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1. 问介绍蒙娜丽莎的英文文章




不过,索斯特表示,她在对两者的鼻子、头发、嘴唇以及脸颊进行了仔细研究之后得出的结论是,蒙娜丽莎就是卡特琳娜。斯福扎是米兰公爵玛里埃·斯福扎和他的一位部下的妻子私通生下的非婚生女儿,生于1462年, 在意大利文艺复兴时期是一位富有传奇色彩的人物,虽然天生丽质,但是更因为她的敢作敢为而出名,因此获得了“悍妇”的绰号。




卡特琳娜的这幅画是她25岁那年由意大利绘画迪克雷第画的,当时她摆出的姿势就和现在人们看到的蒙娜丽莎的样子几乎一模一样,由于当时她正处于生活的黄金时代,因此无论是手臂的摆放姿势还是那神秘的微笑都显示出了骄傲的神色。 达·芬奇在根据这幅肖像画出自己的画之后非常喜欢,因此随身携带了几十年,直到最后这幅画被卖给了法国国王弗兰西斯一世才公开亮相并且从此被称为文艺复兴时期的代表作。


据来自德国法兰克福的消息,德国美术史专家经过10年的调查研究,发现了蒙娜丽莎的真实身份。声称,蒙娜丽莎是意大利的一位名妓,名叫卡泰丽娜·斯福尔扎(Caterina Sforza),小名蒂格瑞斯Tigress。

她是米兰公爵的私生女,1462年出生,据说蒙娜丽莎是乔康达府邸中的第二任妻子。 这个是中文的~介绍蒙娜丽莎的人的~不知道你到底是要这个画的介绍还是人的~所以就给你人的了~ 你拿去翻译网站,一段一段的翻译就是英文的了~~ 如果你要画的信息 那就多得去了~~ 关于达芬奇的画的解析的东西我最多。

2. 关于描写蒙娜丽莎的英语短作文

娜丽莎(列奥纳多·达·芬奇画作) 《蒙娜丽莎》是文艺复兴时代画家列奥纳多·达·芬奇所绘的丽莎·乔宫多的肖像画。



最近的研究表明,2012年公开亮相的画作《艾尔沃斯·蒙娜丽莎》同样出自达·芬奇,而且其创作时间远远早于《蒙娜丽莎》。被认为是年轻版《蒙娜丽莎 》。

2014年2月,研究人员对16世纪意大利佛罗伦萨贵妇丽莎·格拉蒂尼的骨骼DNA测试表明,她可能是《蒙娜丽莎》作品中的原型模特。 2014年12月1日报道,根据意大利史学家暨小说家帕拉蒂科,达芬奇生母就是旷世名画《蒙娜丽莎》的画中人,而她有可能是来自中国大陆的奴隶。

Monalisa is Renaissance painter Leonardo Da Finch painted a portrait of Lisa Chogondo. The French government to keep it in the Le Louvre Museum in Parisfor the public to enjoy. In July 17, 2012, archaeologists in Italy recently claimed to have found suspected nun Lisa Gailaer Denny's bones. On the "Monalisa"archetype, from all walks of life Public opinions are divergent., but Lisa GailaerDenny is "Monalisa" is widely accepted. British media said, through the reductionof the bones, may help people uncover the mystery of "Mona Lisa smile". Recent studies show that in 2012 the public unveiling of the painting "Elvas Monalisa"also from Da Finch, and its creation time far earlier than the "Mona Lisa". Is considered to be a younger version of "Mona Lisa". In 2014 February, researchers at DNA on sixteenth Century in Italy Florencebones lady Lisa Gratini test shows that she may be "prototype model in the works of Mona Lisa". Reported in December 1, 2014, according to Italy historian and novelist Parra TICO, the mother of Da Vinci is a famous painting "Mona Lisa" the man in the picture, but she may have come from mainland China slave.。

3. 写蒙娜丽莎的英语作文





《蒙娜丽莎》现被珍藏于法国巴黎的卢浮宫博物馆中。★《Mona Lisa 》is a work by Italian artist Da Vinci.★The 《Mona Lisa 》does not look as beautiful as a standard beauty, but has a magical charm. Since the birth of "She," a large number of obsessors have been possessed. King Louis XIII has ordered his daughter to imitate the smile in the paⅰntⅰng. Napoleo hang “her”on the wall, admiring it many times each day. When General de Gaulle was displeasure, he went to Louvreto to saw “her”. Pompidou always admired "her".★The 《Mona Lisa 》 is now in the Louvre museum in Paris。

4. 介绍蒙娜丽莎的英语文章 新闻

The Mona Lisa smile with mystery of life has been a mystery for centuries, Britain, but The Times reported on March 14, a German art historian recently claimed, he found the Mona Lisa's story, thereby unlock the mysteries of the Renaissance is one of the largest. The art historians from leverkusen, Germany MaGeDa Liz frost, cable, says he believes in 1500 years during the years of the Mona Lisa 1506 to the life of the duchess of a prototype is full of adventure, a young woman named beauty, Catherine SiFuZa. The lady said she believed, leonardo Da Vinci's portrait according to a duchess of Mona Lisa, the duchess and the portrait of the original painting by the famous Italian LuoLunSuo masters painted clay, the first. Sotheby's said, "I believe that they are the same people." A German largest circulation of daily in 13 published the two portrait and comparison, and indeed find many readers similarities. However, she said, for both in the nose, lips, and hair, and a careful cheek after the conclusion of the Mona Lisa is, Catherine. SiFuZa is the duke of milan, Marilyn SiFuZa and one of his subordinates wife starts the birth of wedlock daughter, was born in Italy in 1462 the Renaissance was a legendary figure, although a born beauty, but more because of her famous aggressive, so get a shrew "nickname." 15 years old, she married in JiLuo pull mo's ali, but her husband's uncle is the time of the Roman Pope hicks, iv. The Pope uncle later two Italian city welfare and gave to their imola and awarded their welfare and the duke of imola noble title, but the Pope in 1484 died in the Olympic family after trying to arrange themselves ali who inherit the Pope's family, and then failed attempt was led by Catherine the Roman soldiers impact for the most famous one's holy stole the castle protested castle. Later, her husband was a plot against her to marry again, after again, but the second husband died before her. The life without suffering, but eventually overwhelm her in her new Pope at warner and family. In 1500, giacomo Pope from her hands seized the cities and the year before her. She died in 1509, when she 46. Catherine of this picture is her age 25 paintings by Italy's first painting, clay, she set out of position and now people see the Mona Lisa look almost identical, because she is in the life of the golden age, so both arms of the mysterious smile shows the proud look. Leonardo Da Vinci in according to the portrait of his paintings very much, so after carry over the decades, until finally the painting was sold to the French king Francis I just appear publicly and called the Renaissance masterpiece. According to the research of scholars Mona Lisa, the prototype is determined to be a named lisa DE Jill kangda woman, she was the fiorentina a rich silk businessman's wife. Newcastle in Florence, found in the latest evidence of library reaffirmed that the painting of the prototype is called lisa silk business wife. According to the news from Frankfurt, Germany art experts after 10 years of research, discovered the Mona Lisa's identity. The Mona Lisa is Italy claimed that one's name gisaeng, Rena, Caterina (are), the firm's great gabito Sforza Tigress, Greg. She is SiShengNv, the duke of milan, born in 1462 the Mona Lisa is Joe kangda mansion second wife.。

5. 蒙娜丽莎的英语作文六年级

I have a friend named Mona Lisa。

Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a helpful person. Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left. Her favorite food is pasta, I always ask her to eat noodles.。

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