1. 《红与黑》中优美的句子(中文和英文都要)
更多:《红与黑》经典语录_经典名句语句摘抄赏析_句子迷 /article/%E7%BA%A2%E4%B8%8E%E9%BB%91
2. 求世界名著(红与黑)中经典语段(中英文对照)``
13、“我的罪行是残酷的,而且是有预谋的,我该当判处死刑,各位陪审官先生,可能我值得怜悯,但有些人还是借着惩罚我来杀一儆百,使这样一种年轻人永远丧失勇 气。他们出生在一个卑微的阶级里,可以说是守着贫困的煎熬,但是他们有幸受到良好的教育,并且大胆地混入有钱人高傲地称之为上流社会的圈子里,他们承受着 鄙视和极具讽刺的话语。”
他苦笑着,高声对自己说:“离着死亡只有两步之远,单独和我说话,我仍然是伪善的……啊,19世纪!” 17、高贵的出身剥夺了性格的力量,而没有性格的力量就不会被判处死刑! 18、“我为什么不能像西克斯特五世那样当教皇呢?他也放过猪呀。” 19、“想把愚味和罪恶逐出地球的人应该像暴风雨一扫而过茫无目的地作恶吗?” 20、“有哪一个伟大的行动在开始干的时候不是一种极端呢? 21、我如此艰难地穿越这片充斥着平庸的灼热沙漠,却要拒绝能够解除我的干渴的一泓清泉!真的,别这么傻了;在人们称为生活的这片自私自利的沙漠里,人人为自己。”
22、幸福的狂热忘记了谨慎的一切小心 23、旅行者不该一直只坐在自己所翻过的第一座山的山顶休息。上文对应翻译如下:1·My ambition has finally been put to work.2·For polite society, he felt the intellectual hatred and disgust that he had accepted at the end of the table.3·"I am a humble man, madam, but I am not inferior."4·"The hell is here," he sighed. "as long as I go in, I can't leave it!"5, a happy person, first to fill the belly, then is to dress beautifully. That's what they believe most.6·"This young man, though born underground, is very self-respecting, and if he has hurt his pride, he will do something less sensible."7·Absence destroys all human emotions.8·In the depths of the family, due to the dignity and grandeur of status, there is too much pride and too much boredom. They have been used to insulting other people in order to drown their sorrows, and thus cannot expect to get real friends.9·She laughed to hide her awkwardness, which was forced to appear, and tried to attract his attention, which she succeeded.10·"Let him kill me, well, that's a satisfactory answer I'd like to give him。
but, heck, I love life。 I'm responsible for my son."11·Silence is the only way to respect me. Let me disappear as a normal murderer in the eyes of ordinary people。
12·"I do not ask for your forgiveness," he said, in a tone that became more firm and forceful. "I have no illusions, and I am convinced that death is waiting for me: it is just."13, "I am cruel crimes, and it is premeditated, I deserve the death penalty, everybody jury officer Sir, may I deserve compassion, but some people still by punish me to warn, to make such a young man never lose courage . They were born in a humble class, can be said to be in poverty, but they are blessed with a good education, and boldly with rich people proudly called high society circles, they despised and irony under the word."14, "that's my crime, gentlemen, I would be particularly severe punishment, because in fact I am not judged by the same with me. I didn't see a change from the jury officer seat rich farmers, only some of the angry bourgeoisie。 they are looking at me angrily, looking forward to early I was devil grasp to go to jail."。
3. 求世界名著(红与黑)中经典语段(中英文对照)``
13、“我的罪行是残酷的,而且是有预谋的,我该当判处死刑,各位陪审官先生,可能我值得怜悯,但有些人还是借着惩罚我来杀一儆百,使这样一种年轻人永远丧失勇 气。他们出生在一个卑微的阶级里,可以说是守着贫困的煎熬,但是他们有幸受到良好的教育,并且大胆地混入有钱人高傲地称之为上流社会的圈子里,他们承受着 鄙视和极具讽刺的话语。”
他苦笑着,高声对自己说:“离着死亡只有两步之远,单独和我说话,我仍然是伪善的……啊,19世纪!” 17、高贵的出身剥夺了性格的力量,而没有性格的力量就不会被判处死刑! 18、“我为什么不能像西克斯特五世那样当教皇呢?他也放过猪呀。” 19、“想把愚味和罪恶逐出地球的人应该像暴风雨一扫而过茫无目的地作恶吗?” 20、“有哪一个伟大的行动在开始干的时候不是一种极端呢? 21、我如此艰难地穿越这片充斥着平庸的灼热沙漠,却要拒绝能够解除我的干渴的一泓清泉!真的,别这么傻了;在人们称为生活的这片自私自利的沙漠里,人人为自己。”
22、幸福的狂热忘记了谨慎的一切小心 23、旅行者不该一直只坐在自己所翻过的第一座山的山顶休息。上文对应翻译如下:1·My ambition has finally been put to work.2·For polite society, he felt the intellectual hatred and disgust that he had accepted at the end of the table.3·"I am a humble man, madam, but I am not inferior."4·"The hell is here," he sighed. "as long as I go in, I can't leave it!"5, a happy person, first to fill the belly, then is to dress beautifully. That's what they believe most.6·"This young man, though born underground, is very self-respecting, and if he has hurt his pride, he will do something less sensible."7·Absence destroys all human emotions.8·In the depths of the family, due to the dignity and grandeur of status, there is too much pride and too much boredom. They have been used to insulting other people in order to drown their sorrows, and thus cannot expect to get real friends.9·She laughed to hide her awkwardness, which was forced to appear, and tried to attract his attention, which she succeeded.10·"Let him kill me, well, that's a satisfactory answer I'd like to give him。
but, heck, I love life。 I'm responsible for my son."11·Silence is the only way to respect me. Let me disappear as a normal murderer in the eyes of ordinary people。
12·"I do not ask for your forgiveness," he said, in a tone that became more firm and forceful. "I have no illusions, and I am convinced that death is waiting for me: it is just."13, "I am cruel crimes, and it is premeditated, I deserve the death penalty, everybody jury officer Sir, may I deserve compassion, but some people still by punish me to warn, to make such a young man never lose courage . They were born in a humble class, can be said to be in poverty, but they are blessed with a good education, and boldly with rich people proudly called high society circles, they despised and irony under the word."14, "that's my crime, gentlemen, I would be particularly severe punishment, because in fact I am not judged by the same with me. I didn't see a change from the jury officer seat rich farmers, only some of the angry bourgeoisie。 they are looking at me angrily, looking forward to early I was devil grasp to go to jail."。
4. 急需
Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep-
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die- to sleep.
To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub!
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death-
The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns- puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.
5. 《红与黑》英文简介
晕。【内容介绍】 The Red and the Black has been hailed as the first great 'realist'novel of the nineteenth century, offering a lively and detailed picture of social and political life in the provinces and in Paris towards the end of the 1820s, the close of the stifling reactionary period of the Bourbon Restoration. Stendhal himseff claimed that no one before him had ventured to portray with such verisimilitude the 'moral and morose" France of 1830. However, 'moral and morose' his novel is definitely not. Ironic, fast-moving, entertaining and incisive in its social criticism, it is a novel of ambition and passion, of indignation and tenderness, of polemic and poetry, which speaks to us today, as clearly as it did to the author's contemporaries, of the heights, depths and idiocies of which our human nature is capable or culpable. 这个应该没问题,就是太简略了点,看看是否合用吧。
6. 《史记》、《红与黑》中的优美句段
史记::不充诎于富贵,不遑遑于所欲。不鸣则已,一鸣惊人;不飞则已,一飞冲天。楚虽三户,亡秦必楚。大行不顾细谨,大礼不辞小让。防民之口,甚于防川。耕则问田奴,绢则问织婢。居后而望前,则为前;居前而望后 不充诎于富贵,不遑遑于所欲。 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人;不飞则已,一飞冲天
7. 红与黑经典语句
1 在与法律之前,合乎“自然的”只有狮子的力量,或者动物饥寒时的需要,更简单地用一个字表示,便是“欲”。
(《红与黑》)2 我应该再进一步,务必要在这个女人身上达到目的才好。如果我以后发了财,有人耻笑我当家庭教师低贱,我就让大家了解,是爱情使我接受这位置的3 宁愿受宗教的制裁,也要达到令美人羡慕的境界4 在拿破仑统治下,我会是个军曹,在未来的神父当中,我将是个主教。
5 我决不是被我的同阶级的人审判,我在陪审官的席上,没有看见一个富有的农民,而只是些令人气愤的资产阶级的人 1. 描写德•雷纳夫人的段落摘取: 有一件事情很奇怪,我们中间肯定没多少人会相信,就是德•雷纳夫人这样精心打扮并无他意,而只是出于高兴。P52 这一次,深明事理的戴维尔夫人发现表妹远没有以前快活,但却比以前幸福得多。
[快乐和幸福是两码事,少男少女看起来总是很快活,中年人身上更吸引人得则是幸福的神态] 无论对他或德•雷纳夫人来说,没有什么事比这样做更不舒服,更令人不愉快的了。简直是鲁莽之极,差点被人看见。
德•雷纳以为他疯了。吓了一 跳,尤其是觉得反感。
这种愚蠢的举动使她想起了华勒诺先生。P80 [女人微妙的心理,排斥于连粗鲁的动作;而于连这样做确是出于男人得意的心理] 【女人的同情心】 [1] 有时,德•雷纳夫人想到年轻的家庭教师如此贫困,不禁留下同情的眼泪。
P41 【女人的敏感——对年龄】 她心里想道:“如果十年前我认识于连就好了,那时候,我还称的上漂亮”p88 【女人陷入深深的自责】 “上帝正在惩罚我。他好不徇私。
p108 2. 描写于连的段落 P39 于连觉得德•雷纳夫人很美,但正因为美,于连反倒恨她,因为她是差一点使他前途尽毁的第一块礁石。于连进来那个少和她说话,以图忘记第一天情不自禁地吻她的手的那种冲动。
[这一段很好的反应了年轻人,或者情窦初开的少男少女的心理] 【自卑和爱情的情愫混杂在一起】 [3] 他心想:有钱人就是这样,他们侮辱你,然后装腔作势一番,以为这样便万事大吉。 只要和一个女人在一起而无话可说,他便觉得受到了侮辱,仿佛这沉默是金是他的过错。
…他想入非非,但又无法摆脱令人十分难堪的沉默。 P41 【 vs 镇定】 他极力想掩饰内心的快乐,因而一举一动都显得突兀和狂放。
德•雷纳夫人惊讶地看着他 于连把两位女伴领到陡峭的悬崖之巅,只觉得海阔天空,心旷神怡,甚至还不止于此,他俨然成为了一家之主,由于领她们目睹此人间胜景而获得她们的赞颂。【意识流,虚荣心膨胀】p52 【心理受打击,自卑引发的强烈反弹】p57 德•雷纳先生就在他们身旁走着,于连越看见他在场就越有气。
忽然间,他发现德•雷纳夫人故意靠在他的胳臂上,这个动作使他感到恶心,便将她猛 地一推,把胳臂抽了回来。..于连冷冷地看了她一眼,目光流露出高度地蔑视。
…她会看到(于连目光)里面隐隐闪现着进行最残酷报复的愿望。大概就是这种蒙 受屈辱的时刻造就了一个个罗伯斯庇尔吧。
【人格不一致,烧毁拿破仑肖像】 [5]“我的名誉将一落千丈,毁于一旦!”于连边看着盒子燃烧边自言自语道,“而我的名誉就是我的全部财产,我只靠名誉活着…天哪!这哪是人过的日子啊!” 【自卑感】 他想到了自己在社会地位中,尤其是在一个高贵并继承了大笔遗产的女人眼中的地位。霎时间,他脸上只留下高傲和恨自己不争气的表情。
【得意的一面——第一次邂逅之后】 他的爱情不过是一种野心,是占有的喜悦。…这种爱情似乎只靠猎奇和满足自尊心来维持。
【内心的张力】 [6] 主教少年得志唤醒了他的野心,而主教作为高级神职人员的善良和彬彬有礼的态度又使他折服。P102 【同情心——在华勒诺家的饭桌上】 [7] 啊!拿破仑啊!在你的时候,飞黄腾达要靠战场上出生入死,那多好啊!可现在却要卑鄙地使穷人苦上加苦。
【欲望战胜内心】 [8] 于连对自己所做的事感到震惊。但他心想:这没什么,如果我想出人头地,这种昧良心的事还要干不少,而且还须懂得说几句动感情的漂亮话来掩盖。
P262 【不择手段】 [9] 此人一向把虚伪和无情视为一般的生存之道,这一次却忍受不了脑子里对爱护自己的人有任何不仗义的想法。 【心潮澎湃】 他永远不能成为称职地教士和伟大的官员。
如此容易激动的人最多只能成为艺术家。P181 这句话为于连混迹上流社会的结局做了最好的注脚。
那是“官”,不是人,用中国的话说。 【侯爵府中的边缘地位】 在德•拉摩尔府中,于连德自尊心从未受到伤害,可是,一天过后,他往往想大哭一场。
【未受的自卑情绪】 于连对骑士几乎到了五体投地的程度,使于连目眩神迷。比如说,骑士说话有些口吃,因为他有幸经常去看一位有这种毛病的达官贵人。
于连从未见过既能令人解颐又风度优雅的人物,而这些正是外省的穷小子所必须效法的。 【】 一天,侯爵用非常客气但往往使人受不了的强调对于连说:“亲爱的索海尔,请允许我送给您一件蓝色的礼服,这样,等您认为合适穿着来见我的时候,在我眼里,您就。
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