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1. 描写风铃的语句






2. 描写风景的英语优美句子


A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!


An ancient windmill, windmill's wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color!





A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart 。。 the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girl's smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly 。。

Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcuma fragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream?




The high construction is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in the beautiful scene 。

3. 《我的风铃》英语作文

Dear Mary,

Thank you for your letter. APEC blue refers to the blue sky during the APEC week. The air was very clear and we enjoyed the bright sunshine all over the city. We need to protect the blue sky because pollution is dangerous to our health.

In order to keep APEC blue for a long time, we should take some simple steps now. First, we can take a bus or a subway to go to school instead of taking a car. Second, we'd better use cloth bags since they can be reused many times. Third, we can make some posters that will help more people know the importance of the air protection.

I hope you will enjoy the blue sky and clean air when you visit Beijing.


Li Ming

4. 有关叶子的优美英语句子有哪些

1, the maple leaf like a lovely hands, big and small fat and thin, long and short. Looks like there are countless hands in greeting me, to welcome me.2, the ancients said, "banner" is not the golden autumn leaves achievements, or the achievements of the golden autumn leaves. The leaves seem to be born for the autumn, spring green, summer green, and not the aura of autumn leaves. The cool autumn wind, light tenderness, sky caixia. This mass, a golden trees, the leaves falling in the wind, have a thick layer on the ground. As the scenery, who dare to destroy? I am afraid that even approached the courage did not dare to have.3, hey! You see, the fiery red maple leaves, should be. As it leaves wide open hand, waving in the wind. I see she is looking at her and feel shy? Or in order to meet the arrival of autumn and the girl? Perhaps because of the autumn girl of infinite love, makes her face so red.4, the red maple leaf, light from the shackles of free books, light in the room. Traces of its movement is not fast, very soothing, but also very firm. Life is clearly out of the trees survive, however, the fiery red hot, but did not decrease with the passage of life.5, after the autumn frost strike, the color of the leaves with the language to express, dark red, dark red, like red - red, green like non green, red with green, green with red, in a word, it contains a variety of red and green color levels, although many, but the autumn girl gave it foreign exchange is unusually melt exactly, it is more than less specific points is too bright, too light, this is any painter is difficult.6, ordinary green leaves make me feel: if I can't be a Liufang full of flowers, a piece of pure noble green leaves and Why not?? Life, the same as its modest diligent vigorous green.7, leaves, see red sorghum, greeting yellow corn, congratulate green cabbage。

The fields around left its footprints.8, the leaves turn into a butterfly just fall down from the sky, draw a beautiful arc. At the moment, it saw the beauty of the world, heard the birds call, but also completed their mission.9, there are a few roadside ginkgo trees, the tree was covered with green "fan", under the touch of autumn, the color becomes green with yellow. Pick up the light and thin "small fan", some have vertical stripes of green; some edge is yellow, the middle of the whole leaves green, green and yellow; there are vertical stripes of yellow soil, feels like delicate skin, Shu Fuji.10, a breeze, the leaves fall down in the air, leisurely, and high and low, like dancing in the air.对应翻译:1、枫叶像一张张可爱的小手,有大有小又胖又瘦,有长有短。











5. 有描写风铃的语句吗












6. 描写风铃外貌的句子


1、风铃像是一个简易的音乐盒,它能发出清脆悦耳的声音,使人心情舒畅。它从不唱同一首歌,每一次都是现场创作歌曲,而且歌声优美动听 。

2、这串儿风铃是由贝壳和海螺镶嵌而成的,上面有一个大贝壳,连接一条条线。最外圈的线上穿着一个个五颜六色的贝壳:红的、白的、黄的 ……交织成一条条美丽的弧线;中间部分挂着许多美丽的海螺和一些独特的粉色小贝壳,组成的好似一把琴,一个个美丽的贝壳就 是一串串跳动着的音符,格外耀眼,这细线就是琴弦,而风儿就是演奏乐章的人。听,“叮叮铛铛……”那贝壳组成的音乐我觉得 有一种自然的美,胜过人间的一切音乐。


4、这个风铃造型独特,并不是花枝招展、五颜六色,而是十分简约,看起来舒服顺眼。它的中心是一个仿水晶的浅紫色的星星,下面是一 个白色的圆圈,圆圈的下面就是风铃会唱歌的地方了:三根银白色的水晶棒,看起来无比雅致。

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