant. 不过我发现,现在我终於真正了解他的意思。 Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. 并非是谁都能成为伟大的艺术家…,不过伟大的艺术家,却可能来自任何角落, It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteaus, who is, in this critics opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. 现今在食神餐厅掌厨的天才们,出身之低微,令人难以想像…。

依在下的看法,他是法国最优秀的厨师…。 I will be returning to Gusteau s soon, hungry for more. 我很快会再度光临食神餐厅!满足我的口腹之欲…那一晚很美好,是我这辈子最快乐的一晚。

5. 急求电影《料理鼠王》的英文台词及相应视频

偷了一小段过来,具体的视频麻烦了点,我去找找[from trailer] [narrating a freeze-frame of himself being chased in a gourmet Parisian resturant] Remy: This is me. I think it's apparent that I need to rethink my life a little bit. I can't help myself. I。

I like good food, ok? And。 good food is。

hard for a rat to find! Django: It wouldn't be so hard to find if you weren't so picky! Remy: I don't wanna eat garbage, dad! [from trailer] Remy: [observing what Emile is eating] What is that? Emile: [pause] I don't really know. Remy: You dunno。 and you're eating it? Emile: You know, once you muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of possibilities open up. Remy: This is what I'm talking about. Linguini: You're the one who was getting fancy with the spices! What did you throw in there? Oregano? No? What, r - uh, rosemary? That's a spice, isn't it? Rosemary? Colette: Horst has done time. Linguini: For what? Colette: We don't know. He changes the story every time you ask. Horst: I defrauded a large corporation. Horst: I robbed the second-largest bank in France using only a ball-point pen. Horst: I created a hole in the ozone layer over Avignon. Horst: I killed a man。

with this thumb. Linguini: I can't cook, can I? [Remy shakes his head] Linguini: But you - he, he - you can, right? [Remy shrugs] Linguini: Come on, don't be so modest. You're a rat, for Pete's sake. Skinner: [notices that Linguini is holding a ladle] Move it, garbage boy! You are COOKING? HOW DARE YOU COOK in my kitchen! Where do you get the gall to even attempt something so monumentally idiotic? I should have you drawn and quartered! I'll do it! I think the law is on my side! Larousse, draw and quarter this man - after you put him in the duck press to squeeze the fat out of his head! Skinner: Welcome to Hell. Mustafa: Someone is asking what is new! Horst: New? Mustafa: Yes! What do I tell them? Horst: What did you tell them? Mustafa: I told them I would ask! Skinner: What are you blathering about? Horst: Customers are asking for what is new! Mustafa: What should I tell them? Skinner: What did you tell them? Mustafa: I TOLD THEM I WOULD ASK! Skinner: This is simple. Just pull out an old Gusteau recipe, something we haven't made in a while。 Mustafa: They know about the old stuff. They like Linguini's soup. Skinner: They are asking for food from LINGUINI? Colette: You waste energy and time! You think cooking is a cute job, eh? Like mommy in the kitchen? Well, mommy never had to face the dinner rush while orders come flooding in, and every dish is different and not that simple, it has a different cooking time, and must arrive at the customer's table at the same time. Every second counts and you CANNOT be MOMMIED! Colette: [Linguini is making a mess at the kitchen] What is this? Keep。

your。 station clear! If meal orders come in, what will happen? Messy stations slow things down, food doesn't go, orders pile up, disaster! I will make this easier to remember: keep you station clean。

or I WILL KILL YOU! Remy: We're thieves, and what we're stealing is, let's be honest, garbage. Django: It's not stealing if no one wants it. Remy: If no one want's it, then why are we stealing it? Linguini: [in dream sequence] Do you know what you would like this evening, sir? Anton Ego: Yes, I'd like your heart roasted on a spit. Heh heh heh heh. Ha ha ha! Mustafa: [taking Ego's order] Do you know what you'd like this evening, sir? Anton Ego: Yes, I think I do. After reading a lot of overheated puffery about your new cook, you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that? Mustafa: With what, sir? Anton Ego: Perspective. Fresh out, I take it? Mustafa: I am, uh。 Anton Ego: Very well. Since you're all out of perspective and no one else seems to have it in this BLOODY TOWN, I'll make you a deal. You provide the food, I'll provide the perspective, which would go nicely with a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1947. Mustafa: Uhm。

Your meal, sir? [Stands up angrily in Mustafa's face] Anton Ego: Tell your chef Linguini to cook ANYTHING he dares to serve me. Tell him to hit me, with his best shot. Remy: This is terrible! He's ruining the soup! And no one's noticing? It's *your* restaurant, do something! Gusteau: What can *I* do? I am a figment of your imagination. Remy: But he's *ruining* the *soup*! Remy: Hey, I brought you something to。 [sees Emile eating garbage] Remy: AH! NO, NO, NO, NO! SPIT THAT OUT RIGHT NOW! [Emile obeys] Remy: I have got to teach you about food. Close your eyes. [Emile obeys; Remy hands out piece of cheese] Remy: Now take a 。

6. 关于料理鼠王(美食总动员)的英文作文

Remy is an irregular rat who lives in the attic of a French country home with his brother Emile and a pack led by his father Django. Gifted with a keen sense of smell and taste, Remy aspires to be a gourmet chef, inspired by France's recently deceased top chef, Auguste Gusteau, but instead he is put to work sniffing for rat poison. When the pack is discovered by the home's occupant, they flee into the sewers; Remy is separated and ends up aground underneath Gusteau's restaurant in Paris.Led by his imagination of Gusteau, Remy goes to the kitchen skylight to watch the kitchen in action during a service. There, he observes Alfredo Linguini, the son of Gusteau's former lover, being hired as a janitor by Skinner, the restaurant's current owner and Gusteau's former sous-chef. When Linguini spills some of the soup and attempts to recreate it using random ingredients, Remy is horrified and falls into the kitchen; instead of escaping, Remy attempts to correct the soup. Remy is caught by Linguini just as Linguini is caught by Skinner, but before anyone can stop the serving staff, the soup is served and found to be a success. Colette, the staff's only female chef, convinces Skinner to retain Linguini, believing him to be the success behind the soup. Linguini takes Remy home, realizing he cannot kill him as instructed by Skinner as Remy was the "little chef" that made the soup.Remy discovers that he can control Linguini's movements by pulling on his hair.Remy and Linguini find a means to overcome their language barrier, with Remy pulling Linguini's hair under his toque blanche to control his limbs like a marionette. The two work together to successfully cook in the kitchen, even overcoming challenges placed by Skinner. Skinner, suspicious of Linguini's talents, discovers that Linguini is actually Gusteau's son and by Gusteau's will, is the rightful owner of the restaurant; this revelation would ruin Skinner's plans to use Gusteau's name to market a line of microwaveable meals. Remy discovers Skinner's documents and retrieves them, bringing them to Linguini, who subsequently fires Skinner and takes control of the restaurant, much to the staff's delight. Linguini and Colette even begin to develop a romantic bond, with Remy feeling that he is being left behind. Remy finds Emile in the restaurant's trash, and is reunited with the pack. Django warns Remy that humans and rats will never get along, but Remy insists that it will all work out. Meanwhile, Remy begrudgingly feeds Emile and his growing group of friends from the kitchen's pantry as the nights pass.Anton Ego, a food critic that had cost Gusteau's one of its star ratings, announces he will review the restaurant again the next day based on its rising success. Linguini, under pressure of Ego's pending arrival, has a fallout with Remy, causing Remy to retaliate by leading a raid on the kitchen's foodstocks that night. Linguini catches the rats stealing the food and chases them all out, including Remy, telling the rat he never wants to see him again. Remy, dejected, is captured by Skinner who recognizes Remy was the real talent behind Linguini, but is later freed by Django and Emile. Remy returns to the kitchen to find a frantic Linguini apologizing for his actions, and asking Remy back to help. Linguini then reveals the truth to the rest of the staff about Remy, causing them all to walk out, but Colette later returns after recalling Gusteau's motto: "Anyone can cook." Django, recognizing his son's determination, organizes the rest of the pack to help out in the kitchen to serve the other customers along with Linguini, while Remy and Colette work together to prepare a variation on ratatouille for Ego. Ego is amazed by the dish, bringing back memories of his mother's cooking, and asks to see the chef. Linguini and Colette wait until all the other customers leave to reveal Remy and the rats to Ego. Ego leaves the restaurant deep in thought, and writes a glowing review of the meal the next day, declaring Remy to be "nothing less than the finest chef in France".Gusteau's restaurant is closed a short time later after a health inspector discovered the rats in the kitchen. Though Ego's reputation is tarnished on reviewing a restaurant plagued with rats, he eagerly funds a popular new bistro, "La Ratatouille", run by Linguini and Colette, featuring diner areas for both humans and rats and a kitchen designed for Remy to continue to cook in.Every Rat Has Its Day---movie review from PanRats have never seemed welcome to mankind. Most women would scream at the sight of any of this creature. Look what words and slang we would readily employ to describe the 。

7. 料理鼠王经典台词

Remy: I've always believed with hard work and a little bit of luck, it's only a matter of time before I'm discovered! 雷米:我总是相信勤奋与努力外加一点点幸运就能换来成功,我的天分被发现,只是时间的问题。

[Narrating a freeze-frame of himself being chased in a gourmet Parisien resturant] Remy: This is me. I think it's apparent that I need to rethink my life a little bit. I can't help myself. I。 I like good food, ok? And。

good food is。 hard for a rat to find! Django: It wouldn't be so hard to find, if you weren't so picky! Remy: I don't wanna eat garbage dad! (讲述他在一家高级的巴黎餐馆被追逐的经历。)


我……我喜欢好吃的食物,知道吗?而且……好吃的食物……对于一只老鼠,是非常难找到的。 迪亚哥:也不会很难啊,只要你不那么挑剔! 雷米:爸爸,我不想吃垃圾! Remy: [observing what Emile is eating] What is that? Emile: I don't really know. Remy: You dunno。

and you're eating it? Emile: You know, once you muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of possibilities open up. Remy: This is what I'm talking about. 雷米(正在观察艾米尔吃的东西):这是什么啊? 艾米尔:我也不知道。 雷米:你不知……那你还吃? 艾米尔:你知道的,一旦你想办法克服呕吐的反射神经,任何东西都是可以吃的。

雷米:这就是我正在谈论的。 Linguini: You were the one getting fancy with the spices! 林奎尼:你对调味品的使用充满了惊人的想象力。

Skinner: Welcome to hell! 斯凯纳:欢迎来到地狱! Gusteau: Food always comes to those who love to cook. 古斯特:只有那些喜欢烹饪的人,才能做出真正的食物。 Colette: He calls it his "Little Chef". 科莱特:他称呼它为他的"小厨师"。

Django: Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage. 迪亚哥:食物是燃料,如果你对放在你肚子里的东西如此吹毛求疵的话,你的能量很快就会用光的。所以现在闭嘴吃你的垃圾。

Gusteau: You know what I say. Anyone can cook. Remy: Yeah, anyone can cook. That doesn't mean anyone should. 古斯特:你知道我说过的话,人人都能当厨师。 雷米:耶,人人都能当厨师,并不意味着人人都应该当厨师。

Anton Ego 最后那一段评论: In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. 就许多方面来说,评论家的工作很轻松;我们冒的风险很小,却握有无比的权力。人们必须奉上自己和作品,供我们评论…。

We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. 我们喜欢吹毛求疵,因为读写皆饶富趣味。 But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. 但我们评论家得面对难堪的事实,就是以价值而言--我们的评论,可能根本比不上我们大肆批评的平庸事物! But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. 可是,有时评论家必须冒险去发掘并捍卫新的事物!这世界常苛刻的对待新秀、新的创作,新的事物需要人支持。

Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. 昨晚,我有个全新的体验,一顿奇妙的菜肴,来自令人意想不到的出处! To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. 如果说这顿菜肴和它的创作者,挑战了我对美食先入为主的观念!这麽说还太含蓄,他们彻底的震撼了我! In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau s famous motto: Anyone can cook. 过去我曾公开呛声…对食神著名的名言:“料理非难事”嗤之以鼻! But I realize that only now do I truly understand what he meant. 不过我发现,现在我终於真正了解他的意思。 Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. 并非是谁都能成为伟大的艺术家…,不过伟大的艺术家,却可能来自任何角落, It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteaus, who is, in this critics opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. 现今在食神餐厅掌厨的天才们,出身之低微,令人难以想像…。

依在下的看法,他是法国最优秀的厨师…。 I will be returning to Gusteau s soon, hungry for more. 我很快会再度光临食神餐厅!满足我的口腹之欲…那一晚很美好,是我这辈子最快乐的一晚!满意请采纳~。

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