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1. 分手伤感的英语句子

If the worst thing in the world is to die, then what kind of difficulty we can not overcome? 如果人生最坏的只是死亡,生活中怎会有面对不了的困难。

If I should see you,after long year. How should I greet, with tears, with silence. 若我会见到你,事隔多年。我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默。

I don't know what to say。I'm just thinking of you a lot at this moment. 我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻,很想你。

2. 经典离别英文诗句

Now I have to say fareware. “Welcome ever smiles,And farewell goes out sighing.” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) Similar Quotes. “That farewell kiss which resembles greeting, that last glance of love which becomes the sharpest pang of sorrow.” George Eliot quotes (English Victorian Novelist. Pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans, 1819-1880) “Sweets to the sweet: farewell!” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “Don't be dismayed at goodbyes, a farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.” Richard Bach quotes (American Writer, author of 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull', b.1936)。

“Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.” “Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.” J.R.R. Tolkien quotes (English Writer and Author of richly inventive epic fantasy The Lord of the Rings, 1892-1973) “Farewell the tranquil mind; farewell content!Farewell the plumed troop and the big wars That make ambition virtue!” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “The play is done; the curtain drops,Slow falling to the prompter's bell A moment yet the actor stops And looks around to say farewell.It is an irksome word and task:And when he's laughed and said his say,He shows, as he removes the mask,A face that's anything but gay.” William Makepeace Thackeray quotes (Indian born English Author and Novelist of 'Vanity Fair', 1811-1863) “Never say goodbye, say farewell.” “Every day I shall put my papers in order and every day I shall say farewell. And the real farewell, when it comes, will only be a small outward confirmation of what has been accomplished within me from day to day.” Etty Hilsum quotes “Farewell -- farewell,For I am weary of the weight of time.” William Butler Yeats quotes (Irish prose Writer, Dramatist and Poet. Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. 1865-1939) “Farewell happy fields / Where joy for ever dwells: Hail horrors, hail!” John Milton quotes (English Poet, Historian and Scholar. Ranks second, only to Shakespeare, among English poets. 1608-1674) “Farewell! a long farewell to all my greatness!” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “Man's feelings are always purest and most glowing in the hour of meeting and of farewell” Jean Paul Richter quotes (German Novelist and humorist, 1763-1825) “Farewell, fair cruelty.” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “The return makes one love the farewell” Alfred De Musset quotes (French Romantic poet and playwright, 1810-1857) “So farewell Hope, and with Hope farewell Fear, Farewell Remorse: all Good to me is lost; Evil be thou my Good” John Milton quotes (English Poet, Historian and Scholar. Ranks second, only to Shakespeare, among English poets. 1608-1674) If I should meet thee, After long years, How should I greet thee? With silence and tears. —(Britain) George Gordon Byron Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and me on the other end.。

3. 关于毕业离别的优美句子 有关离别的伤感句子 关于离别的英语句子






















4. 伤感英文句子说说带翻译,最好适合女生用,越多越好

Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their

time on you.


Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.


Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,

so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.


Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.





5. 关于离别句子要英文的,谢谢拉

1.Gone - flitted away,

Taken the stars from the night and the sun

From the day!

Gone, and a cloud in my heart.

2.Goodbyes are not forever.

Goodbyes are not the end.

They simply mean I'll miss you

Until we meet again!

3.Some people come into our lives

and leave footprints on our hearts

and we are never ever the same.

4.After graduation,

Sending you a glutinous rice dumpling.

with the ingredients,

including friendship,

help and happiness.

To save the place,

where was in your heart.

Telling the date of production is

that the time when we have known each other.

The period of preservation is lasting forever!

6. 同学走了送别的英文句子

贺卡贺言 - 表示一般的祝愿Hope you have lots of fun.希望你欢乐无比。

Hope for the best.祝你一切顺利!Get your desire.祝如愿以偿。Take good care of yourself.多多保重。

Good luck to you!祝你好运!Good luck for your future!祝你今后一切顺利!Good luck with you!好运伴你!I wish you a happy life.祝你生活幸福!Warmly greeting to you!真诚地祝福你!All the best!万事如意!You have our good wishes.我们为你祝贺。May good luck wait upon you.好运在等你。

Enjoy yourself.祝你过得快活。Holiday Greetings!节日好!Have a good time!愿你过得愉快!I hope you have a good voyage.祝你一路顺风。

Have a nice trip.旅行愉快!Wishing you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉快!I hope you are making big progress in your studies.祝你学习取得很大进步。Wishing you all the luck in the world.祝你好运俱来。

Every success with you!祝你事事成功!Hope things go all right with you!祝你万事如意!Wish you the best of health and success!祝你身体健康,事业成功!I'm most anxious for you to success.我非常希望你成功。Wishing you success in your new career!祝你在新的事业上取得成功。

I hope everything goes well.希望你事事顺意。May peace and happiness be with you.愿平安和幸福伴随着你。

The best of everything to you.祝你玩得开心。Greetings!祝贺你!Miss you怀念你!Wishing you happiness.祝你幸福。

Best wishes.致以最好的祝福。Congratulations!祝贺你!Hoping you have a good holiday!希望你过个愉快的假日。

Best wishes for passing the examination!预祝你考试通过。贺卡贺言 - 慰问用语We have just heard with profound sorrow the sad news.惊闻噩耗,我们无比悲伤。

Your sympathy has brought us great comfort.你的慰问给出我带来了莫大的安慰。Your sympathy and kindness will always be remembered.你的慰问和关心,我将永铭在心。

With many, many thanks for all your heartfelt sympathy.对你发自内心的同情,致以万分感谢。I want you to know how much I sympathize with you and your family.谨向你和你的家人表示最深切的慰问。

How deeply we feel for you in your sorrow.在你非伤的时刻,我们对你深表同情。With thanks from the family to tell you that your kind expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated.我们全家对你的诚挚慰问深表谢意。

I can't tell you how sorry I am.我无法表达我难过的心情。There are no words that can be a comfort to you now.现在没有什么语言能给你带来安慰。

blue 贺卡贺言 - 致谢用语At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments.首先,我要感谢您对我的友爱和问候。Your kindness means so much.你的关心铭记在心。

Your thoughtfulness has given me great joy.你的无微不至的关怀给了我很大的欣慰。It is generous of you to show me so much consideration.承蒙你对我如此关心。

Believe me, I am truly grateful for your good understanding.对你们的理解,我确实真诚地表示感谢。It is at time like this that one really appreciates the kindness of a friend.只有在这样的时刻,一个人才会真正领会到朋友的深情厚意。

I'm really indebted to you.我非常感谢你。I am greatly indebted to you for the trouble you have gone.你为我的事不辞辛劳,我感谢不尽。

It is generous of you to take so much interest in my work.承蒙你对我的工作如此操心。I realize that the task took a lot of your precious time.我知道你为这事花了大量宝贵的时间。

We were delighted to receive your gifts.我们高兴地收到了你的礼物。Expected gifts are a pleasure to receive, but unexpected remembrances are an even greater joy.盼望中的礼物固然可喜,而意外的礼物更使人喜出望外。

A thousand thanks for your frequent letter of encouraging advice.万分感谢你经常来信给我以鼓励和忠告。It was good of you to send us an announcement of your marriage.收到你们寄来的婚丧嫁娶礼喜帖,感谢你们的盛意。

This is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you again.再次感谢你的盛情款待,非常希望能再见你。It's a pleasure to know special people like you who bring so much pleasure with things that they do.很高兴认识你这样一位以诚待人的朋友。

Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated非常感谢你无微不至的关怀。Thank you very much for your warm letter.感谢你热情洋溢的来信。

Many thanks for remembering our anniversary and for your very kind remarks.承蒙你能记得我们的结婚周年,并赐以美好的祝辞。非常感谢!Your letter of congratulations gives me a great deal of pleasure.你的贺信带给我莫大的欢乐。

Your note of congratulations is deeply appreciated.你的贺信使我非常感激。Thank you for your generous spirit of cooperation.感谢你的慷慨合作精神。

Thank you for doing me a real favour.感谢你实实在在地帮了我的忙。You 。

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