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1. 海底总动员英文版里的10个句子和5个单词

D是Dory M是Marlin 我也很喜欢海底总动员,希望传的这个能帮到你。

D:Yeah.Here comes the big one.Come on! You gotta try this!-M:Will you just stop it?-D:Why? What"s wrong?M:We"re in a whale,don"t you get it?-D:Whale?-M:A whale!M:You had to ask for help!And now we"re stuck here!D:Wow, a whale.You know I speak whale.M:No, you"re insane!You can"t speak whale!I have to get out!I have to find my son!I have to tell him how old sea turtles are![SODS] M:Ohhh!D:Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Hey……Do you OK? [Sighs] D:There, there.It"s all right.It"ll be OK.M:No. No, it won"t.D:Sure it will. You"ll see.M:No. I promised him l"d never let anything happen to him.D:Huh.That"s a funny thing to promise.M:What?D:You can"t never let anything happen to him.Then nothing would ever happen to him. Not much fun for little Harpo.[Sighs] [Creaking] D:Hmm.M:What"s going on?D:Don"t know. I"ll ask him.[Making whale sounds] M:Dory…… D:[Making whale sounds]Whaaat's goooin。D. The water".:You think you can do these things! You can".M:Stop talking to him.Everything"t never let anything happen to him!I have to tell him how old sea turtles are:Of course we"?D;s gonna be all right. You"! Already it".M:You can":A whale, there, Nemo!I have to find my son;t:Sure it will.Then nothing would ever happen to him! It":There.M:Whale.or he wants a root beer float;t speak whale, I can:I"!D, it won".M;s wrong, you".M:Aah. He either said we should go to the back of the throat:Really, Moby;ll see. It"m not interested in being lunch! You gotta try this!D&M!M:Don":No.:What"!-M:Yeah.M!You can"D是Dory M是Marlin 我也很喜欢海底总动员?D:Of course he wants us to go there!D;s goooing onnn?-M;s…It':What is going on., no.It"!D? Tell him l"!M;ll make things worse:We'. What is that noise;ve stopped:No;s a funny thing to promise!And now we".You know I speak whale?-D. I"t gonna happen:[Making whale sounds]Whaaat'! That"?M?M!I have to get out。

D!M:OK;re in a whale:Dory…… D.M.M:We"s half empty;ll check, that one was a little tougher. You"![Whale groans] D;s going down![Whale groans] D.[Sighs] [Creaking] D.Here comes the big one.M;t know![Gurgling] [Whale groans] [Splash] M:Huh;s going on;d never let anything happen to him?[Rumbling] M;d say it":Oh;ve stopped.Come on:I don"s going down;s all right:You had to ask for help?M;re stuck here:Hmm,don":Look,Heee:Wow:Will you just stop it?D:Dory:No? You sure about that. Stop trying to speak whale.M;t you get it!D!D.D;re insane;s time to let go.[Making whale sounds] M:Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo:Why. Not much fun for little Harpo:OK;s half empty? [Sighs] D:What.That"!D? What", but you can".! Aah;ll be OK;t:How do you know:Stop that;t:No more whale?-D. No;t speak whale. I promised him l":He says it":Ohhh.M:No:Yes, a whale.M:I think he says we"s eating us![SODS] M![Sloshing] D:I"!Oof!M! Hey……Do you OK.;t.! How do I taste;s half full.It". Whaaat, you can".D:OK,希望传的这个能帮到你:Dory…… [Whale groans] D? Do I taste good. Look what you did? How do you know something bad isn"are alive到这儿他们就出来了;ll ask him。

2. 海底总动员 英语经典台词


Crab#1: Hey. 螃蟹甲:嗨!

Crab#2: Hey. 螃蟹乙:嗨!

Crab#1: Hey. 螃蟹甲:嗨!

Crab#2: Hey. 螃蟹乙:嗨!


Dory: How about we play a game? 多莉:我们玩个游戏怎么样? Marlin: All right. 马林:行啊。

Dory: Okay, I'm thinking of something orange, and it's small。 多莉:好,我正在想着一种橙色的东西,并且它很小……

Marlin: It's me. 马林:是我。

Dory: Right! 多莉:猜对了!

[Later] Dory: I'm thinking of something orange and small。


Marlin: Me again. 马林:还是我。

Dory: All right, Mr. Smartypants。


[Later] Dory: 。 It's orange and small, and has stripes。


Marlin: Me, and the next one - just a guess - me.


Dory: Okay, that's just scary. 多莉:好吧,你真可怕。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marlin: Now, what's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? 马林:那么,关于大海我们必须要记住什么?

Nemo: It's not safe. 尼莫:它是不安全的。

Marlin: That's my boy. 马林:好孩子。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Marlin: I didn't come this far to be breakfast.

马林:我大老远跑来不是来当早餐的。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Marlin: The water is half empty! 马林:水只剩一半了!

Dory: Hmmm. Really? I'd say it's half full.

多莉:嗯。真的吗?要我说还有一半呢。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dory: Come on, trust me on this one. 多莉:嗨,这次相信我。 Marlin: Trust you? 马林:相信你?

Dory: Yes, trust, it's what friends do. 多莉:对,相信,朋友就该这样。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Nemo and Marlin are hugging] (尼莫和马林在拥抱)

Nemo: Uh, Dad, you can let go now. 尼莫:好了爸爸,你可以放开我了。

3. 求海底总动员的中英文台词



4. 海底总动员的全部英文台词

FINDING NEMO Transcript v1.0 Copyright 2003 Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios ------------------------------------------------------------ Transcribed by BaD_BURN email : markgonzalez154@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Okay, this is the work-in-progress FINDING NEMO film transcript. | | Why is it 'work-in-progress' you might ask? Well for one, this | | isn't a 100% accurate transcript: some words might be missing, | | may not be right. Second, some lines may or may not have been | | spoken by the right character. There are instances in the film | | where a line is spoken but the character isn't on screen, which | | makes things complicated. But I'd say this transcript is about | | 98-99% accurate. Dialogue for each scene is seperated by a line | | of equal signs (=). | | | | This transcript is open for corrections, additions if you have | | any. What you CAN'T do, however, is to edit it and take credit | | for it. Although I do not own the movie or it's screenplay, this | | transcript was made with no intention of copyright infringement | | and the like. Enjoy. And remember: 'Fish are friends, not food'. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================================================================================== MARLIN Wow. CORAL Mmm. MARLIN Wow. CORAL Mmm-hmm. MARLIN Wow. CORAL Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. It's beautiful. MARLIN So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn't think that we we're gonna get the whole ocean, did you? Huh? [sighs] Oh yeah. A fish can breath out here. Did your man deliver or did he deliver? 1 CORAL My man delivered. MARLIN And it wasn't so easy. CORAL Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. MARLIN You better believe they did--every single one of them. CORAL Mm-hmm. You did good. And the neighborhood is awesome. MARLIN So, you do like it, don't you? CORAL No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. But Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable with the great schools and the amazing view and all, but do we really need so much space? MARLIN Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. They deserve the best. Look, look, look. They'll wake up, poke their little heads out and they'll see a whale! See, right by their bedroom window. CORAL Shhh, you're gonna wake the kids. MARLIN Oh, right. Right. CORAL Aww, look. They're dreaming. We still have to name them. MARLIN You wanna name all of 'em, right now? All right, we'll name this half Marlin Jr. and then this half Coral Jr. Okay, we're done. CORAL I like Nemo. MARLIN Nemo? Well, we'll name one Nemo but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Jr. CORAL Just think that in a couple of days, we're gonna be parents! MARLIN Yeah. What if they don't like me? CORAL Marlin. MARLIN No, really. CORAL There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one of them is bound to like you. CORAL What? MARLIN You remember how we met? CORAL Well, I try not to. MARLIN Well, I remember. 'Excuse me, miss, can you check and see if there's a hook in my lip?' CORAL Marlin! MARLIN 2 'Well, you gotta look a little closer because it's wiggling'. CORAL Get away! MARLIN Here he is. Cutie's here! Where did everybody go? MARLIN [gasps] Coral, get inside the house, Coral. No, Coral, don't. They'll be fine. Just get inside, you, right now. MARLIN No! MARLIN Coral! Coral? MARLIN Coral? Oh! MARLIN Ohh. There, there, there. It's okay, daddy's here. Daddy's got you. I promise, I will never let anything happen to you。

Nemo. ====================================================================================== NEMO First day of school! First day of school! Wake up, wake up! C'mon, first day of school! MARLIN I don't wanna go to school. Five more minutes. NEMO Not you, dad. Me! MARLIN Okay。huh? NEMO Get up, get up! It's time for school! It's time for school! It's time for school! It's time for school! Oh boy! Oh boy! MARLIN All right, I'm up. NEMO Oh boy--whoa! MARLIN Nemo! NEMO First day of school! MARLIN [gasps] Nemo, don't move! Don't move! You'll never get out of there yourself. I'll do it. All right, where's the break? You feel a break? NEMO No. MARLIN Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid is rushing to the area. Now, any rushing fluids? NEMO No. MARLIN Are you woozy? NEMO No. MARLIN How many stripes do I have? 3 NEMO I'm fine. MARLIN Answer the stripe question! NEMO Three. MARLIN No! See, something's wrong with you. I have one, two, three--that's all I have? Oh, you're okay. How's the lucky fin? NEMO Lucky. MARLIN Let's see. MARLIN Are you 。

5. 急需《海底总动员》全部英文台词

Nemo: Wake up, wake up! First day of school.Marlin: I don't want to go to school—five more minutes.Nemo: Not you. Dad, me.Marlin: Ok.Nemo: Get up, get up. It's time for school, time for school.Marlin: All right, I'm up.Nemo: Whoa!Marlin: Nemo!Nemo: First day of school!Marlin: Nemo, don't move! You'll never get out of there yourself. I'll do it. Unh! You feel a break?Nemo: No!Marlin: Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid rushes to the area. Are you woozy?Nemo: No!Marlin: How many strips do I have?Nemo: I am fine.Marlin: Answer the stripe question.Nemo: Three.Marlin: No! see? Something's wrong with you. I have one, two, three—That's all I have? You are ok. How's the lucky fin?Nemo: Lucky.Marlin: Let's see. Are you sure you want to go to school this year? There's no problem if you don't. You can wait 5 or 6 years.Nemo: Come on, Dad, it's time for school.口语要素:1. It's time for school. 该上学了。

2. I'm up. 我这就起来。3. You'll never get out of there yourself. 你自己是无法摆脱的。

4. You feel a break? 受伤了吗?5. Are you woozy? 头晕吗? Marlin: Dory, do you see anything?Dory: Aah! Something's got me.Marlin: That was me. I am sorry.Dory: Who's that?Marlin: Who's that could it be? It's me.Dory: Are you my conscience?Marlin: Yeah, yeah. I am your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while. How are you?Dory: Can't complain.Marlin: Yeah? Good. Now Dory, I want you to tell me—Do you see anything?Dory: I see a … I see a light.Marlin: A light?Dory: Yeah. Over there. Hey, conscience, am I dead?Marlin: No. I see it, too. What is it?Dory: It's so pretty.Marlin: I am feeling happy, which is a big deal for me.Dory: I want to touch it.Marlin: Hey, come back. Come on back here.Dory: I am gonna get you.Marlin: I am gonna swim with you. I am gonna be your best friend. Good feeling's gone.口语要素:1. Something's got me. 有东西碰到我了。2. Can't complain. (回答How are you?)还好啦!3. It is a big deal for me. 对我来说太珍贵了!4. Good feeling's gone. 完蛋了。

6. 海底总动员英文台词、我们要比赛 急用

[26:24.20]-Bonjour. -Aah! 慢点,小家伙,别担心 没什么可怕的 [26:25.47]Slow down, little fella. There's nothing to worry about. [26:29.31]-He's scared to death. -I want to go home. -他快要吓死了 -我要回家 [26:32.58]Do you know where my dad is? 谁知道我爸爸在哪? [26:34.65]Honey, your dad's probably back at the pet store. 亲爱的,你爸爸 可能回宠物商店了 [26:37.45]Pet store? 宠物商店? [26:38.65]Yeah, you know, like, I'm from Bob's Fish Mart. 是的,比如说, 我来自鲍波鱼市 [26:41.39]-Pet Palace. -Fish-O-Rama. -我在鱼宫 -鱼类超市 [26:42.99]-Mail order. -Ebay. -我是邮购 -网上 [26:44.49]-So, which one is it? -I'm from the ocean. -那么你从哪来? -我从大海来的 [26:47.22]Ah, the ocean. The ocean? 大海 ,大海? [26:49.19]Aah! Aah! Aah! [26:51.13]He hasn't been decontaminated. Jacques! 他一定是还没有消毒的 虾虾! [26:53.86]-Oui. -Clean him! -什么事 -消毒! [26:55.23]Oui. 遵命 [26:56.80]-Ocean. -Ooh, la mer. Bon. -大海 -大海,很好 [26:59.27][Accordion music playing] [27:01.07]Voila. He is clean. 好了,干净了 [27:03.24][Pop] [27:05.68]Wow. The big blue. What's it like? 说一说,大海什么样? [27:08.98]-Big and blue. -I knew it. -就是很大很大的? -废话 [27:13.05]If there's anything you need, just ask your Auntie Deb. 孩子,有事就找漂漂大婶, 也就是我 [27:16.29]Or if I'm not around, you can talk to my sister Flo. 我不在,可以 找我的妹妹,亮亮 [27:19.42]Hi. How are you? 嗨,你好吗? [27:21.23]Don't listen to anything my sister says. 不要相信我妹妹任何话 [27:22.79]She's nuts. [Laughs] 她是疯子 [27:24.66][Muffled] We got a live one. 又来了活的 [27:25.80]-Can't hear you, Peach. -I said we got a live one. -没听清,小桃 -我说又来个活的 [27:28.87]-Boy, oh, boy. -What do we got? 没错,事情进行到哪了? [27:30.87]Root canal--and by the looks of those x-rays。

钳除牙根--从X光片来看。 [27:32.44]it's not going to be pretty. 事情好像不太好办 [27:33.94][Drill whines] Aaah! [27:35.67]-Dam and clamp installed? -Yeah. -橡皮放了吧? -放了 [27:37.14]-What did he use to open? -Gator-Glidden drill. -用什么器械钻的? -鸡牌牙钻 [27:38.98]He seems to favor that one lately. 最近他总喜欢用那个 [27:40.68]I can't see, Flo. 我看不见了,亮亮 [27:43.65]PATIENT: You're getting a little too--Aaah! [27:45.82]PEACH: Now he's doing the Schilder technique. 他在采用新的技术 [27:47.05]BLOAT: He's using a Hedstrom file. 用的是海德斯牙戳 [27:48.49]That's not a Hedstrom file. That's a K-Flex. 不是海德斯牙戳 是克弗洛克牙戳 [27:50.72]It has a teardrop cross-section. Clearly a Hedstrom. 他的剖面像内肌 当然是海德斯 [27:53.39]-No, no, K-Flex. -Hedstrom. -克弗洛克 -海德斯 [27:54.93]-K-Flex! -Hedstrom! -克弗洛克 -海德斯 [27:56.66]There I go. A little help, over here. 噢,我漂起来了, 快帮帮我,来人吧 [27:58.83]DEB: I'll go deflate him. 我去给他放气 [28:00.66][Deflates] [28:03.07]DENTIST: All right. Go ahead and rinse. 好了,漱口吧 [28:05.27]Oh, the human mouth is a disgusting place. 人嘴真是个肮脏的地方 [28:08.64][Thud] [28:11.04]-Hey, Nigel. -What did I miss? -嗨,大嘴鸽 -都做了什么?我来晚了吗? [28:13.01]PEACH: Root canal--a doozy. 钳除牙根,非常精采 [28:14.21]Root canal? What did he use to open? 钳除牙根是吗? 用什么打牙? [28:15.88]-Gator-Glidden drill. -He's favoring that one. -鸡排牙钻 -他最喜欢用那个 [28:17.95]Hope he doesn't get surplus sealer at the portal terminus. 但用他能用剩下的填料 [28:20.99]-Hello. Who's this? -New guy. Ha ha ha! -你好,他是谁? -新来的 [28:24.12]The dentist took him off the reef. 牙医在大海抓到他[28:25.49]An outie. From my neck of the woods, eh? 外来户,咱们是邻居? [28:27.89]Sorry if I ever took a snap at you. 墨西哥的眺望线 [28:29.43]Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat. 鱼在水中游, 鸟在天上吃 [28:30.86]Hey! No, no, no, no! 不行!不行! [28:32.60]They're not your fish. They're my fish. 你不能吃这个 这是我养的 [28:34.23]Come on, go. Go on, shoo! 走开。

快去 [28:38.37]Aw, the picture broke. 镜框摔碎了 [28:40.07]This here's Darla. She's my niece. 这是达娜的照片 是我侄女 [28:42.17]She's going to be eight this week. 刚满八岁 [28:43.67]Hey, little fella. 嘿,小东西 [28:45.18]Say hello to your new mummy. 这是你的新伴侣 [28:46.98]She'll be here Friday to pick you up. 周五就来接你回家里 [28:49.48]You're her present. Shh, shh, shh. 你是她的生日礼物 [28:51.35]It's our little secret. 这只是咱们的小秘密 [28:53.45]Well, Mr. Tucker, while that sets up。 塔克先生,你还要等一会儿。

[28:55.02]I'm going to see a man about a wallaby. 我出去一下,这就回来 [28:58.82]Oh, Darla. 达娜 [29:00.76]What? What's wrong with her? 什么?她怎么了? [29:02.66]GURGLE: She wouldn't stop 。

7. 急求

[12:51.70]Good thing I was here. If I hadn't shown up-- 还好我在这里--

[12:53.57]-He wasn't going to go. -He was too afraid. -他不会去的 -没错,他胆小

[12:55.87]No, I wasn't. 不,不小

[12:57.20]This does not concern you, kids。 好了,孩子们 我不怪你们。

[12:58.67]and you're lucky I don't tell your parents. 我也不会把今天的事 告诉你们家长

[13:01.08]You know you can't swim well. 你明知道你的游泳技术不行

[13:02.41]I can swim fine, Dad, OK? 我行,老爸,你让我去吧!

[13:04.38]No, it's not OK. You shouldn't be near here. 不,不行,你不该来这种地方

[13:07.31]OK, I was right. You'll start school in a year or two. 看来,我是对了. 我决定了 过两年我们再上学吧

[13:09.75]No, Dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean-- 不,老爸! 你不能 因为害怕大海就--

[13:12.52]Clearly, you're not ready。 显然你还没准备好。

[13:12.99] 等你准备好了我们再来

8. 海底总动员英语介绍

The Sentiment of Finding Nemo

I remember the first English movie I have ever seen is Finding Nemo. I moved by this movie and the tear drop fell down from my face after I see it.

“Finding Nemo” tells the story of clownfish Marlin and his only son Nemo. Nemo is a clownfish in Chinese. In the sea, Marlin and Nemo lead a safe and quiet life. Like all the fathers, Marlin tries to protect his son from being hurt. But Nemo eager to explore the reef.

One day, Nemo is captured by a cruel man. Then he put Nemo and many fish to a big tank. The coward father knew it, he go to rescue his son and of course all the animals in Barrier Reef Helped him find his naughty son, Nemo. In doing so, Marlin overcomes his tear and he rescues his son.

I like the dubbing of Nemo, is a boy and he is very lovely and I think Nemo is full of naughty. He likes risking very much.

In my opinion, Finding Nemo is similar from The Lion King. They're all telling us to treasure the love for parents. I like the Finding Nemo in the same way I like his coward father, Marlin AND Naughty Nemo.

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