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1. 爱迪生传中的优美句子














2. 爱迪生50大经典名言
























——爱迪生40、我始终不愿抛弃我的奋斗生活,我极端重视奋斗得来的经验,尤其是战胜困难后所得到的愉快,一个人要先经 过困难,然后踏进顺境,才觉得受用、舒适。41、失败也是我需要的,它和成功对我一样有价值。





3. 描写爱迪生外貌的语句段落摘抄

The Life of Thomas Edison "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." Thomas Edison Edison was an inventor known for his influence,his intelligence and,most importantly,his perseverance.During his lifetime more than a thousand American patents were granted on work of his own or of teams under his supervision.Three of his inventionsthe phonograph,a practical incandescent light and electric system,and a moving picture camerahelped found giant industries that were to change the life and leisure of the world.In other areas Edison managed to affect over twenty industries including the military,medical fields (with his fluoroscope),the stock market and mining.Following is a short biography and a timeline of his greatest accomplishments.Inspiring Childhood.Thomas Edison,the youngest of seven children,was born in Milan,Ohio,on February 11,1847,to Samuel and Nancy Edison.Home schooled and an avid reader,Edison began his scientific experiments at the age of ten when he built a laboratory in the basement of his house stocked with chemicals he either bought or found in the town dump.Edison's early experimentation was almost stopped when his mother became tired of bad odors and fumes filling the house.The Tramp Telegrapher.Edison left the laboratory behind for a career as a "candy butcher" on the Grand Trunk Railway in 1859,selling candy,dried fruit,snacks and newspapers.Three years later he made history when he began to publish his own newspaper,the Weekly Herald,aboard the train.The first newspaper to be published aboard a moving train,the Weekly Herald,was printed on a secondhand printing press Edison set up in the baggage car of the train.In 1863,he began his first career as a "tramp telegrapher," going from place to place including Ontario,Cincinatti and Nashville,offering his skills as a telegrapher.He finally settled in Boston,working the New York wire for Western Union.Learning to be Practical.It was in Boston that Edison began experimenting in a more professional way than ever before,first studying Michael Farady's writings on electricity.His first patent in 1868,was a vote recorder which sped up,through electrical messages,the counting of votes for assemblies and meetings.Finding no buyer for his first invention,he formed a policy to never attempt to invent anything unless he was sure there was a commercial demand for it.His next invention demonstrated his commitment to this ideal,a stock ticker that would bring brokers Wall Street quotations more quickly.Pure Science Experiments.With two notable exceptions,Edison rarely dabbled in anything other than the practical application of principles and scientific theories.In 1875,while working on a theory of electromagnets and telegraphy,Edison discovered a type of energy between electromagnetism and heat and light.Named "etheric force," this discovery revealed the existence of the electromagnetic wave and prompted the invention of the radio in the 1890's.The second time was with his discovery of the "Edison Effect," the basis for the whole field of electronics.Edison discovered that a valve could be created for an electronic current by inserting a metal plate within the filament of an electric light bulb.The Menlo Park Laboratory.Edison's laboratory at Menlo Park,New Jersey became the first of its kind,the original organized technical research laboratory,with its research "team." Inventions that came out of this new research include the mimeograph machine,the phonograph,the light bulb,and many others.First of the Great Inventions The phonograph,the light bulb and the motion picture camera have long been considered Edison's greatest inventions.The phonograph,the first of these inventions,was developed after Edison began work on improving Alexander Graham Bell's telephone.Edison believed that the phonograph (which has changed very little from its original design) was his greatest invention.Interestingly enough,the phonograph is the only invention for which Edison can claim sole ownership.Early Movie Business.Other inventors were experimenting with the motion-picture camera when,in 1891,Edison came up with the practical movie camera,or the Kinetograph ("moving writing"),and a projector,the Kinetoscope ("moving view"),to show his movies.The first movie studio built in 1893,was his Black Maria at West Orange,New Jersey.Edison,who had been working unsuccessfully on "talkies" by combining the phonograph and the camera,left the motion picture business when the industry started to turn away from the educational purpose he saw for it and 。

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