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1. 音乐之声的优美句子

When lord closed a door, somewhere he opened a window.


My heart wants to sing every song it hears.


These walls are not built to shut out problems, you have to face them.


A dream that will need all the love you can give. everyday in your life, as long as you live.


Marrying someone when you're really in love with someone else, can you?


Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could. so somewhere in my wicked miserable past, there must been a moment of truth.


Some times I felt the world is coming to an end。And then you felt it was just the beginning?


2. 求 《音乐之声》里面的经典台词要中英文对照的十句 急需 在线等

1. C: Liesl! 上校:丽莎。

2. (Captain stands at the door, indicating Liesl to go away.) (这时上校出现在门口,示意丽莎出去。)

3. M: What is it? 玛:电报上说什么?

4. C: Berlin. They've offered me a commission in their navy. I've been requested to accept immediately and report to their naval base in Bremer haven tomorrow. 上校:柏林,让我去他们海军任职,要求我立即接受。到布莱梅海港——他们的海军基地去报到,明天就去。

5. M: I knew something like this would happen. I didn't think it would be so soon. 玛:我早知道会发生这种事,没想到会这么快。

6. C: To refuse them would be fatal at all of us. And joining them would be unthinkable. Get the children all together. Don't say anything that's going to make them worry. Just get them ready. We've got to get out of Austria, and this house, tonight. 上校:回拒他们会毁了我们全家。加入他们也不堪设想。把孩子们叫到一起,别说让他们不安的话。就让他们准备好,我们必须离开奥地利,离开这所房子,今天晚上就走。

7. (When darkness falls, Captain and Max pull the car out of the garage. Maria with the children follow them.) (夜幕降临,麦克斯与上校将车悄悄推出门外。玛丽亚带着孩子跟在后面。)[English]

8. Max: If not only strain my back, it breaks my heart when I think of a certain singing group that will not appear at the festival tonight. 麦克斯:想到今晚的音乐节上有一个演唱小组不参加演出,真让我伤心透了。

9. C: By the time you make the announcement we will be over the border. 上校:到你宣布的时候,我们该到了国界线。

10. Max: I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making. 麦克斯:希望你感激我此刻正在做出牺牲。

11. C: You have no choice. 上校:你别无选择。

12. Max: I know. That's why I'm making it. 麦克斯:我知道,这也是我为什么这么做的原因。

13. Bargitt Why doesn't father turn the motor on? 布:爸爸,为什么不把马达发动起来?



3. 英文电影音乐之声中四十个比较好的句子


1) 英雄本色(1):吴宇森代表作。

2) 真实的谎言:阿诺演的最温情和幽默的电影。

3) 生死时速(1):充满动感,耳目一新!

4) 虎胆龙威系列:呵呵他怎么总是一身伤却不死啊!!!

5) 勇闯夺命岛(石破天惊)动作片颠峰作品!演员表演出色。

6) 刀锋战士(1、2):新式吸血鬼动作片,非常另类和华丽。

7) 神秘的黄玫瑰系列:呵呵因为看的时候年纪小,觉得比西部片还经典。

8) 复仇:也是罗马尼亚的老电影,这部影片的枪战让人百看不厌。

9) 三步杀人曲系列:干净利落的墨西哥风格枪战电影。

10) 第一滴血(1):有内涵有力度有故事,是史泰龙为数不多的好片。

4. 英文电影音乐之声中四十个比较好的句子


1) 英雄本色(1):吴宇森代表作。

2) 真实的谎言:阿诺演的最温情和幽默的电影。

3) 生死时速(1):充满动感,耳目一新!

4) 虎胆龙威系列:呵呵他怎么总是一身伤却不死啊!!!

5) 勇闯夺命岛(石破天惊)动作片颠峰作品!演员表演出色。

6) 刀锋战士(1、2):新式吸血鬼动作片,非常另类和华丽。

7) 神秘的黄玫瑰系列:呵呵因为看的时候年纪小,觉得比西部片还经典。

8) 复仇:也是罗马尼亚的老电影,这部影片的枪战让人百看不厌。

9) 三步杀人曲系列:干净利落的墨西哥风格枪战电影。

10) 第一滴血(1):有内涵有力度有故事,是史泰龙为数不多的好片。


《花木兰》 初一水平 简单词汇After watching this big hit,i feel very satisfied about that.First of all ,the heroin teach me how to be a brave man ,although she isn't a real man ,what she did is like a real man should dosecondly,i like the movie ,it has nice screen and beautiful cartoon figures.And in the end ,i want to see that movie again.。

6. 《音乐之声》中有哪些经典语句

Maria: Oh, I'm sorry.


Captain: Yes … you are?

上校: 是吗……你感到遗憾?

Maria: You did?


Captain: Yes. Well, you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else, can you?


Maria: Reverend Mother always says when the Lord closes a door, somewhere else he opens a window.


Captain: What else did the Reverend Mother say?


Maria: That you have to look for your life.


Captain: Is that why you came back? And have you found it, Maria?


Maria: I think I have. I know I have.


Captain: I love you.


7. 音乐之声的经典台词

Where the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.

It's the dress. You'll have to put on another one before you meet the children.

But I don't have another one. When we entered the abbey our worldly(世俗的) clothes were given to the poor.

What about this one?

Maria: The poor didn't want this one.

I don't care to hear anything further from you about my children.

I am not finished yet, Captain.

Oh, yes, you are, Captain.

The Von Trapp Family Singers. Here your names: Leisl, Friedrich, Louisa, Brigitta, Kurt, Marta and Gretl.

Why am I always last?

Because you are the most important.

I like rich people. I like the way they live, and I like the way I live when I'm with them.

8. 关于音乐之声的英语作文

This movie is very popular,it's a story about a lively young man,her name was maria,she went to take care of the von Trapp family with seven children.this family is very sad and tired,Mrs.von Trapp died,the father is very lonely and often angry because of the children cried and shouted every day.

In this time,maria appeard, she taught the children to sing lively songs and perform short, funny plays to cheer up the family.In the end,maria and Mr.Von Trapp got married and lived happily ever after.

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